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Grammar Reference

6.You mustn’t / don’t have to put salt in his dishes. Salt is very bad for his health.

7.You mustn’t / don’t have to water the flowers. It has just rained.

8.We mustn’t / don’t have to tell him the truth. It might kill him.

9.We mustn’t / don’t have to tell him a lie. He already knows everything.

10.You mustn’t / don’t have to write to him, he is coming tonight.

Ex. 10. Make the following sentences interrogative.

1.He is to be married next month.

2.The expedition is to start in a week’s time.

3.He was to come to the office at 10.

4.He was to speak to Mr. Blake.

5.He was to phone Mrs. Brown.

Now ask your friend what he was to do yesterday.

3. may – might

1.We use may /might to say that something is a possibility now or in the future.

E.g. He may be ill. = He might be ill.

It may not / might not (mightn’t) rain today.

2.We also use may / might to give and ask for permission.

E.g. You may stay out late today.

He may not go out.

May I come in? (= Can I come in?) – Yes, of course.

Ex. 11. Re-write the sentences using may/might/may not/might not in the way shown.

Perhaps he is at home. – He might be at home.

1.Perhaps he is at work.

2.Perhaps she does not like this music.

3.Perhaps she is in New York now.

4.Perhaps he doesn’t want to stay with his aunt.

5.Perhaps they live in Moscow.

6.Perhaps she is busy.

7.Perhaps he will come home soon.

8.Perhaps they don’t study hard.

Ex. 12. Answer the questions using may/might.

1.Where are you going for the weekend?

2.What is she going to do when she leaves college? 3.Who is coming to see you?

4.Where are you going to do your shopping? 5.What sport are you going to take up? 6.What are you going to have for lunch?



7.When will you come home tonight? 8.How are going to get to Sochi?

4. Should (do)

We use it to give advice.

E.g. You should use the Internet to find the material. = It’s a good idea to use the Internet to find the material.

Ex. 13. You are giving advice to a friend. Use should, shouldn’t.

1.You … work so hard, it’s dangerous for your health.

2.You … ride a horse at night if you are not very good at it.

3.You … buy a new camera before your trip to Africa.

4.You … look for a new job if you want a pay rise.

5.You … visit this very interesting museum.

6.You … do an English course if you are planning to work abroad.

7.You … talk so much.

8.Your bike is very old. I think you … sell it.

9.You … learn to drive, you may need this skill.

10.He doesn’t look well. He … go to the doctor.

Ex. 14. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas.

1.I think people should …

2.I don’t think children should …

3.I think everybody should …

4.My mother should …

5.My friend should not …

6.I really should …

7.I should not …

Ex. 15. Complete the sentences with can, could, be able to, must, have to, mustn’t, couldn’t, had to, don’t have, may (might) in appropriate forms.

1.You … come into the study when your father is working.

2.I … go on an excursion with them, I… get ready for my exams.

3.It has rained a lot, so we … water the garden.

4.I haven’t decided yet. I … buy a Ford or a VW.

5.I … cook breakfast for the whole family, nobody else will do it.

6.I think I … speak French well in a few months.

7.… I have a word with you? – Certainly.

8.I am not sure, but he … be out.

9.I am free at the weekend so the children … stay with me.

10.He … speak Spanish well when he was only 4.

11.We don’t have exact plans for tomorrow. We … play tennis or we … go for a swim.

12.He … mend his car but it took him a lot of time.

13.I am tired. I …go to bed early.


Grammar Reference

14. You …knock before you come into my room. I am glad to see you any time.

Ex. 16. Translate from Russia into English, using various modal verbs.

1.Вам следует взять отпуск.

2.Скажи Петру, что он должен немедленно привести в порядок комнату.

3.Малыш умел ездить на велосипеде уже в три года.

4.Вам придется поговорить с ним, если вы хотите решить эту проблему.

5.Макс сумел проверить результаты работы, хотя у него было мало времени в лаборатории.

6.Вам не следует приезжать в офис в среду, мы будем очень за-


7.Мне пришлось встретиться с ними, чтобы обсудить ключевые проблемы.

