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2.“I know them quite well.” What did he say?

3.“They are engineers.” What did he say?

4.“She gets up early.” What did he say?

5.“I met him last year.” What did he say?

6.“He has been ill for a week.” What did he say?

7.“The Smiths have been living here since 1990.” What did he say?

8.“You came too late.” What did he say?

9.“I’ll be ready in a minute.” What did he say?

10.“I’ll be translating the article all day long.” What did he say?

11.“I’ll speak with him.” What did he say?

Ex. 25. Translate the jokes and retell them changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

I Value of Applause1

“Applause is necessary for actors, for it gives them confidence,” said one of her admirers to Mrs Siddons, the great English actress.

“It gives us more than confidence,” replied the actress, “for it gives us breath2.”

II Equal3 Chances

A young rising scientist was courting the pretty daughter of a well to do family. He was very much in love and wanted her to marry him for no other reasons but his personal deserts.

“I must confess,” he told her one day, “that I have no capital. I’m practically a poor man.”

“So am I,” answered the girl quickly, “for I never had any money of my own.”

“Besides,” continued the young man, “I am of very low origin. And worse than that, one of my uncles was hanged.”


Read & Speak English

“That makes things easier for me,” exclaimed the girl who had already guessed his intention. “For, though not one of my relations was hanged, most of them deserve hanging.”


1 Applause [èDéäiò]

2 breath [ÄêÉq]

3 equal [Dgâïèä]

Ex. 26. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. He said that he was busy. 2. He said that he had lost the key. 3. We said that we were not hungry. 4. He told us that he was writing a letter to his parents. 5. He said that he would help me with my English. 6. They said that they were coming to visit us soon. 7. He said that he was tired and he couldn’t work any more. 8. He said that he was going to leave the next day. 9. They said that they had finished the work. 10. She said she couldn’t speak German. 11. We said we had met him a year before.

Косвенный вопрос

I Общий вопрос (предполагающий ответ: да/нет)

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Is he a student?”





he was a student.

Does he live here?”





he lived there.

Are they working





they were






working then.




Did you go there




I had gone there


wanted to know



the day before.





Will she call




she would call










the next day.

Have you seen





I had seen the

the film?”












Какие шаги необходимо выполнить:

1. поставить связующее «ли» – if/whether



2. превратить вопросительное предложение в повествовательное (под лежащее + сказуемое):

Is he a student?


he is a student.

Does he live here?


he lives here.

3. применить правило согласования времен:

He is ...


He was ...

He lives ...


He lived ...

II Специальный вопрос (where? when? etc.)

(For some useful verbs used in Indirect Speech see Appendix 8).

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“Where do you live?”



where I lived.


“When did he come?”


when I had come.


wanted to know

“What are you doing?”

what I was doing



“How have you done it?”


how I had done it.







Ex. 27. Change the following into Indirect Speech.



1. He asked me: “Do you live in Moscow?” 2. We asked him: “Are you busy now?” 3. He asked me: “Have you a large family?” 4. They asked her: “Will you go to the theatre?” 5. She asked her friend: “Do you like detective stories?” 6. He asked me: “Have you read this book?” 7. I asked him: “Can you play chess?” 8. They asked me: “Did you go to the seaside last summer?” 9. We asked them: “Do you speak English?” 10. She asked the child: “Are you sleeping?” 11. We asked him: “Have you finished your work?”


1. He asked me: “Where do you work?” 2. She asked me: “Where did you begin learning English?” 3. They asked me: “When will you come back?” 4. She asked me: “What are you doing?” 5. He asked her: “What films do you like?” 6. He asked us: “Who can speak English here?” 7. She asked me: “Where do you live?” 8. They asked me: “Why have you done it?” 9. He asked me: “Can you do me a favour?” 10. We asked him: “When are you going to leave?” 11. They asked me: “How long will it take us to get to the station?”


Read & Speak English

II Not and Nott

An Oxford student returning late from his friend’s rooms attracted the attention of the proctor who asked him, “What’s your name, my friend, to what college do you belong and where are you going so late in the night?” “I am Nott of Maudlin, sir, and I am going home,” replied the young man. “I did not ask you of what college you are not, but of what college you are.” “I am Nott of Maudlin1,” repeated the young man, at a loss for words. The angry proctor accompanied him to Maudlin and asked the porter, “Do you know this gentleman, Smith?” “I certainly do, sir,” said the porter. “It is Mr Nott and he belongs to this college.”

