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Home vocabulary exercises

  1. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

1. 1964, was, the BSUIR, in, established.

2. the University’s, lodge, the students, in, hostels.

3. activities, an, active, the, students, part, social, take, in.

4. work, at, the, graduates, industrial, the University, of, enterprises.

5. engineering, provides, a, good, the, University, education.

6. two, the academic, is, into, year, terms, divided.

7. carry out, research, advanced, students.

8. their, a, students, health, can, the, rest, improve, home, in.

9. celebrated, in, anniversary, its, the BSUIR, 30th, 1994.

10. the, speciality, can, free, the, students, of, a translator, of, charge, acquire.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

terms, departments, attend, disposal, graduates, attention, master, acquire, conducted, lodge

1. The University has right to be proud of its… : scientists, politicians, diplomats.

2. The academic year is divided into two ….

3. The students have an opportunity to … foreign languages in language laboratories.

4. The students … lectures and practical courses.

5. The scientific laboratories and the computing centre are at the … of the students.

6. A lot of students … at the University’s hostels.

7. 2500 students were enrolled in the full-time and evening… .

8. The students … profound knowledge in electronics, cybernetics, etc.

9. The students pay much … to such subjects as impulse techniques, analogue and digital computers.

10. Training scientists of highest qualification is … at the post-graduate and doctorate courses.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given below

of, under, in, by, to, out, at, from

1. The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics offers training

… 17 specialities and 32 specializations.

2. Over 7 thousand students study … 10 faculties and 36 departments.

3. A large library with reading halls is … the disposal … the students.

4. The outlook … the students is influenced considerably … such subjects as aesthetics and sociology.

5. The students have an opportunity to advance … one of the foreign languages.

6. The first term runs … September … February.

7. Great attention is paid … the student health.

8. The hostels are located … the centre … Minsk.

9. The University takes special pride … its brass band.

  1. Advanced students carry … their research … the guidance … supervisors.

  1. Translate into English

1. Белорусский государственный университет был основан в 1921году. 2.160 студентов было принято на три факультета на очный курс обучения. 3. Срок обучения длился 3-4 года. 4. Сейчас БГУ насчитывает около 16200 студентов, обучающихся на 14 факультетах. 5.Учебный процесс обеспечивает высококвалифицированный преподавательский состав. 6. В университете есть все необходимые условия для успешного обучения. 7.В распоряжении студентов находятся научно-исследовательские лаборатории, современное компьютерное оборудование, огромная библиотека. 8.Студенты изучают различные предметы в зависимости от специальности и года обучения.

9. Иногородние студенты имеют возможность проживать в общежитиях.

10. Несколько лет назад было присвоено звание ведущего вуза нашей страны. 11. Университет по праву гордится своими выпускниками.

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