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Преподаватели секции английского языка Грамматика для общения (английский язык)

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d.I’ll try to arrive at 8.00, but …(be late) if the traffic is bad.

e.I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week…(stay the night/come back the same day). It depends how long the meeting goes on.

XIV. Dreams and reality.

A. Read the text about Laura and fill in the gaps using the Present Simple or the Second Conditional.

Example: Laura lives (live) in a big city but if she lived (live) in the country, she would have (have) a dog.

Laura (a)_____(share) a flat with three other girls, but it (b)____(be) possible, she (c)_____(live) on her own. If she (d)_____(live) in the country, she

(e)_____(buy) a little cottage, and she (f)_____(grow) her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she (g)_____(travel) by Underground and (h)_____

(go) shopping in big department stores, but she (i)_____(not like) this at all. If she (j)______ (be) in the country, she (k)______(ride) her bike, and she (l)

______(buy) things in the little village shop. She (m)_____(love) walking, and often (n)_____(go) for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she (o)______(walk) across the fields with her dog.

B. Answer the questions about Laura. Use short answers. Example: If Laura lived in the country, would she live on her own?

Yes, she would.

a.Would she live in a flat?

b.Would she have a dog?

c.Would she go shopping?

d.Would she ride her bike?

d. Would she grow vegetables?

XV. Match the two halves of these sentences.


If we offered you the job, ...

a. we won't fall behind schedule.


If I need any help, …

b. we'll offer him the job.


If his references are OK, ...

c. I'll show you round the factory.


If you don't like the terms and

d. I might get promoted.


conditions, …







If the printer breaks down, ...


we call maintenance.


If you have time, ...


when would you be able to start?


If I have a beer at lunch time, ...


he'd be much nicer to work with.


If you meet the deadlines ...


I'll contact you.


If he stopped complaining all the


don't sign the contract.


time, ...



If I spoke better English, ...


I feel sleepy all afternoon.





1. Evans V. Round –Up. English Grammar Practice. Longman,2001.

2.Hollett V. Business Opportunities. OUP, 1999.

3.Hollett V. Business Objectives. OUP, 1998

4.Hollett V. Business Objectives. WB./ V. Hollett, M. Duckworth. OUP, 1999.

5.Murphy R. Essential English Grammar.CUP, 1997.

6.Abbs B. Blueprint. Upper Intermediate. / B.Abbs, F. Bairn. Edingurgh Gate, Harlow, 1993.

7.Highlight. SB. Heinemann, 1999.

8.Carr J. Cutting Edge.WB./J.C.Carr, F Eales. OUP, 2002.

9.Watkins P. Essential English. Moscow: Astrel, 2002.

10.Совершенствуйте свой английский: Учеб. пособие / С.Е. Гридюшко, Р.К. Образцова, И.Г. Субботкина. Минск: Выш. шк., 1999.

11.Романова Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М.: Айрис Пресс, 2000.

12.Блинова С.И. Сборник упражнений по грамматике / С.И. Блинова, Е.П.Чарекова. СПб.: Союз, 1998.


Составители Лидия Абрамовна Бердюгина Людмила Юрьевна Галкина

Инна Владимировна Губанова Надежда Валерьевна Гущина Наталья Анатольевна Заостровская Елена Александровна Копылова Юлия Сергеевна Ларионова Марина Николаевна Леонова Наталья Юрьевна Мамонтова Наталья Александровна Сидорович Любовь Кузьминична Чадина

ГРАММАТИКА ДЛЯ ОБЩЕНИЯ (английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов всех специальностей Часть II. Практика

Редактор З. М. Савина

ИД № 06536 от 16. 01. 02

Подписано в печать 02. 07. 02 Формат 60×84/16. Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе.

Уч. изд. л. 3,7. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ .

Государственное учреждение Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650026, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография Государственного учреждения Кузбасский государственный технический университет.

650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4а.


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