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B.1. Поки я буду роздивлятись навколо, він кудись сховається,

ів той час коли я буду розшукувати його усюди, буде займатися

своїми справами. 2. Що ти будеш робити увесь час, поки ми будемо їхати потягом? Потяг буде їхати до Москви цілих три доби. 3. Вони приїдуть завтра о 12 годині, коли діти вже будуть спати. 4. Поки ти будеш відпочивати, я буду займатися своїми справами, чи не так? 5. Що ти будеш робити, поки нас не буде вдома? - Увесь цей час я буду виконувати домашні вправи; мені здається, що, коли ви прийдете, я все ще буду цим займатись. 6. Якщо ти прийдеш раніше, його не буде вдома: він буде складати іспит. 7. Я буду готуватись до занять, поки вона буде писати свого листа. 8. Він буде працювати з восьмої до дев‘ятої години, тому не треба телефонувати йому у цей час. 9. Він казав, що завтра о вісімнадцятій годині він буде розмовляти з кореспондентом. 10. Чи вона говорила тобі, що в той час коли ми будемо розмовляти з ними, вона буде думати про наш успіх?

7.2.3. The Perfect form of the verb in the Active Voice

Ex. 155. Translate into your native language. Explain the use of the Present Perfect tense in these sentences.

1. She has read a very interesting book this week. 2. They have chosen light-green wall-paper. 3. Have you seen my watch anywhere? 4. I have not finished my letter yet. 5. She has bought a new carpet. Let‘s go and look at it. 6. Has Charles passed his exams yet? 7. I will let you know as soon as I have finished. 8. You will get used to our methods when you have worked here a bit longer. 9. He‘s been ill since the beginning of the month. 10. This play has been on for a fortnight.

Ex. 156. Supply subordinate clauses with the verbs in the Present Perfect tense.

1. I don‘t know why (she – not to come). 2. She asks why (you – to lay the table). 3. I‘d like to know why (he – not to answer my letter). 4. Tell me why (you – to quarrel). 5. She doesn‘t say why (she – to refuse to take this work). 6. She wants to know where (they to go to). 7. He can‘t say where (the dog – to appear from). 8. Tell me, please, how long (you – to live in this town). 9. I wonder how long (she – to work at our Institute). 10. He asks what (you – to cook for supper). 11. I‘d like to know what (to happen to the cake). 12. I can‘t guess why (they – to part).


Ex. 157. Copy the sentences arranging them in the following way: 1. Sentences expressing the completion of actions. 2. Sentences expressing durative actions.

1. Glad to see you! Haven‘t seen you for ages. 2. I have lived in Moscow since childhood. 3. Have you done your morning exercises? 4. Robert has studied English for five years already. 5. Ann has made a new dress. 6. The children have just come home from a walk. 7. Has anyone cleaned the blackboard? 8. Why haven‘t you brought your exercise book? 9. Kitty has been asleep for two hours, it‘s time to wake her up. 10.

Something has gone wrong with the radio-set. 11. I haven‘t had time to repair radio since last Monday. 12. Have you heard the news? 13. The bell has gone, let‘s begin our lesson. 14. It‘s two o‘clock, so I‘ve been here for two hours.

Ex. 158. Complete the following sentences with the given alternatives using since or for.

1. I haven‘t seen you … (May, three years). 2. We have been here … (an hour and a half, January). 3. They have lived in this street … (1970, a long time). 4. Nobody has written to me … (many weeks, my birthday). 5. I haven‘t been to my native town … (I was 17, ten years). 6. She has loved to sing … (she was a child, all her life). 7. We have met regularly … (we finished school, five years). 8. She hasn‘t spoken to me … (more than two weeks, last week).

Ex. 159. Make up sentences with since and for as in the model. Model: I know George. This started in 1995.

I have known George since 1995.

I know George. This started five years ago. I have known George for five years.

1. Rob has a Mercedes. He bought it five years ago. 2. She is in London. She arrived there four days ago. 3. Jack is here. He arrived here o n Thursday. 4. I know Sue. I first met Sue two years ago. 5. I have a camera. I bought it in 1985. 6. They are married. They got married six months ago. 7. Bill is a teacher. He began to work 3 years ago. 8. Brian is ill. He fell ill last Monday.

