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PREPARATION COURSE exercise book.doc
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Reported speech

Direct speech

Reported speech

Present tense

“I go to work”- says Mike

“Do you live in London?”-asks Mike

Mike says he goes to work.

Mike asks if I live in London.

Past tense (происходит изменение времени*)

  • Утвердительное предложение:

“I go to work”- said Mike.

“We won’t see this film”- they said

Mike said he went to work.

They said they wouldn’t see that** film.

  • Повелительное наклонение:

“Open the window”-he said

“Don‘t open the door”- he said

He said to open the window.

He said not to open the door.

  • Вопросительное предложение:

Do you live in Moscow?”- he asked

Have you been there?”-he asked

He asked if I lived*** in Moscow.

He asked if I had been there.

Where do you live?”- he asked

How are you?”-she asked

He asked where I lived.

She asked how I was.

** today-that day

this week/month- that week/month

yesterday-the day before

last week/ month- the previous week/ month

next day/week- the day after, the following day/ week

this-that, these-those, here-there, now-then

*** В вопросительном предложении в Reported speech -прямой порядок слов (подлежащее+ сказуемое).

Согласование времен*:






do/does/ V-1

am/is/are+ V-ing

have/has + V-3

have/has been+ V-ing


did+ V-1/ V-2



had+ V-3

had been+



will/shall +V-1

will be+ V-ing

will have+ V-3

will have been+ V-ing


would +V1

would be + V-ing

would have+ V-3

would have been+V-ing

Useful tips

  • You can use Reported speech when you are reporting what was written as well as spoken, for example, when you are describing a video clip or an event you were acquainted with during the Listening section.

Exercise 6.

Read the text extract and retell the passage in the reported speech.

The KLM crew read back the departure clearance and then reported: "We are now at take-off," and released the brakes to roll. Tenerife tower replied: "OK, stand by for take-off, I will call you," but this message was obscured by Pan Am's simultaneous transmis­sion: "No, we're still taxiing down the runway." The KLM 747 began rolling down the foggy runway and collided with the Pan Am aircraft.

Exercise 7

1. At the exam you could be asked to tell about different non-standard situations that you have experienced during your flights.

You can be asked the following questions:

  • Have you ever experienced a situation like this: (Do you know anybody who has?) (engine fire (failure), depressurization, bird strike (hit, ingestion), take-off aborting (rejecting), returning to the airport after departure, fuel dumping (burning), severe turbulence, CAT, medical problems on board (loss of consciousness/unconscious passenger, passengers with heart attack, acute pain……)?

  • What was the situation caused by? How did you deal with it?

  • What did you learn from this experience?

2. Describe your dialogue with a controller in reported speech (indirect speech).

3. Use sequence of tenses. Note the word order in reported questions.

Example: The controller asked if we requested landing priority.

4. Use the cause and effect language:

…caused….could cause… was caused by… was due to…as a result…led to… the reason was… resulted in… could result from… so… because…


Engine failure was caused by (was due to) the bird ingestion.

Severe turbulence led to (resulted in) the injuries among passengers.

In fact, something very similar happened to me. (A friend of mine (the crew of the company…) had a similar problem once). When we took off… I could see (hear)… I saw (heard)…The situation (the problem) was caused by… We were flying… There was (were) …. We were able… We didn’t need… We requested….I advised the controller that we were maintaining FL… The controller instructed us to…The controller asked us if we could accept heading… The controller asked us what our intentions were.

Exercise 8.

Listen to the controller’s report, pay attention to the use of sequence of tenses.

Retell the story, using indirect speech.

6. Make sure you know how to use Modal verbs.

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