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Chapter eight

bald (лысый)

beard (борода)

blue eyes (голубые глаза)

dark (темный)

eyes (глаза

face (лицо)

fair (светлый)

false (фальшивый)

fat (толстый

features (черты)

glasses (очки)

hair (светлые волосы)

haircut (стрижка)

height (рост)

moustache (усы)

pug nose (курносый нос)

red hair (рыжие волосы)

short (низкий)

special (особый)

tall (высокий)

thick (густой)

thin (худой)

well-built (хорошо сложенный)

wrinkled (морщинистый)

to bring (приносить; bring-brought-brought)

to catch (ловить; catch-caught-caught)

to change (менять)

to decide (решать)

to die (умирать)

to find (находить; find-found-found)

to get a job­ (получить работу; get-got-got)

to give (давать; give-gave-given)

to hate (ненавидеть)

to look like (как он выглядит)

to lose (терять; lose-lost-lost)

to put on (надевать)

to send (послать; send-sent-sent)

to show (показать)

to take (брать; take-took-taken)

to take care (заботиться; take-took-taken)

to take off (снимать)

to wear (носить)

to be in desperate (в отчаянии)

best friend (лучший друг)

crash (автокатастрофа)

diabetes (диабет)

first (сначала)

getting interesting (становится интересно)

Goodness (Боже мой)!

guests (постояльцы; гости)

heart (сердце)

Ireland (Ирландия)

It means (это значит)

just (точно)

last (наконец-то)

medium (средний)

most of all (больше всего)

nothing special (ничего особенного

what about (как насчет)

without (без)


Detective Hunt and Constable Connor are_________ _.Simon Cross lives at the Hotel California! They take a taxi and go there.

JC: This Simon Cross, what does he __________________________ _?

DH: I ____________ you the photo, constable.

JC: Yes, I know. He has fair ____________and ________________________. But I mean, is he ____________ or ____________? ____________or ____________? Does he have any ____________ ____________?

DH: ________________________, I'm afraid. He's ________________________, ____________, no ____________, no ____________, no ____________.

JC: How will we ____________ him?

DH: ____________, we'll go to Robert and ask him about the ____________.


R: Good afternoon, sir, ma'am.

DH: Hello again, Robert. First, we want to tell you something. We're from Scotland Yard. I'm detective Hunt, and this is constable Connor.

R: Oh ... it's ... nice to meet you.

DH: We want to ask you about a man. He's staying at this hotel.

R: There are three men at the California now. Mr. O'Hara, Mr. McLeod, and Mr. Jones.

DH: Mr. O'Hara, what does he look like?

R: He's from ____________. He has ____________, blue eyes and a ____________. He's very short, too.

DH: No, it's not him. And ________________________ Mr. McLeod?

R: He's from Scotland. He's very tall and big, with moustache and a ____________beard. He has thick brown hair.

DH: N-no, it's not Mr. McLeod. He must be Mr. Jones. What does he look like?

R: Mr. Jones is an old man. He's from England. He is ____________, ____________ and ________________________. He's short, too.

DH: So, it's not him ... Hmm ... it's ________________________.


DH: Please ____________him the photo, constable Connor.

JC: Yes, sir. Look here, Robert. This man is a criminal. His name is Simon Cross. He has a ____________just like you, but your hair is ____________, not ____________. And he has ____________ like... you, but he doesn't wear glasses. And he has a ____________like you but. .. He ... he looks ____________like you, but ____________ moustache! Oh, my ____________!

DH: So, you ____________the colour of your hair and ____________glasses and ____________mustache. Take ____________, please.

R: Yes, sir.

DH: Hello, Simon Cross. Here you are, ____________. Nice to meet you!


SC = Simon Cross

SC: Her name is Alice. We went to school together, and she is my ______________________. When she was 18, her par­ents died (to die - умирать) in a ________________________, so I ________________________of her. She has diabetes (диабет), and she needs medicine. I ____________ my job in the pub, ____________ another job - in the food shop - then lost it, too. I was so ____________ that I ____________to rob a bank. Of course they ____________me and ____________me to prison. But I escaped. I couldn't go home because of the police. I ________________________, so I could live in the hotel. Then I came home and ____________all my things and ____________them to the hotel. Then I sent a letter to the doc, and he sent me the prescriptions. I sent them to Alice yesterday. I couldn't go to her, of course. She doesn't know I'm a criminal. It will break her ____________. And now I must go to prison again, and it ____________ that she will go to hospital. And she ____________hospitals ____________ in the world. Dammit, how could I be such an idiot?