Ex. 160. Fill in the blanks with been or gone.

1. Where is Ann? – She‘s on holiday. She … to Italy. 2. Hello! I … just … to the shops. Look! I‘ve bought lots of things. 3. Jim isn‘t here at


the moment. He … to the shops. 4. Are you going to the bank? – No, I … already … to the bank. 5. He‘s on holiday at the moment. He‘s … to Spain. 6. Where‘s Jill? – She‘s not here. I think she‘s to the bank. 7. Hello, Pat. Where have you …? – I‘ve … to the bank. 8. Have you ever … to Mexico? – No, never. 9. My parents aren‘t at home this evening. They‘ve … out. 10. There‘s a new restaurant in town. Have you … to it? 11. Paris is a wonderful city. I‘ve … there many times. 12. Helen was here earlier but I think she‘s … now.

Ex. 161. Translate the sentences into English.

A. 1. Я прийшов, щоб поговорити з вами про одну справу. 2. Я купив цікаву книжку. Хочете її прочитати? 3. Чи ви зачинили двері? 4. Ви розірвали рукав сукні. 5. Чому ти відчинив вікно? – Прохолодно. 6. Денис тільки-но вийшов. Вам треба трохи зачекати. 7. Я вже помив яблука. 8. Сергій вже повернувся до Дніпропетровська?

– Ні, він ще не повернувся. 9. Я ніколи не читала цієї книжки. 10.Чи ви колись розмовляли зі своїм викладачем про це? 11. Він снідав дуже пізно сьогодні. 12. Чи ви читали сьогодні газету? 13. Вона була у Парижі тричі. 14. Вони знають один одного п‘ятнадцять років, і впродовж цих років у них добрі стосунки. 15. В них ніколи не було автомобіля.

B. 1. Що трапилось? 2. Куди він пішов? 3. Я вже прочитала цю книжку. 4. Почався дощ. 5. Я його ще не бачила. 6. Ви коли-небудь катались на ковзанах по замерзлій річці? 7. Сьогодні я не була в бібліотеці. 8. Впродовж року я часто бачила їх у кіно. 9. Я не зустрічала його з весни. 10. Скільки років ти живеш на цій вулиці? 11. Вона давно працює в інституті? 12. Діти вже прийняли душ. 13. Ви ще не погасили світло? 14. Ти взяла з собою парасольку? 15. Я вже відпрацювала тут 5 років. 16. Зима вже почалася. 17. Я ніколи не був у цьому театрі. 18. Збори тільки-но розпочалися. 19. Ми вже переглянули газети. 20. Вона завжди була присутня на наших зборах. 21. Я не був у кіно з вересня. 22. Пробачте, я забув ваше прізвище. 23. Ми не бачили його останнім часом. 24. На цьому тижні він не відвідував занять. 25. Останнім часом вона прочитала декілька англійських книжок в оригіналі. 26. Ми ще не обговорювали це питання на зборах. 27. Я дуже радий вас бачити. Ми не зустрічались з 1985 року, чи не так? 28. Я загубив свій ключ і не можу потрапити до кімнати. 29. З якого часу вони не відвідують занять? 30. Останнім часом він часто працював у цій бібліотеці. 31. Ходімо до їдальні. – Ні,


дякую, я вже пообідав. 32. Він зайнятий впродовж цілого тижня. 33. У цьому році наші студенти прочитали кілька англійських книжок. 34. Чи ви коли-небудь були у Волгограді? 35. Де зараз ваш брат? Я не зустрічався з ним з того часу, як ми закінчили школу. 36. Він зайнятий впродовж цілого тижня. 37. Чому ви не вивчили ці слова? Я був зайнятий вчора. 38. Вони збираються продати свій будинок. Ви що-небудь чули про це? 39. Він ніколи не бачив таких гарних картин. 40. Як давно ви його знаєте? – Я знаю Бориса з дитинства.

