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англ / Н.И. Пирогов.doc
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Nikolay ivanovich pirogov микола іванович пирогов


Exercise1. Practice the pronunciation:

Scientist [‘saiəntist], pedagogue [‘pedə,gog], figure [‘figə], surgeon [‘sə:dΖ(ə)n], persuade [pə’sweid], however [hau’evə], specialize [‘spe∫əlaiz], thesis [‘θi:sis], Caucasian [ko:’keiΖn, ko:’keiziən], Prussian [‘prΛ∫n], Crimea [krai’miə], poor [po:ə(r)], reside [ri’zaid], peasant [‘pez(ə)nt].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Prominent scientist видатний вчений

Surgeon хірург

To intend мати намір, збиратися

Civil servant чиновник, державний службовець

Persuade переконати, вмовити

Authorities керівництво (тут: керівництво університету)

To complete studies закінчити навчання

To defend a doctor’s thesis захистити докторську дисертацію

To take up an appointment прийняти призначення (на посаду)

Military medicine військова медицина

Field surgery польова хірургія

He is considered to be… його вважають …

To withdraw from… звільнитись з … (роботи)

To argue for… виступати (наводити докази) за…

Superintendent of schools тут : опікувач учбових закладів

To reside мешкати, проживати

To suggest запропонувати

Estate маєток

To establish заснувати

Exercise 3. Find the equivalents:

To specialize as a surgeon військовий хірург

An army surgeon лікувати місцевих селян

Education for the poor переконати керівництво

To become a civil servant спеціалізуватись у хірургії

To treat local peasants стати державним службовцем

To persuade the authorities освіта для бідних

Exercise 4. Translate into Ukrainian:

The most famous figure, the family doctor, to observe the state of surgery, to take up an appointment as a professor of surgery, the academy of military medicine, the father of field surgery, to withdraw from the academy, to argue for education, to establish a clinic, to learn the Ukrainian language as a show of respect.


Past Simple



+ He decided to be a surgeon.

He wrote a paper on surgery.


? Did he decide to be a surgeon?

Did he write a paper on surgery?

Who decided to be a surgeon?

Who wrote a paper on surgery?

What did he decide to be?

What paper did he write?


Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian and put up the general and special questions to the given sentences:

  1. Pirogov made many experiments with animals.

  2. While living in Odessa, Pirogov resided at Deribasovskaya 31.

  3. Pirogov chose surgery as his specialty.

  4. In 1847 Pirogov developed a theory of the action and use of anaesthetic and tested it on himself.

  5. Pirogov became a professor in 1836, aged only 25.

  6. Pirogov worked as an army surgeon in the Crimean War in 1854.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text.