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VI. Какими наиболее близкими по смыслу словами или выражениями

из текста можно объяснить выделенные в нем слова?

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

VII. Опираясь на информацию текста, напишите на английском языке

о роли планирования в деятельности государственного

служащего, а также укажите, в чем состоит разница между

различными его видами ( 5 - 8 предложений).

VIII. Озаглавьте каждый параграф текста. Из предложенных 7 вариантов

( ag) выберите тот заголовок, который, по вашему мнению, наиболее

точно передает основное содержание параграфа; один из вариантов –


Параграф 1 __________________________________________________

Параграф 2 __________________________________________________

Параграф 3 __________________________________________________

Параграф 4 __________________________________________________

Параграф 5 __________________________________________________

Параграф 6 __________________________________________________

a) Three Forms of Planning a Public Administrator Deals with.

b) Major Functions of Public Servants

c) The Function of Directing

D) Organizing as a Function of a Civil Servant

e) Key Functions of Top Executives

f) Controlling as a Managerial Function

g) How to Reward an Employee

IX. Переведите текст 10-го урока на русский язык.

X. Задайте к тексту 5 - 6 вопросов разного типа, отражающих его

основное содержание.


  1. Из предложенных вариантов (A, B, C, D) выберите тот, который

соответствует действительности:

1. Which of the following is not a managerial function?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. information processing

D. directing

E. controlling

2. Which is not a top executive major function?

    1. planning

    2. broad control of where the organization is leading

    3. decision-making

    4. assigning employees’ daily performance

II. Заполните пропуски словами из текста, приведенными ниже; поставьте

их в соответствующей форме, где необходимо.


1. Setting clear ____­­­__ standards is an important control function of a

public manager.

2. Top ______ devote much of their time to planning and broad ______ of

where the organization is leading.

3. A person junior in rank or position than his or her ______ is referred to

as a ______ .

III. Замените подчеркнутое в предложении слово, используя один из

предложенных вариантов ( A, B, C, D ), который, на ваш взгляд,

наиболее точно передает значение всего предложения:

The control function provides the feedback for the managers to adjust to

changes in the plan.

A. food

B. return

C. information

D. finance

Text B


I. Прочитайте текст. Опираясь на информацию текста, найдите

ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the essence of public relations as a management function?


2. How are public relations activities generally handled?


3. What kind of services do PR professionals perform ?


II. Письменно своими словами изложите основное содержание текста

на русском языке.

III. Задайте к тексту 6 – 7 вопросов разного типа.


(1) The term “public relations” has many interpretations and meanings. First, public relations involves working with public opinion. Most people are interested in what an organization is doing to meet their concerns and interests. PR professionals attempt to influence public opinion in a way that is positive to the organization. Second, public relations is concerned with communication which is actually two-way communication. Public relations specialists explain the organization’s actions to various public involved with the organization and communicate the opinions of the public back to the agency. It is also the function of the PR department to gather information from the public and interpret that information for top management as it relates to management decisions. Third, public relations is a management function as it helps a company define and set organizational goals, facilitate organizational change, and adapt to a changing environment. PR people regularly counsel top management, develop, execute, and evaluate organizational programs to create consistency between organizational and societal expectations.

(2) Public relations is practiced in a variety of areas: government, business, politics, education, etc. Although the general principles are the same, the annual duties of the PR practitioner will vary according to the setting. In business public relations helps the marketing process by instilling in the consumer a positive attitude toward the company. Public relations also helps promote healthy employee - management relations and serves as a major liaison between the firm and government regulators. Many government agencies hire PR specialists to help them explain their activities to citizens and to assist the news media in their coverage of the different agencies. A growing number of candidates for office hire a PR expert to help them get their message across to voters.

(3) PR activities are generally handled in two ways. Many organizations have their own PR department that works with the managers of all other departments. These departments are part of top management, and the PR director is responsible to the president of the company. Other organizations hire an external PR counsel to give advice on consumer relations, press, and government. In business and industry about one – third of the PR activity is handled by outside counseling firms. Many major corporations retain an outside agency in addition to their own internal PR department. Each of these arrangements has its particular advantages and disadvantages. An internal department has more in–depth knowledge about the company, and its operations tend to be less costly. On the other hand, it’s hard for a corporate PR team to take an objective view of the company. An outside agency offers more services to its clients than does an internal department. External counselors are also more objective observers, and many firms like the prestige associated with being a client of a respected PR firm. But the external agencies are more expensive and it takes time for them to learn the inner working of their clients` operations.

(4) Internal or external, PR professionals perform a wide range of services. These include counseling management, preparing annual reports, handling news releases and other forms of media coverage, supervising employee and other internal communications, managing promotions and special events, fund-raising, lobbying, community relations and speech writing, to name just a few.

(5) To handle PR activities adequately requires a planned and organized PR program. An effective effort of the PR manager is the result of a four-step process:1) information gathering 2) planning 3) communication 4 evaluation.

