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NewArchive / 03 - The main principles of morphemic analysis. Procedure of morphemic analysis. Classification of morphemes

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3. A) The main principles of morphemic analysis.

B) Procedure of morphemic analysis.

C) Classification of morphemes.

The aim of the morphemic analysis is to state the number & type of morphemes that make up a word. This is the method of Immidiate (непосредственный) & Ultimate (конечный) Сonstituents.

B) In the course of the procedure we segment words into the constituent morphemess; each stage of the procedure involves 2 components (2 small meaningful elements) the word immediately breaks into. The analysis is completed when we arrive at the constituents that further can’t be derived – Ucs. Ungentlemanly: un+gentlemanly, gentleman+ly, gentle+man.

C) Morphemes may be classified:

1) structurally: morphemes fall into 3 types:

free morphemes – coincide with the stem/ word-form; “frienship” where “friend” is a free morph that coincides with 1 of the forms of the noun “friend”.

semi-free can function both as an affix & as a free morph: income – come in, well-known – to know well.

bound morph occurs only as a constituent p-of-a w. Suffixes, unique roots, pseudo-roots – bound.

+ combining forms (Latin, Greek) tele-, graph-, micro-, phone-. Have a definite lex mg & peculiar stylistic reference. They are bound root-morphemes (have no p-of-sp mg typical of suffixes).

+ morph that are changing their class membership & occupy a kind of intermediate position. Posman, fisherman vs man-servant, man ≈ ^.

2) semantically:

*root-morpheme – has its individual lex mg shared by no other morpheme, it’s the nucleus of a wprd (helpless, handy,

*non-root/ affixational morphemes – include inflectional morphemes or inflections (carry only gram mg) and affixational morphemes & affixes (build different types of stems-the part of a word that remains unchanged throughout its paradighm.

Lexicology is concerned only with affixal morph. (mg proper, p-of-sp, generalized lex mg).