8.Я не знаю, где он. Он может быть дома или на работе.

9.Вы должны были сделать все задания за два дня или за три?

10.Вам пришлось присутствовать на выставке лично из-за болезни вашего менеджера?

11.Могу я переговорить с вами по телефону?

12.Почему вы должны были лететь в Лондон в выходные дни?

13.Почему ему не следует вести машину так быстро?

14.Он не знает, куда поехать отдыхать. Он может поехать в Англию или во Францию.

15.Я не мог участвовать в конференции и очень жалею об этом.

16.Почему вы не смогли принять решение без меня?

17.Мне следует надеть галстук в ресторан.

18.Детям нельзя разговаривать с незнакомыми.

19.Ему не нужно обсуждать все детали контракта, мы это уже сделали.

20.Я должен показать какой-нибудь документ, прежде чем вой-


21.Ей нет необходимости работать, она получает большую пен-


22.Ему нельзя громко разговаривать, когда родители работают

всоседней комнате.

16.Questions in Different Tenses. Revision.

There are four types of questions:







1. General Questions

They begin with an auxiliary verb (Yes / No questions)



Present Simple

Do you (we, I, they) live in Moscow / Does he (she, it) live


in Moscow?


Are you (we, they) (a) student(s) / Is he (she, it) a stu-




Are you (we, they) working now? / Is he (she, it) working




Am I working now?

Present Perfect

Have you (I, we, they) been to London? / Has he (she, it)


been to London?



Present Perfect

Have we (you, I, they) been waiting here long? / Has he


(she, it) been waiting here long?

Past Simple

Did I (we, you, etc) see Tom yesterday?


Were you (we, they) at home yesterday?


Was he (she, it, I) at home yesterday?


Were you (we, they) watching TV at 7 o’clock yesterday?


Was he (she, I, it) watching TV at 7 o’clock yesterday?



Past Perfect

Had you (we, I, etc.) done the work by the time the boss



Future Simple

Will I (we, you, he, etc.) stay at home tomorrow?


Will I (we, you, he, etc.) be working all day tomorrow?



Modal Verbs

Can you help me?


Must he send you the documents?

2. Special Questions

They begin with a question-word (why, who, what, where, when, how, whose, which) or word-combinations: how + adjective / adverb; what + noun




Present Simple

Why |do you

| like abstract art?


| does he |


Why |are they| busy?


| is he



What |are you| doing now?


| is he


Present Perfect

How many letters |have you| sent yet?



| has he |

Present Perfect

How long |have they | been studying English?


| has she |


She was talking to an old friend. Who was she talking to?
He is looking at his girl-friend. Who is he looking at?
This present is for Kate. Who is this present for? They talked about politics. What did they talk about? She was with her mother. Who was she with?



Grammar Reference




Past Simple

Who did |he, you

| see at the meeting yesterday?


| they, etc. |


What |were you, they | doing when we arrived?


| was he, she, it |

Past Perfect

Where had | he she

| lived before he (she, they) moved to





| they,etc.|

Future Simple

What will | you, he

| do in summer?


| they, etc. |


| you



Where will | they

| be staying while in Moscow?


| he, etc.|

Modal Verbs

Where can I leave my bags?


When should they contact you?

Note! If a question has a preposition, it is usually put at the end of the sentence.

E.g. :

3. Alternative questions

They begin with an auxiliary verb and have or + an alternative

E.g. : Do you like classical or pop music?

Have you bought five or six cakes?

Did they stay in London or in Brighton?

4. Tag-questions

They are formed with the auxiliary verb, used to form general questions in each grammar tense. If the sentence is positive, the tag-question is negative and if it is negative, the tag-question is positive.

E.g. : He likes cats, doesn’t he?

They are not our students, are they?

She has been working here for five years, hasn’t she? There are no armchairs here, are there?

But! I am right, aren’t I?

We put the tag-question “will you” at the end of a request to make it more polite.



E.g. : Close the door, will you?

We put the tag-question “shall we” at the end of a question if it is a suggestion to do something together.

