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1. Occupational safety and health in Oil and Gas industry.

Health and safety is an important part of any industry, but particularly so in the offshore sector, which is classed as a major hazards industry.

Reducing the number of dangerous occurrences, injuries and hydrocarbon releases remains a top priority and is a key focus of the industry’s absolute commitment to continually improving process safety standards. No other industry puts more effort into improving its safety performance through leadership, communication and co-operation.

In order to minimize or reduce the risks related with health and safety in O&G industry, we should be able to build good Health and Safety management.

Safety and health management is one of the vital constituents of Oil and Gas industry activities because most of the operational conditions, chemicals and end products (hydrocarbons and other compounds) associated with Oil and Gas production are well-known to pose serious safety and health threats to the workers.

Hazards in Oil and Gas industry can be divided into two broad categories:

• Safety and Injury Hazards

• Health and Illnesses Hazards

2. Safety health and competition in the global marketplace.

One of the most frequently heard terms in the language of modern business and industry is competitiveness. To survive and prosper in today’s global marketplace, industrial companies must be competitive. Competitiveness is the ability to succeed and prosper in the local, regional, national, and/or global marketplace.

Safety and health contribute to competitiveness in the following ways: (a) by helping companies attract and keep the best people; (b) by allowing employees to focus on peak performance without being distracted by concerns for their safety and health;(c) by freeing money that can be reinvested in technology updates; (d) by protecting the corporate image

When the pressures of competing become intense, it is not uncommon for safety and health to be given a lower priority. Not only is this wrong from an ethical standpoint, it is also wrong from the perspective of competitiveness and profitability. In the days when a worker’s most important qualifications were physical strength and stamina, there were always plenty of applicants in the labor pool.

2 Variant Final questions of “Health and Labour Safety” course.

Instructions. Highlight or circle the correct answer, or enter your answer in the space provided. Note that some multiple-choice questions may have more than one correct answer (each correct answer is 0.6 point).

Q.1) Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act whose responsibility is workplace safety?

A. Employer

B. Employee

C. All of the above

Q.2) The main purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Act is

A. Protect workers

B. Establish procedures for identifying and dealing with workplace hazards

C. Enforcement for non-compliance

D. All of the above

Q.3) PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER - Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act what rights do workers have?

A. The right to be notified of potential workplace hazards

B. The right to refuse work that they believe is dangerous

C. The right to go home with pay if they are told to do something that is dangerous

D. The right to be paid double overtime for work that may be dangerous

Q.4) The Occupational Health and Safety Act is Federal law

A. True B. False

Q.5) It is an employee’s responsibility to report violations of workplace safety

A. True

B. False

Q.6) PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER -Effective June 15, 2010, Bill 168 brought amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These amendments address the following

A. Workplace violence

B. A longer lunch break for workers working longer than 12 hours

C. Workplace harassment

D. Domestic violence

Q.7) Under Occupational Health and Safety workers now have the right to refuse work if they have a reason to believe they are in danger from workplace violence

A. True B. False

Q.8) Employers who are aware that domestic violence may occur in the workplace must take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect a worker at risk of physical injury

A. True

B. False

Q.9)PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER - Workplace harassment may include

A. bullying

B. intimidating or offensive jokes

C. displaying or circulating offensive pictures or materials

D. offensive or intimidating phone calls

Q.10) Employers have an obligation to prepare policies with respect to workplace violence and harassment

A. True B. False

Q.11) Employers have no requirement to provide information and instruction to workers on the contents of workplace harassment policies and programs

A. True

B. False

Q.12) Workers have no right to refuse work if they have a reason to believe they are in danger from workplace violence, they only have the right to notify their supervisor so they can take action needed

A. True B. False

Q.13) PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER - Examples of workplace violence may include

A. asking a worker to move out of the way so you can get by

B. assaulting or attempting to assault a worker

C. kicking an object the worker is standing on

D. leaving threatening notes for a worker

E. sending threatening e-mails to a workplace

Q.14) PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER - Which of the following are activities or circumstances that may increase

the risk of workplace violence

A. handling cash

B. transporting people and goods

C. working with unstable or volatile people

Q.15) Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act every employer must develop and maintain a program to implement the workplace violence policy no matter the size or number of employees

