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policy. I (not to vote) for him unless he (to change) it. 12. No one (to buy) it unless it (to have) a guarantee. 13. If I (to be) you, I (to see) a doctor about those headaches. 14. If Nick (to have) a country house, he (to go) there on Sunday. 15. If you (to have) an argument with your friend, you (to apologize) first? 16. What you (to do) if one day a millionaire (to ask) you to marry him / her? 17. What you (to do) if your car (to steal)? 18. If Leslie (to apply) for the job, he (not to get) it. 19. They (to get) a bank loan if they (to apply) for it. 20. I (to buy) some of their books if they (to send) me their price list.

Ex. 226. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.


They would be disappointed …

a. … if I were offered it.


Many people would be out of

b. … if I lost his ring.

work …



I would be surprised …

c. … if he sold it.


What would happen …

d. … if I took his car without asking

5.I would be terribly upset …

6.She would understand everything

7.I would take the job …

8.He wouldn‘t get much money for his car …

9.What would you buy …

10.You‘d feel better …

11.I wouldn‘t argue …

12.Would you buy this flat …

e.… if we didn‘t come to their party.

f.… if this factory closed down.

g.… if you overslept tomorrow.

h.… if he refused to lend you some money?

i.… if you helped me with this


j.… if I were you.

k.… if you explained the situation to her.

l.… if you won a lot of money?


He would be really angry …

m. … if you were offered this job?


I would be grateful …

n. … if I

weren‘t absolutely sure I



was right.



15. I would listen to the elder‘s

o. … if you stopped smoking.

advice …


16. What would you say …

p. … if you had enough money?

Ex. 227. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Якби я мав гарний словник, я б витратив менше часу на переклади. 2. Мені подобається цей годинник. Якби він був дешевшим, я б купив його. 3. Я впевнена, що ви робили б менше помилок, якби краще знали граматику. 4. Якби рішення цього питання залежало від мене, я б допоміг вам. 5. Якби Дані виїхав завтра раніше, то він би був у Нью-Йорку вже ввечері. 6. На вашому місці я б не сперечався. 7. Я б не погодився з цією пропозицією, якби я був на вашому місці. 8. Якби він не витрачав так багато грошей, йому б не довелося їх позичати. 9. Він не приїздив би до цього міста кожного літа, якби йому не подобалося там. 10. Мені більше б подобався тутешній клімат, якби дощі не йшли так часто. 11. На вашому місці я б вибрав іншу роботу. 12. Що б ви робили, якби були на моєму місці? 13. Якби ви попрохали їх допомогти, вони б не відмовили вам.

Ex. 228. Translate the sentences into your native language.

1. If he had put on a warm coat yesterday, he would not have caught cold. 2. If I had seen him yesterday, I‘d have given him a piece of my mind. 3. If he had realized the danger, he would have run away. 4. Tony wouldn‘t have been so depressed if he had known everything. 5. If George had gone to the party last night, he wouldn‘t have seen Bell there. 6. Unless you had studied film history, you‘d never have passed that test! 7. We wouldn‘t have chosen this tour unless it had been escorted. 8. Would you have gone to Rio if you had known it was going to be so hot there? 9.

Matthew wouldn‘t have left the children alone for too long if it hadn‘t been so necessary to see the doctor. 10. How much would you have spent on your holiday tour if you had gone first class instead of second? 11. If the mother hadn‘t left scissors on the floor, the kid wouldn‘t have cut his finger.

Ex. 229. Change the following sentences according to the model. Model: If it didn‘t rain, we‘d go for a walk (yesterday).

If it hadn‘t rained yesterday, we‘d have gone for a walk.


1. They would come if you invited them (yesterday night). 2. If you weren‘t so careless, you wouldn‘t make such a foolish mistake (then). 3. If they were present, we would discuss it with them (last Monday). 4. If it were sunny, we‘d go to the beach (the day before). 5. If she were ready, she would take her exam (last week). 6. If Gerry weren‘t so busy, I‘d ask him to help me (in the morning). 7. If you had a spare ticket, I‘d see the performance (yesterday). 8. If I knew English better, I‘d work as an interpreter (then). 9. If Phil practiced more, he‘d play the guitar better (at the concert). 10. If I had time, I‘d go shopping with you (yesterday). 11. He would fill in that form if he didn‘t forget about it (at the airport ).

