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Home Assignments 4

Task 1 Define the part of speech of the following terms:

admission, examiner, treatment, ability, structure, fixation, daily, body, measure, early, healthy, pressure, rapidly

Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions:

1) … Monday the surgeon will perform the operation … the clinic. 2) … last week I was ill … the grippe. 3) … 2007 I entered … the Medical Institute. 4) Let us go … the dissecting room to prepare … our next Anatomy class. 5) The doctor was listening … the patient’s heart attentively.

Task 3 Put up questions to the words in bold type:

1) He left the hospital in good health. 2) The doctor will have the possibility to examine the patient tomorrow. 3) The little girl was lying in bed, because she had a high temperature. 4) The day before yesterday we held our group meeting.

Task 4 Put up questions to get the following answers:

1) Yes, we completed some experiments yesterday. 2) Yes, some members of our scientific society deliver lectures. 3) Yes, he needs some care.

Task 5 Read and translate the text. Learn it by heart. Write down the equivalents of the following word combinations:

високе звання лікаря, урочисто присягаю, працювати добросовісно,надавати медичну допомогу, вдосконалювати знання та професійну майстерність, ніколи не відмовляти у пораді, бути вірним цієї присязі

The Oath of the Doctor

Receiving the lofty title of the doctor and beginning the medical practice, I solemnly take the oath:

To devote all my knowledge and strength to the protection and improvement of the people’s health, to the treatment and prevention of diseases, to work honestly wherever the interests of the society require;

To be always ready to give medical assistance, to deal with the patient attentively and carefully, to keep the medical secrecy;

To perfect the medical knowledge and professional skill, to promote the development of medical science and practice by honest labour;

To consult the colleagues wherever the interests of the patient may require and never to refuse an advice or assistance to anybody;

I swear to be true to this oath during the whole life.