III In the Train

A talkative passenger asked a lady who was in the same compartment: “Have you any family, madam?”

“Yes, sir, one son,” she answered.

“Indeed! Does he smoke?” he continued to ask.

“No, sir, he has never touched a cigarette,” she said.

“So much the better, madam. Tobacco is poison. Does he belong to a club?” asked the passenger.

“He has never set foot in one,” she answered.

“Then I congratulate you. Does he come home late at night?” he asked again.

“Never. He always goes to bed directly after dinner,” she said. “He is a model2 young man, madam. How old is he?”

“Ten months today,” was the answer.


1 Maudlin [DãiÇäfå]

2 model [ãlÇä]

Ex. 28. Translate the parts of the following sentences using the Sequence of Tenses.

1. I was sure that (вы придете сюда вместе со своими друзьями). 2. I thought that (дети играют в саду). 3. I didn’t know that (вы послали письмо). 4. I knew that (он будет против этого предложения). 5. The teacher said that (она со бирается проводить диктант). 6. I was afraid that (они не придут). 7. He asked me (знаю ли я французский язык). 8. She asked him (что он пишет сейчас). 9. I asked Ann (где она будет проводить летние каникулы). 10. We asked Nick (закончил ли он свою работу).



Ex. 29. Find in the text “How We Kept Mother’s Day” the sentences with Indirect Speech and change them into Direct Speech.

Ex. 30. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

1.It made us realize how much Mother had done for us for years.

2.We asked Mother to decorate the house.

3.After breakfast we decided that we would hire a motor car.

4.Mother didn’t care for fishing.

5.Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came.

6.It was quite late when we got back.

7.Mother had to get up and down during the meal ... .

The Use of Articles with Names of Persons


Без артикля

Артикль the










I met Ann yesterday.

a) перед фамилией семьи,


Old John often visits us.

употребленной во множествен




ном числе:




The Browns have left London.




б) перед именем (фамилией),




имеющим определение:




Is he the Sheldon who is a









a) при употреблении чле

а) eсли не употребляются

ки, члены

нами той же семьи (пи

членами семьи:


шутся с большой буквы)

The daughter was as


I’ll ask Father about it.

beautiful as the mother.


б) при употреблении с

б) употребление артиклей в вы


именем собственным

ражении: the son/daughter of a...


Uncle George

Lomonosov was the son of




a fisherman.











звание, ти




тул, Mr/Mrs +

















Read & Speak English

В отдельных случаях возможно употребление неопределенного артикля a/an:

a)когда имеется в виду типичный представитель данной семьи:

Tim was really a Burton. Тим был настоящим Бертоном.

b)когда имя собственное стало нарицательным:

You are quite a Monte Cristo. Ты просто граф Монте Кристо.

c)со значением «некий»:

A Smirnov wants to see you. Вас хочет видеть некий Смирнов.

Ex. 31. Insert articles where necessary. Comment on their use.


1. ... George has lived here for a long time. 2. Do you know ... Ivanovs? 3. ...

aunt Mary is going to visit us next week. 4. ... daughter and ... mother are good friends. 5. ... Doctor Jones is waiting for you. 6. ... young Jolyon is coming here soon. 7. ... Smiths are our neighbours. 8. I am going to ask ... Mother about this. 9. When did you see ... Sandy last? 10. ... Professor James is going to give a lecture at the conference. 11. Has ... Mrs Stevenson arrived?


“Let us see whether you are smart at arithmetics, ... Charley! I have twenty shillings and borrow fifty from ... aunt Mary and thirty from your dad. What does that make?”

“Debts, ... uncle!”

III Something He Can Do Fast

... fourteen year old George who helped in the grocer’s wasn’t a fast worker. In fact, he moved very slowly indeed. One day ... Mr Jones, the grocer, called out to him: “... George, is there anything you can do fast?” “Yes, ... Mr Jones,” said ... George, “I get tired fast.”

Ex. 32. Translate the following sentences into English paying special attention to the use of articles.

1. Подождите немножко, отец сейчас придет. 2. Сын, как и отец, был очень талантлив. 3. Он решил навестить Смирновых. 4. Доктор, Вас спраши вает мадам Бланш. 5. Вы знаете доктора Блэйка? 6. Мы все были рады видеть дорогого старого Джонза. 7. Скоро семья Вульф переедет на новую квартиру. 8. Мы собираемся навестить тетушку Нелли. 9. Ты ви дел Джорджа сегодня? 10. Романовы правили в России более трехсот



лет. 11. Мама не любит, когда мы опаздываем к обеду. 12. Мой двою родный брат Александр хорошо играет в теннис. 13. Она дочь художни ка. 14. Это Павел Романов, о котором вы спрашивали. 15. Это была не та Анна, которую я знал раньше. 16. Она настоящая Форсайт. 17. Ты ведешь себя (behave) как Рокфеллер. 18. Мне рассказывал о Вас некий Родионов. Вы его знаете?