Ex. 230. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1. I‘d have gone to see you …

a. … if I had known your address.


The accident wouldn‘t have

b. … if she had had enough money

happened …

on her.


They would have come to our

c. … if I had known that she was

party …

expecting my call.

4.She would have bought that d. … if I had known you were ill. necklace…

5.We wouldn‘t have watched that e. … if you had witnessed the


6.Tom wouldn‘t have been late for his interview …

7.He wouldn‘t have become a

teacher …

8.No one would have bothered you

9.I‘d have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday …

10.He would have never asked you to give him a lift …

11.She would have been injured in the crash …

12.I wouldn‘t have phoned him yesterday …

13.I wouldn‘t have fallen off …

14. The man would have been arrested long ago …


f.… if she hadn‘t been wearing a seat-belt.

g.… if you had checked everything

before the departure.

h.… if the driver in front hadn‘t stopped so suddenly.

i.… if he had missed the train.

j.… if he had left some clues, but he hadn‘t!

k.… if he had known it would be so boring!

l.… if he had understood how hard it was going to be!

m.… if you had told us you wanted to sleep.

n.… if we hadn‘t forgotten to invite him.


15. You wouldn‘t have left your

o. … if he hadn‘t been in such a

tickets …


16. What would you have done …

p. … if someone had been holding


that ladder!

Ex. 231. Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. If Joan (to see) him waving, she (to wave) him back. 2. The secretary (to send) the telex if the manager (to ask) her to do it. 3. I (not to be) late for work yesterday if I (to have) an early night the day before yesterday. 4. We (to spend) more time in Edinburgh if we (to know) more about the city when we were booking the tour. 5. If we (to stay) in Las Vegas longer, we (to loose) all our money. 6. If we (to take) our children with us, they (to love) it! 7. If I (to buy) the car earlier, it (to cost) less than now. 8. I (to spend) less time on this work if I (to have) a better dictionary. 9. If I (to know) that it was going to rain, I (to take) an umbrella. 10. I (not to take) this tour unless they (to provide) a guide. 11. If Jane (not to forget) to wind up her watch, she (not to be late) for the interview. 12. I (to phone) you yesterday if you (to be) in town. 13. I (not to catch) cold if I (to have) my coat on. 14. She (not to scold) me if I (to come) in time. 15. If he (to know) the exam would be so difficult, he never (to take) it.

Ex. 232. Complete the following sentences. Make use of the suggested phrases.

1. You wouldn‘t have a sore throat … (якби ви не з‘їли так багато морозива). 2. He wouldn‘t be in hospital now… (якби він звернувся до лікаря вчасно). 3. We shouldn‘t feel cold … (якби ми вщент не змокли).

4.She wouldn‘t have a headache … (якби вона прийняла ліки вчасно).

5.You‘d feel quite well … (якби видалили зуба одразу). 6. The girl wouldn‘t walk … (якби їй не зробили операцію). 7. You‘d have found

the book sooner … (якби ви завжди тримали свої речі у порядку ). 8.

They wouldn‘t have furnished the room in such a way … (якби вони мали хоч трохи смаку). 9. He would have repaired the radio-set long ago …

(якби він мав хоч які-небудь інструменти). 10. You wouldn‘t have said that … (якби знали мене краще).

Ex. 233. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Якби ви взяли таксі, ви б приїхали на вокзал раніше. 2. Якби ваша пропозиція була отримана на тому тижні, ми б прийняли її. 3. Цього б не сталося, якби ви були там. 4. Якби ви прийшли раніше, ви


б ще побачились з моїми батьками. 5. Якби вони не відмовилися допомогти, ми б вчора вже закінчили цю роботу. 6. Якби ви читали книгу, то ви б краще зрозуміли фільм. 7. Якби завдання не було таке важке, студенти б виконали його набагато швидше. 8. Якби я узяв із собою відеокамеру, то зняв би гарний фільм під час подорожі. 9. Якби я був у місті, коли твій брат приїжджав, я б із ним побачився. 10. Алан не прийняв би цієї пропозиції, якби не відчував потреби в грошах. 11. Лорейн не вийшла б за нього заміж, якби не була впевнена в тому, що це буде гарний шлюб. 12. Я б не почала читати цю книгу, якби мені її не порекомендували. 13. Девід ніколи б не вступив до університету, якби не навчався гарно у школі. 14. Ніхто б не запідозрив його в крадіжці, якби він знищив відбитки пальців.

