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FAMILY” means _




Our Family Mission




Team work All about us

1. How well do you cope with stress? Complete this quick assessment to find out. In the blank, put a 0 – if the statement is definitely not true for you; 1 – if it is usually not true; 2

if it is somewhat true; 3 – if it is definitely true.

1)____ When I study hard, it makes a difference.

2)____ Getting out of bed in the morning is easy for me.

3)____ I have the freedom I want.

4)____ At times, I have sacrificed for an exciting opportunity.

5)____ Sticking to my routine is not important to me.

6)____ I participate in community activities because I think it makes a


7)____ I believe you make your own lucky breaks.

8)____ I agree with the goals of my family.


9)____ I strive to be a loving person to myself and others.

10)____ I believe I get what I give.

11)____ It is important for me to try new things.

12)____ Free time is a gift I really enjoy.

13)____ I work hard to help my family and I am rewarded for it.

14)____ My family is a great pleasure to me.

15)____ I speak up for what I believe in.

ADD YOUR SCORES FOR 1, 6, 7, 9, AND 13. TOTAL: _____

This is your stress management score. The higher it is, the more you are able to manage

your stress and control your life.


ADD YOUR SCORES FOR 2, 3, 8, 10, AND 14.

TOTAL: _____

This is your commitment score. The higher it is, the more you are committed to and enjoy life.

ADD YOUR SCORES FOR 4, 5, 11, 12, AND 15. TOTAL:______

This is your risk score. The higher it is, the more willing you are to take risks.


This is your coping score.

If your overall score is 35 or above, you have very good coping skills. If your overall score is 27 - 34, you have good coping skills.

If your overall score is 18 - 26, look at your habits & attitudes to improve your coping skills. If your score is below 18, take time NOW to change your habits and attitudes.

2.Are you surprised by the results or are they what you expected them to be like? Do you agree with them? Why? Why not? Give a piece of advice to your peer how to cope with stressful situation. Write three sentences.







Project work

Decide what you want to stand for. Answer the questions below and write your group mission statement.

What is most important to you about your group?

What are your collective goals?

When do you feel most connected to one another?

How would you like to relate to one another?

Describe your group‘s strengths.

What do you value? (For example, relationships, faith, independence, wealth, hard work, generosity)






GRoUp” means ____________







Our GROUP mission statement:








Module 2. International Communication

Unit 1. Communication in the Globalized World


Do you agree that the number of international contacts is obviously increasing or mass media exaggerate the importance of global communication? Give your reason.

Is globalization the tool to open the doors into the universal cultural, educational, scientific, and business common space or that‘s the way to lose the national integrity and disappear as a nation? Prove your idea.

Do you share the opinion that knowing a foreign language is a tool that helps to survive in a ―global village‖? Dwell upon it.

Is bilingualism or further multilingualism a necessary requirement for a modern person who wants to achieve success? Does the ability to speak several foreign languages increase a personal competitiveness while searching for a job?

Can language ignorance cause problems while visiting a foreign country? Give some examples.

How many and what languages do you want to learn to speak? Explain your choice.


1. Read the following quotations about learning foreign languages. Develop the ideas suggested by the authors.

―Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.‖ Roger Bacon (English Franciscan philosopher and educational reformer)

―If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.‖ Nelson Mandel (South African politician and a antiapartheid activist)

―Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery. Mark Amidon (Popular American blogger)

―If you can speak three languages you're trilingual. If you can speak two languages you're bilingual. If you can speak only one language you're an American.‖ Author Unknown ―Learn a new language and get a new soul.‖ Czech Proverb


Reading and vocabulary

1.Read the definition of the communication phenomenon from Wikipedia. Translate into Russian.

Communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.

This word is derived from the Latin word "communis" which means to share. Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space.

2.Try to give your own explanation to the notion of communication. Emphasize the

ultimate purpose of communication. You may find useful the following basic ideas:

It‘s a process of ….

to reach mutual understanding


This is the way to ….

to share ideas


It‘s a system of ….

to inform about one‘s plans and intentions


That‘s the tool to ….

to gain some profit.


2. Scan the text for general understanding. What it is about? Think of the title to the text.

The world is a global village. Over the last few decades, scientific progress and technological innovations have made it possible for people all around the world to be in touch 24/7. Companies and organizations are increasingly expanding beyond the borders of their own countries.

