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  1. What is marketing? What are the responsibilities of marketers?

There are many ways of defining marketing.

P. Kotler described marketing as 'a human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes'

Marketing has also been described as a complete system of business activities designed to plan, promote and distribute goods and services to target markets, where they are desired and/or needed

Marketing is getting the right goods and services to the right place at the right time at the right price with the right communication and promotion.” (Robert Lewis).

Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer.” (Peter Drucker)

Most people mistakenly think of marketing only as selling and promotion ... This does not mean that selling and promotion are unimportant, but rather that they are part of a larger marketing mix, a set of marketing tools that work together to affect the marketplace.” (Philip Kotler)

Marketers must first have a detailed understanding of their business in order to develop their marketing strategies. This is often done using a 5Cs analysis.

  1. Customer analysis: this involves breaking down the market into segments.

  2. Company analysis:marketers need to understand their companies cost structure.

  3. Collaborator analysis: this means producing a profile of all the channel partners.

  4. Competitor analysis: marketers build profiles of each competitor, focusing on their relative strengths and weaknesses.

  5. Contex analysis: as well as the economic and social context.

  1. Describe the Ps and Cs of the marketing mix.

The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketers. Marketing begins with “the four Ps “: Product, Place, Promotion and Price.

1)Product is what you sell. Thisincludes the quality ,branding , reputation , Variety,(разнообразие) , Design, Features (свойства) , Brand name, Packaging, Services.

2) Price : How much the product or service costs: This includes List price, Discounts, Allowances(скидка), Payment period, Credit terms (условиякредита).

3) Place: Where your sell the product or service.This includes Channels, Locations, Transportation, Logistics

4) Promotion: how you tell consumers about the product or service. This includesAdvertising, Personal selling, Sales promotion, Public relations.

Today some marketers talk about an additional four Ps:

6)People: how your staff and clients are different from your competitor’s clients.

7)Physical presence: how your shop or website looks.

8) Process: how your product is built and delivered

9) Physical evidence: how your service becomes tangible.

The Four Ps is being replaced by the Four Cs model, consisting of consumer, cost (затраты), convenience (удобство) , and communication.The Four Cs model is more consumer-oriented.

1)Product is replaced by Consumer:The company must identifycustomer needs so thatproducts that meet theseneeds can be developed.

2)Pricingis replaced by cost. Instead of( Вместотого ) thinking of price, think of what the customer has to pay

3) Place is replaced by the convenience (Удобство). Customers are busy and have many choices, so make it easy for them to choose you.

4)Promotions is replaced by communication.Communications represents a broader focus than simply promotions. Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, and any form of communication between the firm and the consumer.

  1. What does a SWOT analysis identify? Why is it important to carry out a SWOT analysis?

Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation.

The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis by which itevaluates the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), andthreats (T) (угрозы).

Strengths include internal( внутренниевозможности) capabilities, resources, and positivesituational factors that may help the company serve its customers .

Weaknesses include internal limitations (ограничения) and negative situational factors that may interfere( помешать)with the company’s performance ( деятельности)

Opportunities are favorable( благоприятные) factors or trends in the external ( внешней ) environment

Threats( угрозы) are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges (проблемы )to performance (деятельности).

The goal (цель) of SWOT analysis is to match( соединить) the company’s strengths to attractive (привлекательными) opportunities in the environment, while ( втовремякак) overcoming ( преодолеть) the weaknesses and minimizing the threats.

SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of identifying your Strengths andWeaknesses, and of examining (изучения ) the Opportunities and Threats you face. Carrying out an analysis using

the SWOT framework helps you to focus your activities into areas where you are strong and where the


  1. Give the description of international Marketing

International marketing is a marketing done on international level.

International marketing occurs (случаться)when a business directs its products and services toward (относительно)consumers in more than one country.

International marketing combines multiple disciplines, but is mainly focused upon marketing goods and services across geographical boundaries, of entering foreign markets, or sustaining marketing and sales efforts within foreign countries and of coordinating marketing activities in multiple countries and regions.

