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Vocabulary exercises

1. Answer the following questions.

1. How did Christine and Andrew know that the Boland family was coming to pay them a visit? 2. How did the Bolands arrive? 3. What did the Mansons see when they came out to the gate to welcome their guests? 4. How did Con explain their visit? 5. What was the real reason for the visit? 6. What did Con have to say about his car? 7. Why was he so proud of it? 8. Was Con glad with his wife’s present? 9. Why didn't the Bolands use the doors to get out of the car? 10. How did the party go? 11. Why was Con eager to start home early? 12. Why did he think it best to keep his doubts about the functioning of the car lamps to himself? 13. Why did Con want the Mansons to watch their departure? 14. What happened just as Con raised him­self into the driving seat? 15. Why couldn't Christine and Andrew help laughing when they saw the car falling to pieces before their very eyes? 16. Was anyone hurt in the accident? 17. How did the Bolands reach home that night? 18. Why did Christine feel a doubt about the fact that her husband was a smart physician?

2. Find in the text the English for:

рядом; выразительно; автомобильный рожок; котелок; с ребенком на руках; как сельди в бочке; коробка передач; пожелать веселого рождества; окинуть заботливо взглядом; веселое чае­питие; быть в приподнятом настроении; затеять драку из-за последнего куска хлеба; съесть все до последней крошки; с быстротой молнии; коврик; ткнуть пальцем; на коленях; сомнения, которые он не пожелал высказать; торжественно пригласить; победоносно кивнуть; натянуть краги; испустить стон; медленно осесть на землю; истери­чески захохотать; потирать голову; подняться с земли; казаться растерянным; взять под руку; отправиться домой пешком; пока я жив.

3. Recast the following sentences, using nouns with "-ness" instead of the words in bold type. Make all other necessary changes.

1. He had ruined his own chances by being foolish and thoughtless. 2. There was a sad feeling in his heart. 3. They were kind and friendly, and it touched me greatly.4. The very fact that the situation was hopeless seemed to give her new strength. 5. The accident had happened through his being careless. 6. She looked at the child fondly. 7. I was surprised to see how calmly he took the news. 8. We strongly doubted that he would remain firm in his decision to make a fresh start.

4. In the following groups of sentences compare the meaning of the verbs in bold type. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give your own examples.

1. a) Don't add any more wood into the fire. It's burning brightly enough. b) By the time the fire brigade arrived the house had burned down. 2. a) The shops are al­most sure to be closed at this hour. b) The factory was closed down. 3. a) He died fight­ing for his country. b) He fought down the anger rising in him and continued speaking in a calm even voice. 4. a) The children were too excited to be calmed at once. b) It took us some time to calm down after the argument. 5. a) Leave that TV set alone, you'll be breaking it. b) The car broke down when we were half way between the two cities.

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