Modern people have so many exciting opportunities that were beyond the wildest dreams of their parents. With an instant click a Russian student can attend a webinar delivered by an outstanding professor from Oxford, anticrisis managers from different departments of an

international corporation can create a think-tank via Skype to brainstorm genuine ideas to help the company survive, young band musicians can post their songs on Internet to attract some sponsors from foreign countries, senior students can find international grants and internships for their projects or search for a job offer to participate in the Work&Travel Program. Chances are really infinite!

Global communication at the turn of the 21st century has brought about many effects. It is destroying technological, economic, political, and cultural boundaries. Print, photography, film, telephone and telegraphy, broadcasting, satellites, and computer technologies are quickly merging into a digital stream of a binary system of zeros and ones in the global telecommunications networks which violate national borders by broadcasting foreign news, entertainment, educational, and advertising programs.

Worldwide communication gives a modern man an eyewitness view of events in remotest locations; we participate in political events of global, regional or even local importance, besides we tend to share different knowledge, values and ethics, aesthetics, lifestyles which are based on global contacts.


Economically, separate industries are joining to service the new global environment; the expansion of WTO comes to mind here as a

graphic example. Politically, global communication is undermining the traditional boundaries and sovereignties of nations. So, in order to meet the requirements of new technologically advanced reality people should interact much closer and intensify international contacts.

International communication has its own history. News have already been 'internationalized' in the fifteenth century: the wheat traders of Venice, the silver traders of Antwerp, the merchants of Nuremberg and their trading partners shared economic newsletters and created common values and beliefs in the rights of capital. The commercialization of mass print media (due to steam engine technology) has led to internationally operating news agencies (Reuters, Associated Press, AFP) in

the nineteenth century. World wire and cable systems allowed international communication between France, Germany and Great Britain to their colonies in Africa and Asia. Transnational media organizations such as Intelsat, BBC, founded in the middle of the 20th century were the starting point for a new idea of international communication. It was the establishment of internationally operating media systems, such as CNN and MTV by individual companies which have finally opened a new age of global communication by distributing the same program "around the world in thirty minutes" (as a CNN slogan states) - across nations and cultures.

The moon landing, broadcast 'live' worldwide, was indeed a large step for mankind: simply because for the first time Planet Earth was seen as a common habitat, without borders, a blue planet of landmasses and oceans. The idea of the 'world' seemed to have switched from a metaphysical concept into a material reality, and finally has become the basis for such phenomenon as "Globalization."

2.Read the text in detail paragraph by paragraph. Find the topic sentence in each paragraph. Pay special attention to the word combinations in bold. Translate them.

3.Match the words and word combinations from the texts with their definitions. Use these words in the sentences of your own.



to develop creative solutions to problems and generate bright


new ideas






an invitation for a potential employee to work for some





a limit, a border line that separates one thing from another




4)to brainstorm


to make something or someone become less effective, sure,


or successful; to make something or someone weak by taking


away a base or foundation





5)to post

e) a system of on-the-job training, a work-related learning



experience for individuals who wish to develop professional



careers in a certain occupational field. They can last



approximately three months up to a year

6)job offer

f) to grow stronger, to make bigger or wider in size, volume, or





g) the area or environment where an organism or ecological



community normally lives or occurs, the place where a person or



thing is most likely to be found

8)to undermine

h) a short form for Web-based seminar which is a presentation,



lecture, workshop or seminar transmitted over the Web. The key



feature is its interactive elements – the ability to give, receive and



discuss information



to transmit programs from a radio or television station







j) a complex, interconnected group or structure, or a system



that transmits any combination of voice, video and/or data



between users, or a group of people with similar interests who



interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or





to broadcast

k) a group or an institution organized for intensive research and



solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social



or political strategy





to expand

l) to display some information in a place of public view, make



it available for access.






4. Match the words from two columns to make collocations. Try to reproduce the sentences from the text. Translate into Russian


to deliver


a think-tank


to attract


a new age


to create


a national border


to post


a song on Internet


to share


an internship


to open


a webinar


to violate


the moon landing


to search for




to broadcast


a sponsor

10) to meet


values and ideas


5. Do you know what the acronyms from the text stand for? Explain their meaning. If necessary look up on the Internet. Match the names with the pictures where possible

1) WTO; 2) CNN; 3) MTV; 4) Skype; 5) Intelsat; 6)BBC; 7)AFP; 8)Reuters; 9) Work&Travel; 10) 24/7

A) B) C)

D) F) E)

G) H)

What things from the list do you deal with in your life on a daily basis or quite regularly? How?