Ex. 234. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood.

A.1. If you aren‘t going to live in the house, why you (not to sell) it?

If I (to have) a house I couldn‘t use, I (to sell) it at once. 2. No, I didn‘t know any Russian at that time. - But if you (not to know) Russian, why you (to offer) to give him Russian lessons? - Because I knew that he (to refuse). He always rejected my offers. 3. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If he (to leave) it outside, someone (to steal) it. 4. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians (to wear) light coloured clothes, drivers (to see) them much more easily. 5. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for 15 years. If she (not to love) him, she (not to wait) so long. 6. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he (to look) strong, he (to be) expected to dig all like everyone else. 7. The government is talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. If they (to start) doing it, the village people (to resist)? 8. If you are catching an early train tomorrow, you (to like) to have breakfast at 7.00? 9. We‘ll have to break the ice on the pond; otherwise the ducks (not to be able) to swim, they (not to be able) to get food. 10. When he left school, he became a fisherman.

His family didn‘t like it at all. They (to be) much happier if he (to become) a greengrocer like his father. 11. They still say that if he (to go) into the greengrocery business when he left school, he (to be) comfortably off now, instead of being poor. 12. But he says that if he (to have) his life again, he (to make) the same choice.

B. 1. So many parcels and no baskets! If I (to know) that we were going to buy so much, I (to bring) a basket. 2. No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you (to bathe) in it, you (to be) ill for a


fortnight. 3. The only thing I haven‘t got is a balcony. If I (to have) a balcony, I (to grow) plants in pots. Then my flat (to be) perfect. 4. If he (to stand) on a barrel, we all (to see) him and that (to be) much better. 5. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I (to be) Tom, I (to get) a new battery. 6. I expect you‘ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you (to do), you, please (to remind) him about tomorrow‘s meeting? 7. The headmaster decided that Peter was the culprit and expelled him from the school. A more intelligent man (to realize) that Peter couldn‘t have been guilty. 8. But I blame the real culprit even more. If he (to admit) his guilt, Peter (not to be) expelled. 9. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think that if they (to have) children, they (to make) just as many mistakes as I do.

Ex. 235. Translate the sentences into English using the form of the Subjunctive Mood.

А. 1. Я була б щаслива, якби мала багато братів та сестер. 2. Якби він міг кататися на лижах, він поїхав би з друзями у гори ще того тижня. 3. Якби ви доклали зусиль, ви б закінчили роботу за півгодини. 4. Якби ви працювали старанніше, ви б уже давно написали цю роботу. 5. На вашому місці я б не хвилювався: вона знає, що робити. 6. Ми б зайшли до вас, якби не поспішали, але ми запізнювалися на концерт. 7. Вона почувала б себе краще, якби не зловживала ліками і частіше дихала свіжим повітрям. 8. Якби він мешкав у Парижі, він приїздив би до нас кожного тижня. 9. Якби я знала його краще, я б домовилася з ним про це ще вчора. 10. Вона б склала іспити краще, якби працювала протягом року. 11. Мені б сподобався фільм більше, якби він не був чорно-білим. 12. Що б ви робили, якби зараз були канікули? 13. Ми б дуже хвилювались, якби він не прийшов вчора.

В. 1. Якби він був вільний вчора, він би зайшов до мене. 2. Якби ви були вчора на концерті, ви б отримали велике задоволення. 3. Якби я знала про цю статтю раніше, я б переклала її. 4. Змагання відбулися б, якби не пішов сильний дощ. 5. Він би ніколи не впізнав мене, якби я не почала розмовляти з ним. 6. Дівчина не хвилювалася б так сильно, якби їй не задавали так багато питань. 7. Якби ви допомогли їй, вона б вже закінчила роботу. 8. Ви б не втомилися так вчора, якби ви більше відпочивали. 9. З ним би нічого не трапилося, якби він не поспішав. 10. Якби ви попрохали мене про це тиждень тому, я б допомогла вам відразу. 11. Якби я був на вашому місці тоді,


я б зробив по-іншому. 12. Якби ви проглянули старі газети, ви б знайшли цікавий матеріал для свого виступу. 13. Якби він був учора в інституті, ми б зустріли його. 14. Якби ви відправили телеграму вчора, він би вже отримав її. 15. Якби вона зайшла до мене вчора, я б допомогла їй у цій справі. 16. Якби ви не пропустили свій автобус , ви б не спізнилися на роботу. 17. Я зміг би відремонтувати машину, якби мав необхідні інструменти