Ex. 162. Finish up the sentences choosing appropriate adverbial modifiers from the brackets.

1.My cousin didn‘t ring me up … (at 10 o‘clock, since 10 o‘clock).

2.I have not seen him at home … (at dinner time, since dinner time). 3. He

did not say a word about it … (at the beginning of supper, since the beginning of supper). 4. I have been here … (yesterday, since yesterday). 5. It snowed heavily … (on Sunday, since Sunday). 6. My little child has been ill … (in summer, since summer). 7. They did not know anything about each other … (when they met, since they met). 8. The child was frightened … (when he saw the doctor, since he saw the doctor). 9. My elder sister has lived in the country … (when she graduated from the Institute, since she graduated from the Institute). 10. My children have studied English … (last year, since last year).

Ex. 163. Choose the correct tense from the forms given in brackets.

1. I (haven‘t seen / didn‘t see) much of Al lately. 2. Who is she? I

(‘ve never seen / never saw) her before. 3. I (‘ve done / did) a lot of stupid things in my life. 4. She (has left / left) school last year. 5. When (have you got / did you get) married? 6. I‘m sorry. I (haven‘t finished / didn‘t finish) yet. 7. I (‘ve often wondered / often wondered) what he does for a living. 8. He (has caught / caught) the plane at eight this morning. 9. I (‘ve read / read) a lot of her books when I was at school. 10. (Have you seen / did you see) any good films recently?

Ex. 164. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense or the Past Indefinite tense of the verbs in brackets. Change the position of adverbs if necessary.

1. a) I … this book when I was a child. b) I … this book; it is rather interesting (to read). 2. a) I … him in summer. b) I … him since summer


(not to see). 3. a) I … the letter yesterday. b) I just … the letter (to post). 4. a) She … everything in the evening. b) At last she … everything; now she can go to bed (to do). 5. a) My watch was all right at 10, but at 11 it … . b) My watch was all right at 10, but now it … (to stop). 6. a) She … . the Hermitage two days ago. b) I already … the Hermitage, now I want to go to the Russian museum (to visit). 7. a) They … on Sunday. b) Ring them up, they … (to return). 8. a) Yesterday the weather …. b) Put on your coat, the weather … (to change).

Ex. 165. Use the Present Perfect tense and the Past Indefinite tense instead of the Present Indefinite tense and put them into a natural context to justify the use of the tenses:

1. Peter often takes his wife to the theatre. 2. Her mother goes to the south every summer. 3. My sister always helps me to wash the dishes. 4. My teacher tells me to be more attentive at the lectures. 5. He seldom borrows books from the library. 6. His aunt gives lessons twice a week. 7. Her husband delivers lectures at the University. 8. My granny often reads books to my children. 9. Every month she buys a lot of new books. 10. He tells me about it every time he sees me. 11. Mary doesn‘t often drink coffee. 12. My boy-friend goes to the country every week.

Ex. 166. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect tense or the Past Indefinite tense.

A. 1. My friend is a writer. She (to write) many books. 2. We (not to have) a holiday last year. 3. You (to see) Alan last week? 4. I (to play) tennis yesterday afternoon. 5. What time you (to go) to bed last night? 6. You ever (to be) to the United States? 7. My hair is clean. I (to wash) it. 8. I (to wash) my hair before breakfast this morning. 9. When I was a child, I (not to like) sport. 10. Kathy loves travelling. She (to visit) many countries. 11. John works in a bookshop. He (to work) there for three years. 12. Last year we (to go) to Finland for a holiday. We (to stay) there for three weeks. 13. I (to play) a lot of tennis this year. 14. She (to have) six different jobs since she left school. 15. He (to run) away from school three times when he was fourteen. 16. How many cups of coffee you (to drink) today? 17. In those days, Andrew (to come) to stay with us most weekends. 18. Shakespeare (to write) poems as well as plays. 19. Since my brother lost his job, he (to write) two books. 20. I‘m not cooking today – I


(to cook) all the meals yesterday. In fact, I (to cook) most of the meals this week. 21. Would you believe I (to make) twenty-three phone calls today? 22. Our team are rubbish. They just (to lose) eight games one after the other.