The information-gathering stage is an important one because what is learned from it will influence the remaining stages. Information gathering can be achieved through several means. Organizational records, trade journals, public records, and reference books serve as valuable sources for existing data. Personal contacts, mail to the company, advisory committees, and personnel reports represent other sources of information.

Phase two is the planning which is a vital part of the PR manager job. There are strategic and tactical plans. Strategic plans involve long-range general goals that the organization wishes to achieve. Top management usually formulates an organization’s strategic plans. Tactical plans are more specific. They detail the tasks that must be accomplished by every department in the organization to achieve the strategic goal. Some of the items involved in a PR campaign include setting the objectives, considering the alternatives, assessing the risks and benefits, deciding on a course of action, figuring up the budget.

Phase three is the communication phase. After gathering facts and making plans, the organization decides about the source of communication. Several key decisions are made by PR managers at this stage concerning the nature of the messages and the type of media to be used. Some common ways of publicizing a message through the mass media include press releases, photographs, advertising, films, videotapes, press conferences, and interviews, public meetings, speeches.

Evaluation of the PR program is the last phase. Some common techniques include questionnaires distributed to random samples of the audience, telephone, surveys, panels, reader-interest studies and many others.

(6) However, it should be pointed out that these four steps are not distinct stages. In reality, the PR program is a continuous process requiring managerial attention, and one phase blends into the next. The results learned in the evaluation stage, for example, are also part of the information-gathering phase of the next cycle of the PR program.


public relations связи с общественностью; взаимоотношение

(организации) с клиентурой (и обществом

в целом); реклама

public relations officer начальник/сотрудник отдела информации

instill (v) внушать, прививать

liaison (n) связь

consumer relations отношения с потребителями

fund-raising создание фонда; сбор средств (c целевым


record (n) протокол, документ

public records документ публичного характера

pressrelease сообщение для печати

questionnaire (n) анкета, вопросник

at random в результате случайного отбора, наугад

readerinterest study изучение интересов читателей

panel (n) зд. дискуссия

Контрольная семестровая работа ( V семестр )

Вариант 1

Text A


(1) Management is the process of working through people to achieve objectives by means of effective decision-making and using scarce physical, human and financial resources. Management can be found in any organization, whenever and wherever people are organized to work together toward a common goal. Without manage-ment a lot of time and effort can be wasted. Larger and more complex enterprises simply could not exist without managers performing their functions.

(2) The word ” management” itself has at least four meanings. It can refer to 1) an

individual who performs managerial activities; 2) an occupational group consisting of all the people who supervise and direct the activities of others; 3) a discipline of study or 4) the process itself – the process of performing managerial activities.

(3) There are usually three levels of management in large organizations: 1) top, or

administrative management; 2) middle, or intermediate management; 3) supervisory, or first-line management. All these managers have varying amounts of authority and responsibility. Top or administrative management has overall responsibility for the whole organization and also has the authority to run it. At the top of a company’s management team is the president or chairperson of the board, who serves as the chief executive officer (CEO). Next in rank come the vice- presidents, who coordinate the performance of such major operating functions as production, finance, marketing, and personnel. All of these officers are top, or administrative management. Middle, or intermediate management, is responsible for a lower-level division or department but it is still in the upper level. At this level management is accountable for tactical plans and directing employees to meet the objectives. Supervisory, or first-line managers control smaller organizational units or groups (offices, laboratories, etc). They give specific, detailed instructions to their employees and are concerned with the day-to-day routine of coordinating the work of specialized labour. They are the bosses most of us come in contact with every day.

(4) There are many areas that require management, the most common are finance, production, human resources, sales, marketing, as well as public relations, research and development. The process of managing a country’s affairs on both national and local levels is referred to as public administration. The service responsible for public administration is known as the civil or public service. People working in the area of civil service are regarded as civil servants. The field of public administration covers economic development of the country, its environment and education, housing and welfare policy, transportation and public health, etc.

(5) Management involves planning, organizing, directing and controlling, which are the four basic managerial functions. Planning is selecting and deciding how to achieve goals. Organizing is placing employees where they will be most effective. Directing involves leading, guiding and motivating employees to work effectively. Controlling is measuring results against the objectives of organization and taking corrective actions.

(6) Although managers in large business organizations, government offices, hospitals and schools may differ in backgrounds and lifestyles they must make decisions involving several alternatives and outcomes. The ultimate results of these decisions may influence the survival of the whole of the organization or programme. On the basis of management decision - making billions of dollars in resources are allocated worldwide every year. Government organizations make decisions that influence the life of every citizen in the country.


tор manager руководитель высшего звена, администратор,


chief executive officer

(CEO) главное должностное лицо, чиновник с

исполнительными функциями, генеральный

исполнительный директор ( компании, организации);

президент крупной компании; президент США

intermediate (adj) промежуточный

middle manager руководитель среднего звена

be accountable for нести ответственность, отвечать за что-то

firstline manager руководитель (операционного) низшего звена на

производстве, бригадир


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