E.g. : Let’s go to the garden to have tea, shall we?

Questions to the subject of the sentence or its attribute.

Questions to the subject of the sentence or its attribute begin with who, what, which, whose. They don’t change the structure and word order of the sentence.

E.g. She was there with us.

Who was there with us? – She was. E.g. Who has done this exercise? – We have. E.g. Two of them liked our proposal.

Which of them liked our proposal? – Two of them did. Remember: “Who” is always singular.

Questions to the subject and object of the sentence

If the subject and object of the sentence are personal nouns the question starts with “who”, but the word order is different.


E.g. Mary saw Claire at the station.

Who saw Claire at the station? – Mary did.

Who did Mary see at the station? – Mary saw Claire.

Ex. 1. Put general questions to the following sentences.

1.Peter studies French at the University of Sorbonne.

2.Our house is not far from the Central Park.

3.Tom’s parents have lived in London all their life.

4.She graduated in 1986.

5.I am late.

6.They prefer tea with milk.

7.The boys are playing football in the yard.

8.He will try to enter Oxford University.

9.The workers have been building this store for 2 years already.

10.The guests had left when I came.

11.The children were excited to see Mickey Mouse.

12.This time tomorrow he will be swimming in the Red Sea.

13.He could surf when he was only 10.

14.You must leave your camera at the Security!

15.You may stay here.

Ex. 2. Put special questions to the following sentences.

1.Tom went to the bank yesterday. When…? Where…?

2.Kerry studies at London University. Where…?

3.They have just shown us five new dresses. How many…?

4.She was very upset. Why…?

5.They are staying with an English family. Who… with?


Grammar Reference

6.He has been working here for 20 years. How long…?

7.I’ll be redecorating my flat in June. What…? When…?

8.She had spent $1000 by the time she finished shopping. How much…?

9.They were talking about their holidays when I came in. What… about? When…?

10.She cooks this curry in a special way. How…? What…?

11.He was in the country last weekend. Where…? When…?

12.You can stay at the Metropol Hotel. Where..?

13.My friend lived in the USA a few years ago. Where…? When…?

14.He uses the Internet for his studies. What…?

15.The students must obey the university rules. What…?

Ex. 3. Put special questions with a preposition to the following sentences.

1.She was talking to her colleague.

2.We are waiting for John.

3.He is looking for his mobile phone.

4.They were at the seaside with their parents last summer.

5.This letter is for Kate.

6.They spoke about their last concert.

7.I went to the club with my boy-friend.

8.The new film will be about the wildlife of Australia.

9.I’m going to talk to her on Monday.

10.I’m dreaming of buying a flat of my own.

11.She is interested in History.

12.He was afraid of that big dog.

13.They are preparing for an exam.

14.I’ve taken this basket for the mushrooms, if we find any.

15.They stayed at the Browns’.

16.Debbie looked at John.

17.He should take care of his eyes.

Ex. 4. Put questions to the subject of the following sentences.

1.He wanted to take the documents with him.

2.They have just come back.

3.I don’t like roses.

4.We are planning to buy a new house.

5.She didn’t do anything.

6.Somebody has taken my pen.

7.She will stay here till 5 o’clock.

8.Mike told me not to come here today.

9.Her bicycle has been stolen.

10.Her wish to see the world made her go on this trip.

11.My parents were in London in winter.

12.Jack could read at the age of three.



13.Somebody likes him.

14.Something happened last autumn.

15.Somebody saw him in the street.

16.Somebody will pick you up at the airport.

17.Something is happening now.

Ex. 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

1.She graduated in 1986.

2.They have been reconstructing the supermarket since October.

3.He took all the money.

4.I liked the concert very much.

5.They are going to buy a Ford.

6.I stayed with a British family last summer.

7.He is looking at my new dress.

8.I have always loved the Beatles because they are good musicians.

9.I spent $1000 on the repairs of my country house.

10.I cooked the cake for Pete yesterday.

11.Jack is 23 years old.

12.He usually starts work at 9.30.

13.Nobody saw the yellow Peugeot.

14.He saw nobody in the car.

15.I like tea.