6. Form the nouns from the verbs below.























7. Read the text once again and answer the questions.

1)Why is the world compared to a global village? Not a town, or a settlement, or a neighborhood, or a family, whatever you call it? Give your reason.

2)What infinite chances in communication does a scientific progress offer for a modern man? You may complete the list of professionals or just usual people. For example, what are the profits for a top executive; or a student – an AIESEC participant; or a fitness instructor; or an ambitious Forex Market player, etc?


3)Which term is used in the text to represent the data flow in modern digital environment? Do you know why? If you hesitate to give an exact answer, read the following information: (Computers use a binary number system – which consists of only two digits, 0 and 1 – because they run on electricity. At any given point in an electrical system, at any given time, current is either flowing (a state that represents 1) or it is not (a state that represents 0). All things performed by a computer are done electrically, and must therefore be expressed by zeros and ones. In computer terms, each zero or one is called a bit. A string of eight bits is called a byte. A thousand bytes is a kilobyte, and a thousand of those is a megabyte, and a thousand of those is a gigabyte, which brings the lowly zeros and ones into a realm we can understand.)

4)What events in remote locations would you like to be an eyewitness to?

5)Give some facts from the history of international communication.

6)What are the other milestone events in the history of modern civilization except moon landing that triggered international communication?

8. Scan the text and pick up the key words that can help you to express its general idea. Give the summary.

Grammar practice

Present Continuous is used to denote an action in progress going on at the present moment as well as to emphasize continual processes.

Note: One should bear in mind that the notion the present moment can be regarded wider than the moment of speech. F.ex. I am reading a very interesting detective story.

1.In the text there are some sentences where Present Continuous is used. Point them out, analyze and translate into Russian.

2.Use the Present Continuous Tense to emphasize continual processes taking place in modern world.

1.Information technologies in modern society (to increase) … efficiency and productivity of ―digital economies‖ providing a global platform over which people and organizations develop strategies, interact, communicate, collaborate and search for information.

2.International market (to expand) … constantly to bring nations together in order to survive global economic crisis.

3.International organizations (to seek) … talented students to provide internships and important support in their training.

4.Educational webinars (to improve) … significantly students' learning ability.

5.Some experts say that social networks (to destroy) … people‘s social skills and ruin their personal lives.

Writing strategies

1. Study the theory below.

Types of compositions (from Reading & Writing TARGETS 3, Student‘s Book by Virinia

Evans-Jenny Dooley)

When you write a composition or an essay, you are often asked to write your answer in the form of an article, a report, a letter, etc.

ARTICLES are found in magazines and newspapers (e.g. school newspaper, magazine for young children, etc). All of the following may be written in the form of an article:

Descriptive compositions about people, places, objects, etc

Narrative descriptions or stories about real or imaginary events which happened in the past


Discursive essays, about arguments concerning particular subjects, which include: o opinion essays, giving your personal opinion

o for-and-against essays, giving the opposing arguments for both sides (e.g. pros v. cons)

REPORTS are similar to articles but have a more formal, factual style, and each kind has its own special format and features. Compositions in the form of reports include:

News reports about recent events (e.g. accidents, earthquakes, etc), such as those found in newspapers

Assessment reports discussing the suitability of a person, a place, a proposed plan, etc

Reviews discussing a film, book, restaurant, etc and giving your opinion /recommendation

LETTERS are written to a specific person/group (e.g. your parents, the Town Council, etc) for a specific reason (e.g. to make a complaint, to apply for a job, etc). Compositions in this form include:

Friendly letters to people we know, usually about personal matters, in informal style

Formal letters to officials/managers/etc, about official/business matters, in formal style

Postcards to friends or relatives

There are several other kinds of informative writing, each with its own format and features. (You are not often asked to write compositions in these forms.) They include:

Instructions on how to make, use or do something (e.g. bake a cake, operate a washing machine, etc).

Leaflets giving information, advice, etc

Public notices, warnings, etc

Advertisements and announcements

Memos, notes and other short messages


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