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8. Give the literary translation to the sentences from the text:

The London paragraphers mentioned her now and then, and a number of enthusiastic patrons of the drama made the journey to Middlepool to see her.

Her heart beat with delight.

Her heart thumped against her ribs.

They bore a look of happy expectancy.

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Майкл считал, что жена для актера, особенно в начале его карьеры, может быть только обузой.

  2. Если кто-то из труппы просил у Майкла деньги в долг, он всегда говорил, что он без гроша, и ему даже нечем заплатить за квартиру.

  3. Самой привлекательной чертой Майкла был юмор, который помогал ему выходить из трудных ситуаций.

  4. В Мидлпуле было много людей очень богатых, но вряд ли удалось бы заставить их раскошелиться в пользу двух молодых актеров, у которых нет ничего, кроме репутации.

  5. Майкл решил провести страстную неделю в Четлхеме и взять с собой Джулию. Джулия была удивлена, когда получила письмо от матери Майкла.

  6. Джулия прекрасно сыграла роль простой, скромной деревенской девушки. И родителям Майкла она пришлась по душе.

  7. Когда Джулия почувствовала, что родители Майкла изучают ее оценивающим взглядом, она поняла, что эта встреча была подстроена.

  8. Полковник начал заигрывать с Джулией и допустил некоторую вольность, ущипнув ее за ухо.

  9. Родители Майкла, узнав об его помолвке с Джулией, приняли новость близко к сердцу и были растроганы до слез.

  10. На обличчі Мері був вираз щасливого очікування тієї хвилини, коли мати обернеться і побачить її.

  11. Джулія закохалася у Майкла по вуха з першого погляду.

  12. Абсолютно несподівано Том опинився без будь-якої роботи. До того ж думка про хвору дочку краяла його серце.

  13. Хоча Лілі одразу ж сподобалася батькам Тома, вони вивчали певний час. І Том не судив їх за це.

  14. Я не погоджуюсь докоряти йому за те, чого він не робив.

Post-Reading Discussion Section

1. Find facts from chapter 3 to support these statements:

1. Julia fell in love with Michael.

2. Michael didn’t like spending money.

3. Julia was no more to Michael than a friend.

2. Attention Check:

  1. What was Michael's first part in Jimmie's theatre?

  2. Did Michael have a university education?

  3. What did Michael's father do?

  4. Who said these words? "I think an actor's a perfect fool to marry young."

  5. What was Julia's first present to Michael on his birthday? What was Michael's most engaging trait from Julia's point of view?

g) What newspaper did Michael's father like to read?

h) Was Mrs. Gosselyn (Michael's mother) tall or short?

i) Where did Michael propose to Julia?

3. Discussion points.

  1. Why did Michael decide to become a good actor?

  2. Why did Michael’s father insist on sending him to Cambridge?

  3. Was Michael proud of his decent family?

  4. What did Julia give Michael for his birthday?

  5. How did it happen that Michael found out that Julia was a great actress?

  6. Was Julia really in love with Michael or was it just a case of infatuation because he looked "like a Greek god"? Find the lines in the text to show Julia's behaviour towards Michael.

  7. Can we say that Julia's feelings towards Michael were heated up by his "indifference", by his "severe" attitude towards her?

  8. What were Michael's views on marriage? In what way do his views characterize him? Can you agree that the marriage can ruin an actor's career?

  9. Comment on the writer's words: "He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism". In what way does it show Michael as an actor and as a person?

  10. Why did Michael go into management? Whose idea was it? What were his first steps?

  11. Do you think thrift is a good or bad feature of a human character? Which is better to be, extravagant and emotional as Julia, or practical as Michael?

  12. Do you think Michael loved Julia? What do you think attracted him most in her, a person or an actress? What did he value about her most?

  13. Does Michael appear to be the type of person you could like or admire? What emotion(s) do you feel towards him? Explain your answer.

  14. What was the predicament Michael's mother found herself in? Why do you think Michael's parents had this notion about actresses? What do you think about people of the theatrical world? Are actors and actresses difficult to deal with?

  15. Did Michael's parents and their house meet Julia's anticipation? What was the difference between the imaginable and the reality? How did Julia cope with the situation?

  16. Do you think it was fair of Julia to play the part of "a simple modest country girl" before Michael's parents? Is it possible to say that she made fools of them? Why/why not? Motivate your answer.


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