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Text Would you Like to Become a Fruitarian!

In many countries, the number of vegetarians, people who cut out meat and fish from their diets, is growing. Susie Miller has gone a few stages further; she's a fruitarian – a diet not recommended for most people!

This is what she tells about her diet. 'I have my breakfast at about eight o'clock. Yesterday this consisted of two apples, an orange and four tomatoes; I like a big breakfast. I don't drink anything during the day such as tea or water as I find I get all the fluid I need from my diet. After breakfast I take the children to school and then go to the gym until eleven. I work out every day. After this morning's session I had a snack of a couple of apples and a small bunch of seedless grapes.

I then went home and did some work. I run an organization called Fresh Network, which is a support and information network on the raw food lifestyle, and every three months we produce a newsletter. The organization provides information on the benefits of raw food for health.

I quite often take lunch upstairs with me to eat while I'm working. Yesterday I had about 12 tomatoes, half a lettuce and then a couple of apples and orange. Some people think I have an incredibly boring diet but this isn't the case. Because I only eat raw food, this heightens my senses and so I find my diet wonderfully exciting.

I make sure my children have freedom of choice about what they eat. I certainly don't force them to eat raw food but just teach them about the goodness of it. If they feel like cooked food, I'll prepare them a vegetarian meal.

I don't like to eat food too late; it doesn't seem to agree with me. I usually have a final snack at about eight in the evening of a couple of apples, and that's it.

I'm very unusual for a raw food eater as I don't eat nuts, seeds etc. My body is extremely sensitive and I find I no longer need those things. I've been a fruitarian for about three and a half years and don't miss anything. People think I have a strong willpower. But it's not really anything to do with that. Generally speaking, I don't have to stop myself eating other things, I just don't want to.

In the winter I might have a bit of steamed vegetable once or twice a week and I usually eat more at that time of the year than in the summer. Occasionally I get longings - a strong desire for something else. Last winter, for example, I had a few baked potatoes but my body felt so strange after eating them I haven't wanted them since.

It's not that you can't eat certain things, you just find the diet to suit you. There are in fact no rules - everyone works out their own. And I've found a regime that I'm comfortable with. But it's my regime and I don't recommend it for anybody else.

Ex.3. Fill in the table with the food and drinks Susie Miller mentioned.




Ex.4. Choose the best explanation of the underlined phrases taken from the text.

1. Susie Miller has gone a few stages further.

a) Susie has chosen a very rare diet.

b) Susie's food preferences make her unique.

c) Susie's diet is stricter than that of most vegetarians.

2. I run an organization called Fresh Network...

a) Susie is the head of the organization.

b) Susie is a member of the organization.

c) Susie is an employee at the organization.

3. Because I only eat raw food, this heightens mv senses ... .

a) Susie becomes more sensible.

b) Susie becomes more sensitive.

c) Susie becomes elated.

4. If they feel like cooked food, I'll prepare them a vegetarian meal.

a) If it is necessary for them to eat cooked food, ...

b) If they are not against cooked food,...

c) If they want to have cooked food,...

5. I don't like to eat food too late; it doesn't seem to agree with me.

a) It's against Susie's principles.

b) She doesn't feel well after it.

c) It is against the rules of the diet.

Ex.5. Express your opinion on the following questions.

  1. What do you think of Susie's diet?

  2. Do you think she has and will have many followers?

  3. Would most doctors approve of Susie's diet? Why? Why not?

  4. What are advantages and disadvantages of her diet?

  5. Do you think people who want to follow Susie's diet need a strong willpower? Why? Why not?

  6. Why do you think Susie does not recommend her regime to other people?

  7. Do you think Susie's children when they grow up would thank her for making them vegetarians? Why? Why not?

Ex.6. Imagine that you have decided to follow Susie and become a frutarian. Make up a menu of your favourite fruit for a week. Try to make it varied so that you don't become bored with the fruit you eat.











