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Biomedical EPR Part-B Methodology Instrumentation and Dynamics - Sandra R. Eaton

11.5 Mб


ELDOR, 26, 167, 169, 170, 373, 421, 425, 431

2D, 242, 257-263

CW, 167, 168, 170, 171, 180, 209, 212 FT, 168, 170, 173

L-band, 172

magnetic field pulse, 172 matrix, 180

multiquantum, 169, 170, 167, 187 , 213 pulsed, 167, 168, 170, 173, 178-182, 187,


reduction factor, 166, 177 S-band, 172

spin echo, 168, 170, 255, 256 Electric field (E field), 23, 25

Electrical discharge machining (EDM), 45

Electron spin echo, 252

Electron spin relaxation, 149, 157 Electron transfer mediators, 152 ElexSys, 186, 187

Emodin, 153 Enantiomer, 112

END (electron nuclear dipolar) relaxation, 183

ENDOR, 26, 27, 89-134, 241, 242, 421 pulsed, 91, 134

resonator, 146 sensitivity, 148, 149 solution, 145-162

ESEEM, 105, 110, 179 Ethanol radical, 60 Exchange frequency, 342 Exchange interaction, 226 Exchange process,

relaxation enhancement, 339 two-site, 340

Exchange rate, 174 off-rate, 341

Fenton chemistry, 59, 80, 82 FepA, 275, 276, 285, 286, 297 Fermi contact term, 99

FID, 179, 210, 211

Field programmable gate array (FPGA), 220 Field swept, 2D, 173, 174, 191, 254


Filling factor, 6, 22, 24, 25, 45, 65 Filter,

anti-aliasing, 200, 212, 217 bandpass, 216, 217

image rejection, 212, 216 First derivative, 148

Flat cell, 54, 398 Fluorescence, 369, 370 Fluorescence recovery after

bleaching (FRAP), 371 Fluorescence microscopy, 370 Fluorescence resonance energy

transfer (FRET), 371 Forbidden transition, 178 Force field, 118

FRAT, spin immunoassay, 423 Frequency

resonant, 32 shift in, 31

Frequency synthesizer, 212 Frictional coefficient, 327, 328 FT-ESR, 2D, 169, 173, 179, 187 Functional dynamics, 370, 398 g-anisotropy, 98, 99, 101

G-protein, 284 G-quartet, 108, 110 91, 92

Gel-phase membrane, 330, 355 Global analysis, 375, 382, 393, 398-


GMP, 104, 108-110 Gordon coupler, 29 GROMOS, 118

Gunn diode oscillator, 416, 419

Hahn echo, 175 Handwaving effects, 20, 25 Harmonics, 311, 314

Heisenberg exchange, 11, 12, 57, 167, 174, 177, 179, 183, 184, 210, 341

paramagnetic enhancement, 342 Helix, 21

Hemoglobin, 312, 374, 396 HFSS, 412, 432


HIV gp41, 291

Hückel-McLachlan calculation, 161 Hydrogen bond, 89-102, 109, 110, 114, 124 Hydrogen peroxide, 59

Hydrophobic matching, 327 Hydrophobic propensity, 288 Hydroxyl radical, 59-61, 80-82 Hyperfine couplings, 147

Hyperfine tensor, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102 Hypericin, 153-156

derivatives, 155-157 HYSCORE, 110

Immobilization, 224 Impedance, 23, 29 Impurity signal, 26 Inductance, 24, 31, 33

mutual, 32

inductive coupling, 20, 27, 28, 30 Inductor, 20, 29

Influenza virus hemagglutinin, 277 Inversion recovery, 7

Ion pairing, 162

Ionomers, distances in, 231 Iron-sulfur protein, 168, 170

Jahn-Teller effect, 149

Jump diffusion, 316

Kinetics, 56-61, 429, 430

Ku band, 230

89, 120-123, 126, 127

89, 113, 123-132 Lactose permease, 278, 297 Lanczos algorithm, 245 Lateral diffusion, 184

Line broadening, homogeneous, 251, 252, 259

inhomogeneous, 244, 251, 259, 263 Linear prediction, 174

Lineheight ratios, 312, 322 Linewidths, organic radicals, 239-241 Liquid crystal, 180, 182