16.Ben invited Liza to the movies.

17.Ben invited Liza to the movies.

18.He was in hospital a week ago.

19.We can discuss it later.

Ex. 6. Put alternative questions to the following sentences. Use the keywords in brackets.

1.He went there for 2 weeks. (alone / with his wife)

2.They have been studying since September. (English / French)

3.I have bought potatoes. (10 kilos / 6 kilos)

4.She is a student. (a first-year / a second-year)

5.They will travel to Namibia. (by plane / by car)

6.He is watching a film now. (video / DVD)

7.She had cooked everything by the time they got back. (soup / pizza)

8.I will be staying at the Metropol for (3 days/ 5 days)

9.He goes in for sports. (tennis / swimming)

10.We are singers. (a pop-group / a rock-group)

11.They are coming next week. (on Friday / on Saturday)

Ex. 7. Put tag-questions to the following sentences.

1.You are Mrs. Johns, …?

2.His name is Michael, …?

3.Bring me some tea, …?


Grammar Reference

4.They live in Paris, …?

5.She doesn’t enjoy hitch-hiking, …?

6.She has never been to Moscow before, …?

7.He came back only yesterday, …?

8.They were in the garden when it happened, …?

9.There are 15 students in your group, …?

10.I am the boss, …?

11.You are not afraid, …?

12.That wasn’t my fault, …?

13.Let’s stay here for a while, …?

14.Bob hasn’t called yet, …?

15.Let’s have a walk around the lake, …?

16.You can speak three languages, …?

17.I mustn’t tell her about it, …?

Ex. 8. Translate the following questions into English.

1.Кто взял мою тетрадь с лекциями?

2.Вы видели последний фильм Люка Бессона?

3.Где он обычно проводит свой отпуск?

4.С кем ты ходил на дискотеку?

5.Сколько времени тебе нужно, чтобы добраться до центра города в час пик?

6.Далеко отсюда до Красной площади?

7.Сколько человек было на вашей свадьбе?

8.С кем она разговаривает?

9.Они сейчас в Москве или за городом?

10.Давно ждете?

11.Кто видел Лесли сегодня?

12.Что вы собираетесь делать на каникулах?

13.О чем ты думаешь?

14.Чем занимается его компания?

15.Почему она не позвонила нам до сих пор?

16.Вы когда-нибудь присутствовали на переговорах?

17.Вы будете свободны завтра или в субботу?

18.Вы будете обедать здесь или пойдете в кафе?

19.Что заставило ее передумать?

20.Вы не могли бы закрыть окно?

21.Пойдем сегодня в кино, а?

22.Он – коммерческий директор Ашана, не так ли?

23.Вы были дома вчера, не так ли?

24.Он предпочитает чай или кофе?

25.Я ведь прав, не так ли?

26.Он ничего еще не знает, да?

27.Когда вы обычно возвращаетесь из института?

28.Кто Ваш генеральный директор?



29.Где ты был вчера вечером?

30.Для кого эта посылка?

31.Что вы решили?

32.Как долго вы планируете пробыть в Москве?

33.Что вы думаете об их предложении?

34.Кто звонил Бену?

35.Кому звонил Бен?

36.Кого ты пригласил на день рождения?

37.Кто пригласил тебя на эту вечеринку?

38.Мы должны пригласить г-на Брауна на встречу.

39.Вам следует связаться с секретарем.

40.Он не может приехать во вторник.

17. Reported Speech

In Reported Speech we use the back shifting of the tenses if the main clause is in the past.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Past Simple

Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Perfect





The examples of reported statements.

E.g. I am busy. – He knew that I was busy.

I made a mistake. – I said that I had made a mistake.

It will rain. – She thought that it would rain.

Reported questions lose the question word order.

E.g. Where do you live? – She asked me



| where I lived.

wanted to know | We use if or whether for general questions.

E.g. Have you written the article? – She asked me if (whether) I had written the article.

We use the infinitive in reported speech especially with tell and ask (for orders and requests).

E.g. Come at five. – She asked him to come at five. Don’t go there. – He told me not to go there.