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Our First Examination Session

To be a good doctor in future means to study well at the Institute from the day of admission till the day of graduation.

We must remember that we cannot be bad doctors as we shall be responsible for the protection of people’s health and their lives. Our future work will require deep knowledge and all our abilities.

To achieve these high aims the students of our group decided not to waste any time and prepare well for our first examination at the Institute.

The dean fixed all the dates of our examinations. But in addition to examinations we had some credit tests. The most difficult test was in Physics but we passed it successfully ahead of time. The first examination was in inorganic Chemistry. We consider that this subject is the most difficult of all the subjects in the first year. So we began to work hard to pass it successfully.

The examination began. The students who entered the room took the cards and had some time to prepare for their answers. The cards contained all the things studied during the term. Most of the students answered well and got good and excellent marks. It was easier to take the next examination and all the students of our group passed it well.

We were a little tired after the examinations and credit tests but happy that the first session was over. Winter rest at a sports camp was waiting for us.

Home Assignments 3

Task 1 Memorize!

1 –(i)ty – is the suffix of the nouns: quantityкількість ; quality якість.

2 Suffix –ment forms the nouns from the verbs: to excite - excitement

Task 2 Read and translate:

activity, reality, humanity, ability, possibility, responsibility

requirement, treatment, achievement, appointment, department

Task 3 Learn the following words and word combinations:

return – повертатися

late - пізно

hold – тримати, проводити захід

happen to– траплятися

member– член родини, гуртка

former – минулий

excited – збуджений, схвильований

while – у той час, як

strength– сила

devote– присвячувати

fight– боротися

true– вірний

feel– почуватися

feel bad– почуватися погано

still – все ще

to be going to – збиратися щось робити

Task 4 Read and translate:

to return – to leave; strength – weakness; late – early; excited – still; former – present

Task 5 Match the terms with the same meaning:

  1. to intend, force, to come back, faithful, when, nervous, to occur, to receive, to appoint, grown-up

  2. to fix, to happen, strength, to be going to, to return, adult, to get, while, true, excited

Task 6 Review “Present Participle”:

  • The Participle is a non-finite form of a verb which has the

functions of an adjective and of an adverb.

  • It is used in a sentence as Attribute, Predicative, and as an

Adverbial Modifier.

- It is often used instead of an attributive or an adverbial subordinate clause.

- The Participle has Present, Past and Perfect forms and the forms of the Passive Voice.

Task 7 Write Present Participle from the following verbs and translate them:

to perform, to get, to treat, to enter, to die, to study

Task 8 Review “Continuous Tenses:

to be + Ving

Present Continuous Active – am, is, are + Ving

Past Continuous Active – was, were + Ving

Future Continuous Active – will be + Ving

Task 9 Use the part of the predicate in the proper tense form:

  1. What (to be) you doing now? – I (to be) preparing for my credit test in Physics.

  2. Yesterday from 2 till 6 o’clock we (to be) working at our scientific laboratory.

  3. When I was at my sister’s at 4 p.m. yesterday she (to be) learning Latin.

  4. Tomorrow at 5 p.m. I (to be) preparing a lecture.

Task 10 Write a General question and a Special question to the sentence:

They were taking the examination at ten o’clock yesterday.

Task 11 Learn the following words and word combinations paying attention to the prepositions:

to happen to, devoted to, to fight for, to fight against, to be going to, to listen to, first of all, to be true to smb, to do harm to smb