Local mode, 9

Long-pulse saturation recovery, 228


Loop-gap resonator (LGR), 19, 172, 175, 207, 270, 391, 393, 411, 425, 432

1-loop-1-gap, 26, 414

2-loop-1-gap, 26

3-loop-2-gap, 26, 29 bridged, 423

flow, 55-56 Lossy

solvent or sample, 24 resonator, 37

Low-noise amplifier, 100, 417, 418, 432

cryogenic, 418 LPSVD, 174

Lumped-element resonator, 19 Lysozyme, 123

Macor, 35, 45 Macroscopic disorder, 179 MAFIA, 412

Magnetic field, 23 Magnetization transfer, 179

MARCKS (myristoylated alaninerich protein kinase C substrate), 284, 297

Mechanosensitive channel, MscL, 279


dynamic structure, 250, 261-263 macroscopically aligned, 251,

252, 262 Metal sites, 224

Metal relaxation, 228 Metallic paint, 20 Metalloporphycenes, 157-159 Method of moments, 245 Methyl group rotation, 10

Metmyoglobin, distances in, 232 102, 104, 106, 107 Microphonics, 22

Michaelis complex, 125, 127 Microwave amplifier, 44 MO calculation

RHF/INDO/SP, 159 UB3LYP/6-31G*, 156


Modulation, magnetic field, 35 coil, 27

Molecular dynamics, 118-120 Molecular modeling, 103, 105, 109 Molecular orientation, 92, 99, 100 MOMD, 179, 180, 250, 261, 262 Mori method, 246

Motional averaging, 224 MTSL, 68, 71, 269, 284

Multifrequency, 369, 373, 411, 420-422, 432

Multipurpose resonator, 26 Multiquantum, 421, 425 Myelin proteolipid protein, 349

Na,K-ATPase, 329, 351, 396

National Biomedical ESR Center, 420, 421 91

Nephrocalcin(NC), 106, 107 354

NiEDDA, 272, 273, 276, 278 Nitrogen nuclear relaxation, 167 Nitroxide, 384-389

NMR, 102, 108, 109, 120, 127, 132-134, 147

Noise, 415-420, 432 Nuclear spin flip, 166

Nuclear spin relaxation, 11, 228, 374 Nucleotide, 89, 91, 102, 104-108, 110, 111 Nyquist condition, 106

Oil well logging, 423 Oligomer formation, 352 Orthogonal resonators, 43

Out-of-phase echo, 224, 225, 228, 232 Out-of-phase signal, 314

Oxidative stress, 83

Oximetry (oxymetry), 10, 57-59, 177, 178 Oxovanadium(IV), 103, 105

Oxygen, 57

Pake doublet, 224 D, 225, 226

Pake pattern, see Pake doublet Parvalbumin, 106

PELDOR (also see DEER), 168, 170, 182,


185, 186, 225 Penetration profile, 356

Penicillin, spin labeled, 114, 117, 122, 129, 131, 132

Peptide-membrane interaction, 287290

Peroxynitrite, 82

Perturbing spheres method to measure 42

Phase drift, 214

Phase locked loop, 215 Phase noise, 214

Phase sensitive detection, 8 Phenalenyl radical, 151 Phospholambin, 296 Phospholipase A2, 277 Phospholipid bilayer, 185 Photosystem II, 185

distances in, 232 Picket fence of pulses, 7 Polymers, 180 Porphyrins, 157-162

Potassium channel, KcsA, 274, 294 Principal hyperfine components, 98,

100, 102-104, 107 Prion protein, 296 Progressive saturation, 334

Protein dynamics, 249, 263 Protein folding, 66-79 284


EPR methods, 224 length, 5, 40 sequence,

2+1, 170, 176, 187, 224, 225, 227

DEER, 225, 227 picket fence, 7

techniques, 223 turning angle, 34, 43

Q-band, 26, 385-389, 397, 416 Q-switching, 43

Quinones, 145

Quench cross relaxation, 5


RAID arrays, 219 Rapid mixing, 53 Rapid passage, 313

Reaction intermediate, 89, 90, 120, 123-129, 132

Rectangular cavity, 5, 19 Reentrant loop, 24, 26 Reflected power, 38, 40 Relaxation

enhancement, 343-347, 359 longitudinal, 177, 255

177, 178, 180, 272, 374

177, 179, 252-257, 263, 346 Relaxation mechanisms, 8 Relaxation processes, 8

Raman process, 9

thermally activated process, 9 Resistive loss, 24

Resonator, also see particular type characterization, 33

coupling loop, 62 efficiency parameter, 413 inherently low Q, 39, 55 optical, 411

overcoupled, 39

Q, 5, 6, 22, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 62, 64 shield, 20

