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Л.А. Кузьмин, О.Е. Похаленков

Английский язык:

практикум по культуре речевого общения



Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Смоленский государственный университет

Л.А. Кузьмин, О.Е. Похаленков

Английский язык:

практикум по культуре речевого общения

Учебные задания

по роману Б. Ансуорта «Моралите»

для студентов направлений подготовки

«Педагогическое образование (английский язык)» и «Лингвистика»


Издательство СмолГУ


УДК 81.111.24 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 923. – 3

К 893

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Смоленского государственного университета

Рецензенты: Т.Е. Жакова, кандидат филологических наук

Кузьмин Л.А., Похаленков О.Е.

Английский язык: практикум по культуре речевого общения: учебные

К 893 задания по роману Б. Ансуорта «Моралите» для студентов направления подготовки «Педагогическое образование (английский язык)» и «Лингвистика»/ Л.А. Кузьмин, О.Е. Похаленков; Смоленский гос. ун-т. – Смоленск: Изд-во СмолГУ, 2014. – 22с.

Пособие содержит систему заданий по выработке навыков аналитического чтения на материале романа Барри Ансуорта «Моралите», а также навыков письменного перевода и устной монологической и диалогической речи. Оно также включает вопросы для обсуждения затекстовой информации; список лексических единиц, подлежащих активному усвоению; упражнения для их активизации; отрывки для перевода и их филологического комментария; темы для заключительного обсуждения. Предназначено для организации домашней и частично аудиторной работы по практике речи английского языка или практикуму по культуре речевого общения.

УДК81.111.24 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 923. - 3

© Кузьмин Л.А., Похаленков О.Е., 2014

© Издательство СмолГУ, 2014

Barry Unsworth and his novel “Morality play”

Morality play” is a semi-historical detective novel by Barry Unsworth. The book, published in 1995 by Hamish Hamilton was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize.

The novel is unique in its portrayal of medieval English drama and mystery plays, as it implies that instead of merely rehearsing and performing standard Biblically-based morality plays of the period, that an acting troupe might actually create and structure a play around events in their village, community or surrounding culture. The existence of such culturally-connected playcraft is important to scholars of the period, as it implies that works such as the N-Town Plays may have a provenance beyond simple Biblical literalness, and may speak to the concerns of the culture at that period, much as later drama of the Elizabethan period spoke directly to cultural concerns.

(по материалам Википедии: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality_Play_(novel))

Assignment I (Chapters 1 – 3)

1. Discuss the background of the book (see “Morality play” by Barry Unsworth (A Commentary with annotations)).

Find some information and present it in class:

a) the history and geography the action is laid in (p. 6 – 11);

b) give a brief characteristic of the genre the book is devoted (p. 15 – 20).

2. Read the following passage and answer the question.

It was like that scene in the Morality Play when the besieged soul flies free at last”( p.3)

Find the basic elements of the morality plays pretended to the public in different episodes of the book.

3. Transcribe, read phonetically correctly and give a possible translation of the following words paying attention to their “archaic” meaning:

Holy Order (1), absolution (1), cleric (2), Lord (2), the Cross (2), to shrive (3), Death (3), the besieged soul (3), sermon (4), livery (4), zealot (4), tonsure (4), cassock (5), vice (5), diocese (5), Council (9), benefaction (13), Devil’s fool (15), epitaph (18), Antichrist (23), warrant (23).

4. Read, translate and memorize the following words and phrases. Describe the contexts they were used in. Give each word a definition in English (explain the words). Think of a situation (in Russian) using this vocabulary and let your fellow-students translate it into English.

folly (n) (1). Compare with: “inability”, “to think things out”, “thoughtlessness”

lust (n) (1). Compare with: “longing”, “craving”

to pursuit (v) (1)

cudgel (n) (2). Compare with: “stick”, “club”

to be copious (v) (in + doing or noun) (5)

animosity (n) (7)

to expound (v) (8). Compare with: “to explain”, “to elucidate”

perversity (n) (10). Compare with: “obstinacies”, “stubbornness”

famine (n) (17). Compare with: “starvation”, “hunger”

petulance (n) (24)


Mea maxima culpa (a Latin phrase) (1)

to come under the ban (2)

…when at large than when confined (3)

5. Translate the following extracts paying attention to linguistic and stylistic peculiarities of the text.

a) p. 19 – 20 from “During all this time” up to “him up to it”.

b) p. 26 from “We put Brendan in the rear” up to “instantly ceased”.

5. Questions:

  1. What part the descriptions of nature play in creating the medieval atmosphere of the book?

  2. Describe the major members of the theatrical company travelling to their destination?

  3. Give a psychological portrait of the main character Nicholas?

6. Discussion:

  1. Comment on the following: “Travelling players are wanders also, but these had a badge of livery, they had the license of a lord” (see “Morality play” by Barry Unsworth (A Commentary with annotations))

  2. Give your opinion why the genre of morality plays was widely spread in Middle Ages and is now extinct.