A company faces six major decisions in international marketing.

  • Looking at the global marketing environment

  • Deciding on the global marketing organization

  • Deciding on the global marketing program

  • Deciding how to enter the market

  • Deciding which markets to enter (регистрироватьзаявку)

  • Deciding whether to go global

  1. What is a product?

Product is the first of the four Ps of marketing. In marketing terms, a product is a solution ( решение) for a target market. The word covers ( включает) goods and services and can also include customer support and any complimentary products.

We define a product as anything that can be offered (предложено) to a market for attention, , use,or consumption ( потребление) that might satisfy (удовлетворять) a want or need.. Broadly defined (болеешироко) , “products” also include services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas, or a mixture of these.

There are 3 levels of product.

  1. The most basic level is the core (основное) customer value, which addresses

the question What is the buyer really buying?

  1. At the second level, product planners must turn the core benefitinto an actual product

Actual product includes :Brandname, Features ( свойства), Design, Packaging, Quality

3) Finally, product planners must build an augmented product( дополнительныесвойства ) around the core benefit and actual product by offering additional consumer services and benefits .Аugmented product includes: Delivery( доставка) andcredit, Aftersaleservice, Warranty ( гарантия), Productsupport (закупка)

Consumers see products as complex bundles (набор) of benefits that satisfy (удовлетворяет) their needs

6 Speak about the new product development.

A firm can obtain(получить) new products in two ways. One is through acquisition (захват) —by buying a whole ( целой) company, a patent . The other is through the firm’s own new-product development efforts (усилия) . By new products we mean original products, product improvements, product modifications, and new brands that the firm develops through its own efforts. New products are important—to both customers and the marketers who serve(обслуживают) them.For customers, they bring new solutions ( решения)and variety to their lives. For companies, new productsare a key source of growth.

There are 8 steps in this process

  1. Idea generationis the systematic search for new product ideas. Major sources of new-product ideas include internal sources and external sources such as customers, competitors, distributors and suppliers, and others.

  2. Idea screening (отбор). Launching new products is a risky business, so new product ideas are screened to select successful product ideas. A company has to assess (определить)which ideas are viable

technically feasible (возможные) and profitable .

  1. Concept development and testing. An attractive idea must be developed into a product concept.

Concept testingmeasures (измеряет) customer response( отклик) to a new product – what customers think of it and how readily consumers will use the product.

  1. Marketing strategy. The marketing strategy describes how to penetrate (проникнуть) the market. You must decide which route (способпроникновения) ) to market is best for your product or service.

  2. Business Analysis Business analysis involves a review(обзор) of thesales, costs, and profit projections for a new product.

  3. Product Development. Product Development will show whether the product idea can be turned ( превратиться) into a workable (работающий )product

  4. Test Marketing – The company tests the product and its marketing plan on a small test market before a full launch( выпускновогопродукта)

  5. Commercialization- is the final stage in the new product development process.

7 Describe the stages of plc (Product life cycles).

After launching (запуск) the new product, management wants that product to enjoy a long andhappy life.

Although it does not expect (означает) that product to sell forever, the company wants toearn(зараьотать) a profit to cover (покрыть ) all the effort and risk that went into launching it.

The PLC has five stages:

1. Product development begins when the company finds and develops a new-product idea.

During product development, sales are zero.

2. Introduction (введение) is a period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market.

Profits are nonexistent (несущественна) in this stage because of the heavy expenses (затрат) of product introduction.

3. Growth is a period of rapid market acceptance (принятие) and increasing profits.

4. Maturity (зрелость) is a period of slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance ( приняте) by most potential buyers.

5. Decline is the period when sales fall off and profits drop( уменьшается).

Not all products follow all five stages of the PLC. Some products are introduced and die

quickly; others stay in the mature stage for a long, long time. Some enter (входят) the decline stage and then cycled back into the growth stage through strong promotion.

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