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Theoretical phonetics

  1. Phoneme and its Allophones. Their kinds and types. The interrelations between them.

  2. The Establishing the Phonemic system of a Language.

  3. Phonological problems of the Accented Vowel Structure.

  4. Phonological Problems of English Consonantism.

  5. Phonological Problems of the Unaccented Vowel Structure.

  6. Division of Speech Flow into separate linguistic units as the first step of phonological analysis.

  7. Phonemic Status of Triphthongs.

  8. Phonemic Status of Diphthongs.

  9. System of Phonemes. Phonological oppositions.

  10. Phonemic functions.

  11. Articulatory Classification of English Vowel Phonemes.

  12. The Main Acoustic Characteristics of Speech Sounds. The acoustic classification of English sounds.

  13. Phonemic reality, its independence from the morpheme.

  14. Intonation, its Functions. Intonation Components.

  15. The Speech Producing Mechanism.

  16. Articulatory Classification of English Consonants.

  17. The main acoustic and Articulatory methods of investigation of English Sounds.

Answer the questions using the vocabulary from the text:

  1. How does the author describe the courtyard of the seminary? What impression does it produce?

  2. What words does the author use to describe Arthur’s appearance?

  3. What do you know about Arthur’s family? Did he like it?

  4. What words does the author use to describe Gemma’s appearance?

  5. Why did Montanelli have to go to Rome?

  6. Why didn’t Arthur like Bolla?

  7. What have you learned about Montanelli?

  8. What can you say about the relations between Arthur and Montanelli?

  9. Speak about Arthur and Montanelli’s travel about Switzerland (Arthur’s impressions of Geneva, the lake, the Arve, the Alps)

  10. What did Arthur and Gemma think about the lecture? What did they think could save Italy? Were their points of view different?

  11. What do you know about Father Cardy? Why and under what circumstances did Arthur tell him about the Young Italy?

To be continued …

Questions for the Exam. Grammar.

  1. Mood: the indicative mood, the imperative mood; the oblique moods (the difference between synthetical and analytical moods)

  2. Subjunctive I and subjunctive II.

  3. The tenses of the oblique moods

  4. The use of the oblique moods in complex sentences.

  5. Different types of conditionals (use also pp. 220-225)

  6. Suppositional mood. Analytical moods and modal phrases.

  7. Conditional mood. The difference between subjunctive II and conditional mood.

  8. The use of the subjunctive II in the object clause, adverbial clause of comparison. Set expressions with the modal verbs

  9. Free and obligatory use of the Oblique Moods

  10. The use of the suppositional mood in complex sentences.

  11. The use of the oblique moods in simple sentences.

  12. Modal verbs (general characteristics).

  13. The modal verb can

  14. The modal verb may

  15. The modal verb must

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