391, 410, 422, 430

391, 392 uniform field, 412, 415 wirewound, 411, 414

Rexolite, 26, 28

Rhodopsin, 186, 273, 282, 294, 326 Ribonucleotide reductase, 80 Ribose, 107-109

Ringdown time, 22, 41 Rising sun resonator, 28 RNA, 107, 282, 283

Rotation of methyl groups, 10

Rotational correlation time, 314, 323, 329, 334, 371, 375, 376-378, 384-390, 393394, 398

Rotation, uniaxial, 327 constrained, 372, 375, 389-391 square well, 382, 389

unconstrained, 371-372, 375, 384, 398,



Rotational diffusion, 167 anisotropic, 241 slow, 179, 309, 320

S-band, 9, 421 Saddle-coil resonator, 21

Saline solution, Q effect 25 Sample access stack, 29 Saturation, 241

Saturation factor, 6, 334

Saturation recovery, 1, 11, 224, 172, 177-182, 187, 201, 209, 228, 233 high observe power, 11

long pulse, 10, 11 short pulse, 11

Saturation transfer, 166, 245, 309363, 369-400

algorithms, 374-383, 398, 400 first harmonic, 331

out-of-phase, 333, 336 harmonics, 311 multi-quantum, 373 non-linear displays, 331 second harmonic, 319

out-of-phase, 333, 337 transition rate matrix, 378-395

SECSY, 179, 257, 259 Selection rules, 147 Selective hole burning, 225 Serine hydrolase, 126, 127 SIFTER, 169, 225, 227 Silver, 44

Single crystal, 91, 92, 102, 103, 112, 180

Single quantum coherence, 227 Site-directed mutagenesis, 224 Site-directed spin labeling, 223,

269-300, 391, 399 methodology, 298-299

Skin depth, 413 Skin effect, 32, 35

Slotted tube resonator, 21

Slow motional spectra, 244, 261 Slowly relaxing local structure, 183,



SNARE, 284, 291

Solvation structure, 102, 103 Solvent accessibility, 271 SOMO, 161

Spectral density function, 9

Spectral diffusion, 5, 7, 11, 228, 320 Spectral resolution, 149

Spectral holes, 178 Spectrometer, 2D, K-band, 174 X-band, 174

Spin-correlated radical pairs, 228

Spin diffusion, 179


Spin distribution, 159


Spin echo dephasing time,

10, 227, 229

Spin exchange, 350


Spin flip, 166, 174


Spin-lattice relaxation time,

9, 97, 227,

228, 335-337


Spin Hamiltonian, 94, 98


Spin orbit coupling, 159


population, 161 Spin trapping, 59-61 Split-ring resonator, 21, 45 St. John’s wort, 153 Stereoelectronic, 122, 123

Stochastic Liouville equation, 255-256, 380381

Stopped flow measurements, 45, 53-84 dead volume, 79

Sub-sampling, 219 Support of the LGR, 26

332, 374

252-257, 263 effective, 334

T4 lysozyme, 230, 272, 281-283, 292 Tautomerization, 159

TEMPO, 64, 72, 76 Tempol, 182

relaxation, 9 Tetraoxaporphycene, 160 Tetraoxaporphyrin, 157 Through-space interaction, 224

Time locked subsampling (TLSS), 177, 178, 187, 199-221, 393, 419


TLSS, see time locked subsampling see spin echo dephasing time TOA, see transient optical


TOAC spin label, 230, 288 153

Toxin colicin E1, 56

Transient optical anisotropy, TOA, 371-372, 376, 398, 399

Transition moments, 245 Transition rate matrix, 378-395 Transmission line, 20, 31 Transthyretin, 296

Triple resonance, 145, 150-152 Troponin, 275

Tryptophanate, spin labeled, 117120

Turning point, 91, 92 Two-site exchange, 348

URD (uniaxial rotational diffusion), see rotation, uniaxial

Vacuolar ATPase proteolipid, 352354

Vanadium, 89, 96, 99, 102, 103, 110, 111

in crude oil, 423

Vanadyl, 89, 91-107, 110, 111, 134 aquo, 93, 95, 96, 99, 102-107 Variable temperature, of resonator,


Varian Associates, 146 Vertical fluctuations, 184 Vimentin, 295

Viscosity, 327 extramembrane, 328

Vitamin K quinone, 153

W-band, 9, 289, 421

Water, Q effect, 25

X-band, 9, 230

X-ray structure, 89, 91, 102, 103, 105, 108, 110, 113, 116, 121, 123-127, 132, 134



YIG oscillator, 419


Zeeman energy levels, 147


Zeeman modulation, 378-379, 382, 390


Zero field splitting (ZFS), 232