A. True B. False

Q.16) Workplace Violence Policy Requires: If or more workers are regularly employed at a workplace, this policy must be in writing and posted in a conspicuous place in the workplace

A. 3

B. 4

C. 6

D. 10

Q.17)Does the Occupational Health and Safety Act require employers or supervisors to do criminal background checks on employees

A. Yes B. No

Q.18) PICK MORE THAN ONE ANSWER In what ways could an employer become aware of domestic violence that may enter the workplace

A. When an incident takes place at the workplace

B. Threatening emails or phone calls received at work

C. Unwelcome visits at the workplace such as by an abusive partner

D. None of the above

Q.19) Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, a worker can refuse to work if he or she has reason to believe he or she may be endangered by workplace violence [Section 43(3)(b.1)]. However, work cannot be refused on the grounds of workplace harassment.

A. True B. False

Q.20) Certain workers who protect public safety cannot refuse work If the refusal would endanger the life, health or safety of another person

A. True

B. False

Q.21)Stress has been defined as the reaction of the human organism to a threatening situation.

A. True

B. False

Q.22)Unions view stress as the result of excessive demands, poor supervision, or conflicting demands.

A. True

B. False

Q.23)Industrial stress involves the physical state resulting from a perceived difference between the level of occupational demand and a person’s ability to cope with this demand.

A. True

B. False

Q.24)A poll for Northwestern National Life Insurance Company showed an epidemic of industrial stress.

A. True

B. False

Q.25)The study showed that stress may lead to increased productivity.

A. True

B. False

Q.26)The human response to industrial stress may be likened to that of a rubber band being stretched.

A. True

B. False

Q.27)Psychosocial questionnaires evaluate workers’ productivity on the job.

A. True

B. False

Q.28)Shift work can require some employees to work when the majority of people are resting.

A. True

B. False

Q.29)All sources of stress on the job can be eliminated, if precautions are taken.

A. True

B. False

Q.30)One of the most important factors with stress is learning to recognize its symptoms and taking the symptoms seriously.

A. True

B. False

Q.31)The purpose of safety promotion is to keep employees focused on doing their work the safe way, every day.

A. True

B. False

Q.32)Employers are not required to have rules that ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

A. True

B. False

Q.33)Ongoing safety training will promote safety in the workplace.

A. True

B. False

Q.34)Another way to promote safety through employee involvement is the safety committee.

A. True

B. False

Q.35)Workplace safety is one of the least likely issues to create disagreement between union/management.

A. True

B. False

Q.36)Incentives cannot promote safety within the modern workplace.

A. True

B. False

Q.37)Asking employees to sign a declaration of safety does not improve a company’s safety policy.

A. True

B. False

Q.38)Visual awareness is important in promoting safety within the workplace.

A. True

B. False

Q.39)Suggestion programs promote safety by involving employees in a way that allows them to feel ownership in the safety program.

A. True

B. False

Q.40)Personal commitment is not important in employee safety policy improvement.

A. True

B. False

Q.41) Emergency procedures have been devised to keep everyone safe.

A. True

B. False

Q.42)A hazard is any situation that has the potential to cause injury, illness, or death.

A. True

B. False

Q.43)If no notification is made of an injury sustained compensation can be obtained for that injury.

A. True

B. False

Q.44) To reduce injury, a risk control process accompanied by hazard-management procedures needs to be established.

A. True

B. False

Q.45) Safety signs can prevent accidents.

A. True

B. False

Q.46) A duty of care in the workplace is the responsibility of the employer only.

A. True

B. False

Q.47) The direct costs of workplace-related injuries are workers’ compensation premiums paid and workers’ compensation payments.

A. True

B. False

Q.48) When providing a safe working environment for staff, employers must eliminate all risks to health and safety.

A. True

B. False

Q.49) The safety and wellbeing of people in the workplace also includes guests and customers of the workplace.

A. True

B. False

Q.50) If you have to evacuate the workplace during an emergency, ensure that you take all of your personal belongings before evacuating the building.

A. True

B. False

Instructions.Answer the following questions in written form (each correct answer is 5 point).

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