B. 1. Jill (to buy) a new cat two weeks ago. 2. His hair is very short. He (to have) a haircut. 3. Last night I (to arrive) home at half past twelve. I (to have) a bath and then I (to go) to bed. 4. You (to visit) many museums when you were in Paris? 5. My bicycle isn‘t here any more. Somebody ( to take) it. 6. When you (to give) up smoking? 7. I (not to eat) anything yesterday because I (not to feel) hungry. 8. Why you (not to want) to play tennis last Friday. 9. The car looks very clean. You (to wash) it? 10. I (to lose) my key. I can‘t find it anywhere. 11. You (to see) the film on television last night? 12. Mr. Clark (to work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. 13. Molly lives in Dublin. She (to live) there all her life. 14. Bob and Alice are married. They (to be) married for 20 years. 15. When we were on holiday, the weather (to be) awful. 16. The weather (to be) very nice recently, don‘t you think? 17. My grandfather died 30 years ago. I never (to meet) him. 18. I don‘t know Carol‘s husband. I never (to meet) him. 19. I (not to play) golf when I was on holiday last summer.

Ex. 167. Translate into English using the Present Perfect tense or the Past Indefinite tense.

1. Коли приїхав твій брат? 2. Ти вже бачив його? 3. Дощ вже почався. 4. Вчора падав великий сніг. 5. Я живу в цій квартирі з минулого року. 6. Годинник задзвонив о шостій. 7. Вона не була в кіно з минулого місяця. 8. Минулого місяця я бачила її двічі. 9. Я дуже зголодніла, бо нічого не їла зранку. 10. Вчора вона дуже втомилася і лягла спати дуже рано. 11. Він пішов до своєї кімнати, увімкнув радіо і ліг на канапу. 12. Цього року ми зустрічалися не часто. 13. Вони часто зустрічалися на вулиці. 14. Взимку вечорами вони зазвичай ходили в кіно. 15. Чи ви вже бачили цей фільм? Коли ви його бачили? 16. Ви вже записалися до нашої бібліотеки? Коли ви записалися до бібліотеки? 17. Чи ваша група вже прочитала цю книжку? Коли ваша група закінчила її читати? 18. Чи тато вже повернувся з роботи? Коли він повернувся? 19. Чи ви коли-небудь були у Києві? Коли ви там були? 20. Чому ви не вивчили слова? – Я був зайнятий вчора.


Ex. 168. Use the Past Indefinite tense or the Present Perfect tense instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. How long you (to know) him? – I (to know) him since 1978. 2. He (to live) in Moscow for two years and then he (to go) to Siberia. 3. When he (to arrive)? – He (to arrive) at 2 o‘clock. 4. I (to read) this book when I was at school. 5. I can‘t go with you as I (not to finish) my work. 6. His clock is slow. – It isn‘t slow. It (to stop). 7. You (to have dinner) yet? 8. The lecture (to begin) at 7 o‘clock and it (to last) for 3 hours. 9. We (to miss) the tram. Now we‘ll have to walk. 10. You (to see) Kitty on Monday? 11. I (to lose) my pen. You (to see) it anywhere? 12. It (to rain) heavily the day before yesterday. 13. You ever (to try) to give up smoking? 14. Why you (to switch on) the light. It is not dark yet. 15. When it (to happen)? 16. He (to leave) for the Far East two years ago and I (not to see) him since. 17. Why you (to take) my pen while I was out? You (to break) it. 18. Jack (to leave) already. – Oh, really? When he (to go)? – He (to go) an hour ago. 19. She (to take) eight lessons in English this month. 20. You (to meet) Mrs. Jones yet? – Yes, I have. – When you (to meet) her? – I (to meet) her two weeks ago. 21. Her husband (to graduate) from the Institute this year. 22. She (to miss) a lot of French lessons last month.