Ex. 236. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the forms and the meaning of the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Were he a sensible boy, he‘d behave in a different way. 2. Were I in your place, I‘d do the same. 3. Were she one of my best friends, I‘d share my secrets with her. 4. Weren‘t it raining, the children wouldn‘t be staying at home. 5. Had she time, she would be able to join the excursion. 6. Had she many children, she wouldn‘t be so lonely. 7. Had we been told about it yesterday, we‘d have come earlier. 8. Had she known he would be here, she wouldn‘t have gone away. 9. I don‘t know what you would have done, had you been in my place. 10. Were she cleverer, she wouldn‘t have said such a silly thing. 11. Were Mum with us, she wouldn‘t have let you do so. 12. Hadn‘t he been badly wounded, he would have reached the other bank sooner.

Ex. 237. Complete the following sentences using the words given in brackets. Mind the inverted word order in subordinate clauses of condition.

1. (Знав би я про це раніше), I‘d have spoken to him. 2. (Не було б дощу), we‘d have had a sail by sea. 3. (Були б вони зараз тут), they would come to see us. 4. (Склала б вона вже іспити), she could go to the Crimea with us now. 5. (Був би він вкрай самотнім), we‘d invite him more often. 6. (Вмів би він гарно плавати), this wouldn‘t have ended so tragically. 7. (Вчинив би він так), everybody would have turned away from him. 8. (Мав би я шанс подивитися цю п‘єсу), I should never have missed it. 9. (Не була б ріка така глибока), we should cross it.

Ex. 238. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Були б зараз канікули, я б поїхав до Москви. 2.

Зателефонувала б вона

мені вчора, ми б не виглядали

посміховиськом зараз. 3. Прийшов би

він вчасно, вони б вже

закінчили роботу. 4.Була б це правда, він

би не заперечував цього. 5.


Попередив би він нас, ми б ніколи не втрутилися в цю справу. 6. Був би він художником, він би намалював мій портрет. 7. Що б він сказав, був би він зараз з нами? 8. Сказав би він про це раніше, все було б зараз інакше. 9. Були б в мене тоді гроші, я прилетіла б літаком. 10. Був би я знову в цих місцях, я обов‘язково сходив би на полювання. 11. Поклали б ви листа до сумки, ви б не загубили його. 12. Я купила б своєму синові ковзани, вмів би він кататися

Ex. 239. Read the following sentences. Comment on the form and the meaning of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into your native language.

1. But for the late hour, I‘d stay a little longer. 2. But for his teeth, he‘d be quite good-looking. 3. But for the girl, he would have left immediately. 4. But for his illness, he‘d have graduated from the college last year. 5. But for the small print, I should have read the book sooner. 6.

The child wouldn‘t have begun crying, but for your severe look. 7. You first brought your friend into our company. We‘d never have seen him, but for you. 8. But for the frost, we should be playing outdoors. 9. But for your help, I should never have finished my work. 10. Nobody would have noticed him, but for his innumerable questions. 11. But for me, you‘d have bought that old-fashioned knitted dress. 12. The girl would have lost her job, but for her father‘s help.

Ex. 240. Paraphrase the sentences using but for- phrase. Look at the model.

Model: I want to go to the cinema with you but I have to take my examination in English tomorrow. – But for this examination, I should

go to the cinema.

She made an effort over herself and didn‘t faint. – But for making an effort over herself, she would have fainted.

1. He helped me and I managed to find my work in time. 2. He is an experienced engineer and he gave us good advice. 3. He was in bad humour the other night and did not produce a favourable impression on my guests. 4. It began to rain and we didn‘t reach the village in time. 5. We didn‘t buy the new suit only because he was short of money at that time. 6.

We felt ill at ease at her presence only because of her vanity. 7. She had a headache and didn‘t take part in our amateur concert. 8. The driver was very skilled and we reached the camp at daybreak. 9. He had a good temper so he made friends easily. 10. He was very absent-minded and left


our tickets at home. 11. She couldn‘t do the task because she had been absent at the lecture.

