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NewArchive / 04.The main aim, principles and methods of derivational analysis

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4. The main aim, principles and methods of derivational analysis.

It is important alongside morphological analysis of a word to carry out its derivational (word-formation) analysis in order to determine the type and arrangement of immediate constituents there i.e., to establish a word’s derivative (derivational) structure. Restoring a derivative structure in a word helps to answer the question how new words are formed, or derived. Derivational analysis enables one to understand how new words appear in the language.

The derivational level of analysis study the derivative & the derivative rels.

Using derivative analisis we can determine the degree of derivation. The degree shows us the number of derivational steps.

Unthinkable = ⌐ + Ba II step

Bv + ^ I step

Derivational Meaning - meaning which establishes semantic correlation between a simple word and a derived one. (suff; conversion) (eatable)