Ex. 169. Use the Present Indefinite tense, the Present Continuous tense or the Present Perfect tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. Peter, what Bob (to do) there? – He (to look for) his fountain-pen. He (to lose) it somewhere. 2. What he (to do)? – He (to write) his degreework. He (not to finish) it yet. He (to collect) the necessary material for it, and now he (to write) the conclusion. 3. Will you, please, lend me your pen for a moment? I (to leave) mine at home and now (to have) nothing to write with. – I (to be) sorry but I (to be going) to write myself. Ann (not to write), she can give you her pen. 4. Where (to be) Ann? – She (to be) in the kitchen. – What she (to do) there? – She (to wash up). – I already (to help) my mother with the house work and (to come) to ask Ann to go to the cinema with me. 5. Who (to play) the piano? Mary still (to have) her music lesson? – No. The lesson (to be) over and the teacher already (to go). Mother (to play) for little Kitty. 6. She (to send) me a letter that she (to come) in a few days. 7. What you (to look for)? – I (to look for) my dictionary. I just (to see) it somewhere. I (to think) it (to lie) on the bookshelf. 8. You (to read) ―The Gadfly‖ by Voynich? – I (to read) it now, I (not to finish) it yet. It (to be) a very good book, I (to like) it very much.


Ex. 170. Translate into English using the Present Continuous tense, the Present Indefinite tense or the Present Perfect tense

А. 1. Одягни пальто і шапку. Стало прохолодно, подув сильний вітер. 2. Сьогодні на обід прийде Олена. – Я давно її не бачила. Вона дуже змінилася? – Ні, не дуже. 3. Хто тільки-но вийшов з кімнати? – Не знаю, я нікого не помітив. 4. Ти бачила Мері сьогодні? – Ні, вона захворіла. Вона хвора вже десять днів. 5. Що ти збираєшся робити після занять? – Хочу піти в кіно. – Не йди без мене, зачекай, доки я тобі не зателефоную. – Добре. 6. Ви ходили в кіно на цьому тижні? – Ні, я дуже зайнята останнім часом. – Ви повинні подивитися новий фільм, він вам, напевно, сподобається. 7. Я дуже задоволена, що ви прийшли. Ви завжди приносите гарні новини. 8. Вони вже поїхали? – Ні, вони від‘їжджають потягом о третій. 9. Ви часто ходите до театру? – Так, досить часто, і сьогодні йду. 10. Ми давно його не бачили. Неллі каже, що він дуже змінився.

В. 1. Я хочу поговорити з Аленом. Він вже прийшов? – Так, він повернувся півгодини тому і зараз чекає на вас у бібліотеці. 2. – Чи Сем вже пішов? – Так, він пішов додому відразу після наради. – Але ж ми домовились з ним разом повечеряти сьогодні. – Він казав, що буде чекати на вас вдома. 3. Вона попросила доглянути її малюка, поки вона не повернеться. 4. Я вирішила поговорити з ним, коли він прийде, але я не впевнена, чи він прийде взагалі. 5. Ви знайшли ключ, який загубили вчора? – Так, знайшла. – А де ви його знайшли? – Я знайшла його у своїй сумочці. 6. Ти читаєш ту книжку, яку вчора купила? – Так, я вже прочитала більше, ніж половину. Вона дуже мені подобається. 7. Як вам вдалося покласти книжки на ту полицю?

– Я використав драбину. 8. Як ви написали диктант? Покажіть мені його. Ви не зробили жодної помилки! 9. Навіщо вона увімкнула світло? Я його вимкнув, ще досить видно. 10. Він спакував речі і готується до від‘їзду. 11. Він увімкнув світло і сів за стіл, щоб перевірити свої записи. Вже було темно надворі. 12. Все своє життя вона любила дітей, тому вона працює у дитсадку.

Ex. 171. Make the following sentences interrogative, negative and interrogative-negative. Explain the use of the Past Perfect tense.

1. He had washed his hands before he sat down to dinner. 2. The students had finished translating the article by 5 o‘clock. 3. The


watchmaker hadn‘t cleaned my watch by the time I came. 4. She had trained much before the Olympic Games began. 5. When the taxi arrived they had already finished packing.

Ex. 172. Use when or after to make one sentence from each pair as in the model:

Model: I did my homework. Then my friend rang. When I had done my homework, my friend rang.

