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property Version: TCrpeVersion;


TCrpeVersion = class(TPersistent)


The Version property is a Sub-class that contains properties which display the version numbers of the CRPE32.DLL, the Crystal Reports Print Engine, and the Operating System:

The DLL property contains the CRPE32.DLL internal version number.

The Engine property contains the CRPE32.DLL internal engine number.

The Windowsproperty contains the current Windows operating system version.

The FileVersion property contains the full CRPE32.DLL file version number (as a string).

The Major property contains the first number sequence of the file version string (as an integer).

The Minor property contains the last number sequence of the file version string (as an integer).

The Version properties are useful for checking to make sure the proper DLL/Engine is loaded. They are also used internally in the VCL for:

The ParamFields object, which requires Crystal 5.0 (108 release) or later.

The WindowButtonBar (except for the Visible property, which applies to Crystal 5 and up).

The SummaryInfo, WindowEvents, and GroupOptions, which only apply to Crystal 6.0.

The Excel5Ext Export options, the new ParamFields properties and ParamFields Info and Ranges objects, the SQL Expressions object, the ReportOptions object, the wOnRightMouseClick event, the VerifyDatabase method and FieldMapping property, the OnFieldMapping event, and the OutputFileName property of PrintOptions, all of which only apply to Crystal 7.0.

NOTE: Although not normally recommended, the Major and Minor version numbers can be over-ridden in the OnGetVersion event.

Version Example

The following example checks to see if the version of the CRPE32.DLL is greater than 5. If it is, the WindowButtonBar buttons can be made visible/invisible.

if StrToInt(Crpe1.Version.DLL[1]) > 5 then Crpe1.WindowButtonBar.AllowDrillDown := True;

VCL Reference


Соседние файлы в папке crystal