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18. Вставьте в предложения слово as или сочетания с ним.

Переведите предложе­ния на русский язык.

1. The newly industrialized countries... Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore, grew twice ... quickly ... the rich industrialized countries during the 1970s. ... a group, their share of world exports increased from 3 percent in 1960 to 7 percent in 1987. These countries now play a larger part in the world economy than ... countries... Sweden and Australia.

2. Capitalism is an economic system in which capital belongs to (при­надлежит) private persons who are free to carry on business ... they wish without any government intervention.

3. Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) is known ... an economist who played an important role in the construction of theories of consumer demand and contributed to many other areas of economics ... ... . His Princi­ples of Economics written in 1890 was a leading economics book for many years.

19.Русским существительным, обозначающим изменения качества или количества, в английском языке часто соответствует прилагательное в сравнительной степени или причастие 11. Например: увеличение цен—higher prices, increased prices; улучшение технологии- better technology, improved technology . Переведите двумя способами следующие словосочетания:

  1. повышение доходов; 2. Уменьшение спроса; 3. Увеличение инвестиций; 4. Сокращение рынка; 5. Повышение предложения; 6.улучшение технологии 7. Увеличение ресурсов

Переведите:greater shortage; 2. Lower equilibrium price; 3. Increased demand; 4. Greater influence; 5. Decreased input; 6. Reduced government intervention; 7. Greater restrictions

Задание на дом №5

20.а) Подготовить ответы на вопросы.

б) Подумайте и скажите:

  1. How can prices for other goods influence the demand for a good? Supply examples.

  2. What inferior goods can you name?

  3. What may be the result of imposing ceiling prices?

Аудиторная работа №6

21.а) Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

What (to happen) to the equilibrium price of a product when its quantity (to supply) by producers (to change)? For example, with an improvement in technology of wheat production wheat farmers (to wish) and (to be) able (to supply) more wheat at a given price than they (to do) before. How it (to influence) the equilibrium price? Clearly, it (to fall). But if the weather (to be) poor, the (to supply) quantity of wheat (to decrease). How it (to influence) the equilibrium price? It (to go) up.

In 1984, police officers (to concern) with narcotics consumption in the United States (to show) what a change in (to supply) quantity (can) (to do).There (to be) a massive increase in the quantity of coca production in South America and the quantity of cocaine (to supply) to the United States (to raise) dramatically. The result (to be) a big fall in the price of cocaine. In some parts of the United States, cocaine (to sell) in 1984 for one-half to one-third the price of a year before. One of federal officials (to say) :” At no time in the modern history of international drug control the price of a drug (to drop) by half so quickly.”

б) Напишите пять вопросов к тексту.