1. Mary spoke to the teacher. Then Ann came to him with her work. 2. The film began. Then we came to the cinema. 3. The rain stopped. Then we went to the river. 4. Kate woke up. Then the clock struck seven. 5. He finished school. Then he began to work at the publishing house. 6. I wrote to my boyfriend. Then I watched television for an hour. 7. Everybody had a chance to say what they thought. Then we took a vote. 8. I posted the letter. Then I felt much better about everything. 9. She stopped trying to lose weight. She looked much healthier. 10. He bought presents for everyone in his family. Then he bought something for himself as well.

Ex. 173. Use the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, The Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. Mr. Smith (to move) to his new house yet? – No, not yet. He (to be) still in his old one. He (to move) next week. 2. I (not to be) to Moscow since I was a child. My wife and I (to go) there next summer. – You (to decide) where you will stay there? – No, not yet. – When I (to be) in Moscow I (to stay) with my friends. 3. You (to have) lunch yet? – No, I (to go) to have it at 1 o‘clock. Let‘s have it together. – Oh, I‘m sorry. I just (to have) mine. I (to have) it at 12 o‘clock. 4. When the young man (to enter) the room, she (to look) at him in surprise. ―What you (to go) to tell me? Why you (to come)?‖ 5. It is Friday today. You (to see) him this week? –

Yes, I (to see) him on Monday. 6. Your brother (to return) from the North?

– Yes, he (to come) two days ago. 7. Every day I (to wind up) my watch at nine o‘clock in the evening. 8. I (to want) to get tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre. – You (to want) to hear the new opera? You (not to hear) it yet? 9. You (to be) to the Crimea? When you (to be) there? – I (to stay) there for two months in 1978. I (to remember) I (to like) everything there, and most of all I (to like) the sea. 10. Ann, what you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for a friend of mine.


Ex. 174. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite tense or the Past Perfect tense.

A. 1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (to go) to bed. 2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (to go) straight to bed. 3.

Sorry I‘m late. The car (to break) down on my way here. 4. There was a car by the side of the road. It (to break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we (to stop) to see if we could help. 5. Was Tom there when you arrived? – No, he (to go) home. 6. Was Tom there when you arrived?

– Yes, but he (to go) home soon afterwards. 7. I (to be) sorry that I (not to be) nicer to him. 8. Nobody (to come) to the meeting because Angela (to forget) to tell people about it. 9. I (to see) them last night. – I know. 10. Because he (not to check) the oil for so long, the car (to break) down. 11.

She couldn‘t find the book that I (to lend) her. 12. All the people we (to invite) turned up, and some that we (not to invite). 13. They never (to find) where he (to hide) the money. 14. It was a firm that I never (to hear) of. 15. When she (to come) in, we all knew where she (to be). 16. The lesson already (to start) when I (to arrive).

B. When I (to go) to Paris last spring for a job interview, I (not to be) there for five years. I (to arrive) the evening before the interview, and (to spend) a happy hour walking round thinking about the good times I (to have) there as a student.

As I was strolling by the Seine, I suddenly (to see) a familiar face – it was Nedjma, the woman I (to share) a flat with when I was a student, and whose address I (to lose) after leaving Paris. I could tell she (not to see) me, so I (to call) her name and she (to look) up. As she (to turn) towards me, I (to realize) that she (to have) an ugly scar on the side of her face. She (to see) the shock in my eyes, and her hand (to go) up to touch the scar; she (to explain) that she (to get) it when she was a journalist reporting on a war in Africa. She (not to be) uncomfortable telling me this; we (to feel) as if the years (not to pass), as if we (to say) goodbye the week before. She (to arrive) in Paris that morning, and she (to have) a hospital appointment the next day. The doctors (to think) that they could remove the scar, but she would have to stay in Paris for several months. Both of us (to have) the idea at the same time: if I (to get) the job, we could share a flat again. And we could start by having a coffee while we (to begin) to tell each other everything that (to happen) to us in the past five years.

Ex. 175. Translate the sentences into English.


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