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Вправи на розвиток мовлення

Вправа 22. Запам'ятайте подані слова та словосполучення:

What’s the trouble? Що трапилось?

to have a bad cough мати сильний кашель

to have a pain in відчувати біль в

to have a thorough examination пройти ретельний огляд

to be a little out of order вийти з ладу

ought to cut down слід припинити

a sore throat хворе горло

to be run down бути виснаженим

to take medicine приймати ліки

to take a table-spoonful примати по столовій ложці

a touch of flu вірус грипу

a headache головний біль

an earache біль у вусі

What are you complaining of? На що скаржитесь?

to have symptoms мати симптоми

the prescription рецепт

Вправа 23. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог.

Doctor: Good evening. What’s the trouble?

Patient: I can’t sleep very well. I have rather a bad cough and a pain in my chest sometimes when I breathe.

Doctor: I see. Very well. You must have a thorough examination. Let me see your tongue… . Yes, your stomach is a little out of order… . Now your pulse… . Yes, that’s all right. Now I shall listen to your heart and chest… . Do you smoke a lot?

Patient: Well rather a lot, I am afraid.

Doctor: You ought to cut down for a time. Let me see your throat! Open your mouth. Say “Ah!”

Patient: “Ah”

Doctor: All right, that will do. There is nothing serious the matter with you, but you are rather run down. You work too hard. You need a real rest. I shall give you a bottle of medicine that will help. Take a table-spoonful in water three times a day after meals. Eat plenty of good plain food, have no cigarettes and drink plenty of milk, and not too much coffee; get plenty of fresh air and plenty of sleep, but above all do not try to do too much. A real change of air and surroundings would be very helpful

Вправа 24. Поставте подані репліки в логічній послідовності.

- Yes, rather. I woke up with a sore throat this morning.

- Shall I fetch you a couple of aspirins?

- What’s the matter, Ellen, a headache?

- No, thank you. It does not help me much.

- I am afraid that’s what it is?

- As a matter of fact I am feeling rather run down myself. Perhaps we have got a touch of flu. It generally begins with a headache and sore throat.

Вправа 25. Перекладіть діалог.

- What are you complaining of?

- I have pains just below my heart.

- Do you have these pains all the time?

- No, I don’t. The pains usually come after meals.

- After meals? Do you eat very big meals.

- Yes, I like eating tasty dishes.

- That’s probably the reason why you have these pains. Lighter meals, that’s probably put you right.

- Thank you very much. I shall follow your advice.

Вправа 26. Заповніть пропуски в діалозі, репліками поданими нижче.

- … ?

- I have got a high temperature and a bad cough.

- … ?

- Yes, I have got an earache.

- … . This medicine will help you and the pain will go away.

- How often should I take this medicine?

- … . This is nothing to worry about.

- Thanks a lot.

Do you have any other symptoms? Take two tablets night and morning until you feel better. What are you complaining of? Here is the prescription for you

Вправа 27. Перекладіть діалог.

  • На що скаржитесь?

  • Мене непокоїть головний біль та високий тиск.

  • Чи маєте якісь інші симптоми.

  • Інколи у мене підвищена температура.

  • Ось ліки, які вам допоможуть. Ви надто багато працюєте. Вам потрібен справжній відпочинок.

  • Чи можу я отримати ці ліки без рецепту?

  • Так.

  • Як довго мені їх приймати?

  • Приймайте по дві пігулки на ніч і вам стане краще.

  • Дуже вам дякую.

  • Бувайте здорові.

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