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учебник по Английскому.Автор Агабекян.doc
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Страдательный залог

(Passive Voice)

Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия II (Participle И) смыслового глагола:

Present Indefinite: The letter is written. Past Indefinite: The letter was written.

Future Indefinite: The letter will be written.

Present Continuous: The letter is being written. Past Continuous: The letter was being written.

Future Continuous: The letter will be being written.

Present Perfect: The letter has been written.

Past Perfect: The letter had been written.

Future Perfect: The letter will have been written.

Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге показы­вает, что подлежащее предложения является объек­том действия со стороны другого лица или предмета. Сравните: / bought a book. — Я купил книгу.

The book was bought (by me). — Кни­га была куплена (мной).

Глаголы в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводятся:

1. глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия стра­дательного залога:

The letter was sent yesterday. Письмо было посла­но вчера.

2. глаголом с частицей -ся (-сь):

This problem was discussed last week. Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.

3. неопределенно-личным оборотом, т. е. глаголом в действительном залоге 3 лица множественного чис­ла, типа «говорят», «сказали»:

English is spoken in many countries. На английском языке говорят во многих странах.

4. глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии исполнителя действия):

Pupils are taught at school by the teachers. Учени­ков учат в школе учителя.

Задание 12.1. Переведите и определите залог и вре­мя сказуемого.

1. Не left for Moscow. 2. The news will be of great interest. 3. They were speaking to him. 4. She studied many subjects. 5. The film was much spoken about. 6. New subjects will be studied next year. 7.1 am work­ing now. 8. The text has been already written by them. 9. He studies at our college. 10. You are working, aren't you? 11. The text is being translated at the moment. 12. Do you work at this office? 13. When I saw him, he was going home. 14. They will have passed their exams by 3 o'clock. 15. This book was written by our teacher. 16. We shall be writing our tests at 10 o'clock. 17. The work v/ill have been done when he comes. 18. We trans­lated this text. 19. The letter had been written before we came. 20. We shall inform you. 21. These toys are made by children. 22. Does he work here? 23. Is he working now? 24. The conference will be held in May. 25. Rostov was named after Dmitry Rostovsky. 26. What are you doing here? 27. This work must be done at once. 28. You may take my book. 29.1 am often asked at the lessons by the teacher.

Задание 12.2. Переведите и определите залог и вре­мя сказуемого.

1. They can be seen in our library every day. 2. The delegation was met at the airport. 3. The child was often left home alone. 4. These houses were built last year.

5. All letters had been written when we came. 6. This film is much spoken about. 7. The machine is being tested now. 8. His work has been already finished. 9. I was told to wait in the reception room. 10. Your letter will have been answered by Monday.

Задание 12.3. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаго­лы в нужные формы страдательного залога.

1. I'm not reading these books today. They (return) to the library.'2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month. 3. Why your home task (not do)?,4. The patient (take) to the hospital today, and (operate) tomorrow morning. 5. This room (use) only on special occasions. 6. Bicycles must not (leave) here. 7. This newspaper (not read) because the pages (not cut). 8. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination.-9. Usually the floor (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday. 10. This book (leave) in the classroom yesterday. 11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 12. This room (not use) for a long time. 13. The children (take) to the circus tomor­ row.

Задание 12.4. Переведите предложения на англий­ский язык.

1. Эта книга была прочитана всеми. 2. Письмо бу­дет отправлено завтра. 3. Ее часто спрашивают? 4. На ваш вопрос ответят завтра. 5. Текст переводился вче­ра с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что закончена нами.

  1. Эти книги будут использоваться до конца года.

  1. Телеграмма уже получена? 9. О новой книге будут много говорить. 10. В нашем городе сейчас строится много новых зданий. 11. Ключи были утеряны вчера. 12. Мальчика возьмут в кино. 13. Вам сказали об этом?

Задание 12.5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Этот текст будет переведен к 10 часам завтра. 2. Все картины, которые вы здесь видите, написаны знаменитым художником. 3. Письмо будет отправле­но завтра. 4. Работа будет закончена вовремя. 5. За доктором послали? (to send for). У ребенка высокая температура. 6. Эта книга была написана давно. 7. Сотни новых домов будут построены к концу этого года. 8. Эта история давно забыта всеми. 9. Мне пред­ложили очень интересную работу. 10. На него всегда можно положиться. 11. Ему не сказали об этом. 12. Нам показали прекрасный фильм. 13. Его пригла­сили на вечеринку. 14. Делегацию нужно встретить завтра в 9 часов утра в аэропорту.

Задание 12.6. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


The weather in England is very changeable A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change to a fine afternoon. That is why it is natural for the English to use the compari­son «as changeable as the weather» of a person who of­ten changes his mood or opinion about something. «Oth­er countries have a climate, in England we have weath­er». This statement is often made by the English to describe meteorological conditions of their country.

The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.

The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be «How do you do?» or «How are you?» And after the reply «Very well, thank you; how are you? » the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the English often surprise people of oth­er nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weath­er, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting.

The best time of the year in England is spring (of course, it rains in spring, too). The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. The best place in the world then is at home by the big fire in the fireplace.

Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days. So most people who look forward to sum­mer holidays, plan to go abroad in summer to France or somewhere on the Continent.

The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog J and smog. This is extremely bad in big cities and espe-' cially in London. The fog spreads everywhere, it is in the streets and it creeps into the houses. Cars move along slowly, but still street accidents are frequent in the fog. People cannot see each other. They creep along the houses touching them with their hands not to lose their way or not to be run over by a car.


changeable — изменчивый, неустойчивый

wet — сырой, мокрый

nasty — мерзкий, противный

comparison — сравнение

mood — настроение

opinion — мнение

statement — утверждение

meteorologica — метеорологический

remark — замечание

to go abroad — поехать за границу

damp — сырой, мокрый

nationality — национальность

fireplace — камин

to look forward to — с нетерпением ждать

the Continent — континент (Европа)

aspect — аспект, сторона

fog — туман

smog (smoke + fog) — с мог

extremely — чрезвычайно

to spread (spread, spread) — расстилать(ся)

to creep (crept, crept) — ползти, красться

accident — несчастный случай

frequent — частый

to lose way — заблудиться

to be run over by a car — попасть под машину


.1. Is the weather in England very changeable?

2. How often does it rain in England?

  1. What do Englishmen often say to describe the weather of their country?

  1. Englishmen often talk about weather. Do you find this topic of conversation interesting?

  1. What is the worst time of the year in England?

6. When do Englishmen prefer to stay at home by the big fire?

  1. How do the English spend their short English summer?

  1. What are London smogs?

9. What kind of weather do you like best of all?

  1. Which do you like better: when it's cold or hot?

  1. What is the weather like today?

  1. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  1. What is the weather like in your town in winter (summer, autumn, spring)?