Ex. 241. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Якби не дощ, діти спали б на відкритому повітрі. 2. Якби не постійна турбота матері, він ніколи б не одужав. 3. Якби не жахлива спека, ми могли б трохи прогулятися. 4. Якби не його оманлива усмішка, ми повірили б усьому, про що він говорив. 5. Дівчина не привернула б до себе уваги, якби не її прекрасні очі. 6. Якби не таксі, ми б не застали його вдома. 7. Якби не ви, я не прийшла б сюди. 8. Якби не війна, його доля склалася б інакше. 9. Якби не тиша, що панувала в будинку, вона нічого б не почула. 10. Якби не годинник, ми сьогодні проспали б. 11. Якби не ваш лист, він би не довідався про нашу подорож до Москви. 12. Якби не ця погода, вона почувала б себе непогано. 13. Якби не важливість цієї справи, я б залишився вдома. 14. Якби не довгоочікуване прибуття мого брата, я пішов би з вами в кіно. 15. Якби не його впертість, він ще тоді прийняв би вашу допомогу. 16. Леслі мав би набагато більше друзів, якби не його характер. 17. Ніхто ні про що б не дізнався, якби не твоя балакучість. 18. Якби вона не була такою неуважною, вона не загубила б свій гаманець. 19. Якби не шпаргалки (cribs), він би ніколи не склав екзамен. 20. Ентоні ніколи не став би таким відомим вченим, якби не його талан.

7.3.2. The use of the Subjunctive Mood in other types of subordinate clauses Adverbial clauses of concession

Ex. 242. Fill in the blanks using the proper mood form.

1. Even if her things (were, had been) packed, she couldn‘t have been in time for the train. It started at two sharp. 2. I shouldn‘t have visited her even if I (had, had had) time. 3. I shouldn‘t have managed to read the book even if you (had brought, brought) it to me. I had no time. 4. I shouldn‘t have read this article even if it (were, had been) published. I did not have this issue at home. 5. Even if your words (were taken, had been taken) into consideration, he wouldn‘t have changed his decision. 6. I should not go there even if you (advised, had advised) me to do this. 7. We


should go there even if you (did not go, had not gone) with us. 8. They should have come to you even if you (did not invite, had not invited) them. 9. He would not have met you even if you (sent, had sent) a telegram. 10. They would answer your letter even if they (were, had been) busy. 11. Even if I (booked, had booked) the tickets beforehand, we couldn‘t go to the concert tonight. 12. He wouldn‘t have won the race even if he (were, had been) a fast runner.

Ex. 243. Use the corresponding mood form instead of the infinitive in brackets.

A. 1. She (to tell) you nothing even if you (to ask) her. 2. They (not to come) today even if you (to wire) them. 3. The boy (to go) to school even if he (to be ill). 4. I (to ring up) you even if I (to have) little time. 5. We (to come to see) her even if we (to be) short of time. 6. He (not to go) to a holiday camp with you even though the weather (to be) fine. 7. She (to get up) early even though it (to be) Sunday. 8. We (to talk) about everything even though we (to know) each other for many years. 9. She (to speak) so loudly even though there (to be) many people round her. 10. You (to find) him at home even though you (to call on) him early in the morning.

B. 1. Even if you only (to think) that I could be of any help to you, I (to be) very happy to be allowed to stay around. 2. Why say it even if it (to be) true? 3. I (to get) there even if I (to walk) there all the way. 4. Even though you (to ask) him twice, he (to do) it again; he is a stubborn boy. 5.

You (not to get) in touch with him even though you (to try): he wasn‘t in town at that time. 6. Even though we (to know) in time, we (not to prevent) the catastrophe. 7. I (not to go) even if you (to try) to persuade me. 8. But even if you (to be) right, I (to prefer) to act in my own way. 9. We (not to achieve) any success even if he (to help) us. 10. Even though he (can pay) his hotel bill, they (not to give) him any more credit.

Ex. 244. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Ми все одно вивчили б усі слова, навіть якби нас і не просили. 2. Я все одно б зробила цю вправу, навіть якби ти не принесла мені книжку. 3. Ми б не запізнилися, навіть якби вийшли на 15 хвилин пізніше. 4. Вона встигла б на потяг, навіть якби пішла пішки на станцію. 5. Навіть якби ваш товариш був тут, він нічого не зміг би зробити. Усе вже вирішено. 6. Я не пішла б зараз на вулицю,


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