Read & Speak English



My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It wasn’t a big station. Only about two trains a day stopped there, and Tom was a station master, chief porter and signalman all in one; in fact Tom did any work that came along, and there wasn’t a happier man in the whole of England.

The waiting room of the station was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner (Tom). The chairs were polished by the chief polisher (Tom). The tickets were sold and collected by the chief ticket collector (Tom) – sometimes there were as many as four tickets a day – and the money was counted by the chief clerk (Tom).

The station was run very well. Tom was very strict about the “rules”. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he wasn’t allowed to do; where a passenger was allowed to smoke and where he wasn’t allowed to smoke.

He was there for 50 years and he never missed a single day and then he had to retire. Well, a little “farewell ceremony” was planned by the Railway Company and a man from the head office was asked to go to the station for the ceremony.

Tom was thanked and given a small cheque as a present. Tom was very pleased, of course, but he said: “I don’t need the money, but can I have, instead, something that will remind me of the happy days I have spent here? Could the Company let me have a part of an old railway carriage, just one compartment? It doesn’t matter how old and broken it is; I want to put it into my back garden and every day I could go and sit in it.”

About a week later a compartment was sent and placed in his back garden. Tom worked at it. He cleaned it and painted it and polished it and in a week or so it looked very nice.

One day, about a year after Tom retired we decided to visit him. It was a bad day for a visit, it was raining hard. We knocked but there was no answer. However, the door wasn’t locked and we went in. There was no one inside and we went out at the back. Sure enough, he was there, but he wasn’t sitting in the carriage, he was outside, on the step of the carriage, smoking



a pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back.

“Hello Tom,” I said, “why are you sitting there, why don’t you go inside the carriage out of the rain?”

“Can’t you see?” said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a nonsmoker1”.

(From “Essential English” by C.E. Eckersley)


1 nonsmoker – вагон для некурящих


come (v) (came, come)

1.arrive – приходить, приезжать

The guests are coming at 7.

come out – become visible, appear – появлятьсяThe Sun/stars came out.

come along

1.appear, arrive – появиться («подвернуться»)

When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.

2.hurry – поспеши!

Come along! We’ll be late for the train. come back – return – возвратиться

This fashion will come back soon. come to an end – finish – закончиться

come to light – become known — стать известным, вскрыться come to oneself – прийти в себя (после обморока)

whole [Üçìä]

1.all – весь, целый

They ate the whole box of chocolates (all of it)

Have you read the whole book?

He didn’t say a word the whole evening.

chief (adj) [`gÑ]

1.first in rank – главный

The Chief Commander

2.principal, most important – главный, основной

the chief thing to remember.

The chief rivers of India.


Read & Speak English

run (v) (ran, run)

1.move quickly – бежать, двигаться, идти

The dog was running behind his master.

The trains run on rails.

2.organize, manage – управлять

run a business/a company/a theatre

3.flow – течь

Rivers run to the sea.

run away – escape – убежать strict (adj) – строгий

He is strict with his children. allow (v) – permit – разрешать

Smoking is not allowed here. retire [êfDí~fè] (v)

1. give up one’s work – уйти на пенсию/в отставку

In the USA men retire on pension at 65.

2.go away – уйти, удалиться (офиц.)

He retired to his room.

matter (v) be of importance – иметь значение

It doesn’t matter to me what you do or where you go. matter (n)

1.substance, material – вещество

It is made of inorganic matter.

2.affair – дело, вещь

This is a matter I know very little about.

There are several matters to be discussed.

no matter who/what/where (whoever, whatever, whenever) – не имеет значения кто, что, где

Don’t believe the rumour, no matter who (whoever) repeats it. back (n) – спина, спинка (стула), задняя сторона

He fell on his back.

You write the address on the front of an envelope, not on the back. at the back of smb – сзади

He said that there was somebody at his back.

back (v) support – поддерживать кого либоMother always backs me in an argument.

back (adv)

1.to the rear – назад

Stand back, please! Сделайте шаг назад!

Sit back in your chair. Облокотитесь на спинку стула.

2.ago (of time)

some few years back.


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