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І. Phonetic exercises

Ex.1. Transcribe the following words:

neighbour, eating, pile, bowl, reach, procedure, finger, appreciation, mouth, soundless, official, announce, serve, digested, avoid, float, biscuits, guest, slowly, meal, praise, pleasure, trouble, matter.

Ex.2. Mark the stresses:

atmosphere, unpleasant, irritating, conversation, discuss, immitate, delicious, alternatively, wonderful, congratulation, continuously, informal, teaspoon, something, permission, soundless, impolite.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex.1. What are the English equivalents for:

розмовляти з повним ротом, класти (лікті) на стіл, куштувати вино, брати бокал пальцями, нахилятися, просити передати що-небудь, оголошувати, дякувати господарю, приємна атмосфера, наповнювати бокали, смачна їжа.

Ex.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

walk around, pass food, lean over, pick from, make noises, certain procedure, express appreciation, hold the glass, drink as much as you can handle, official meal, table plan, male, female, praise, digest, avoid, insist on, ignore, trouble.

Ex.3. Add question tags to the following sentences:

1. The people must know table manners ...

2. Sometimes wine is served with a meal ...

3. We hold the glasses with three fingers ...

4. You drink as much as you can handle ...

5. At an official meal there is usually a table plan ...

6. It's good to smell, taste and express our appreciation for good wine ...

7. You always praise the host for the delicious meal ...

Ex.4. Give the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:










Ex. 5. Give Past Forms to the following verbs:

push, put, pile, lean, scrape, speak, pass, walk, make, hold, fill, serve, smell, express, drink.

III. Speech exercises

Ex.1. Speak on table manners you should keep in mind and follow. Which of them you knew before and which are a sort of surprise for you? What would you like to add to the given list.


The well-mannered Englishman at table holds and keeps his knife in his right hand, his folk in his left, cuts his meat and presses his vegetables onto his fork. The well-mannered American first cuts up all his meat, then places his knife down on the right of his plate, takes his fork in his right hand and with his fork lifts the food to his mouth. He will have coffee (generally with cream) half-way through his dinner before the pudding (which he calls «dessert»).

The Englishman drinks coffee (black usually) after the dinner. And of course Americans are coffee-drinkers rather than tea-drinkers. English coffee considers to be bad. But that's nothing to what English people would say about American tea. The popular method is to take a pot of hot water and put into it a cotton bag with tea leaves. Sometimes they put a pan of water on the electric stove and just as the water gets warm, throw in a few teaspoons of tea and then pour the mixture into a tea-pot (cold of course), then pour into a cup (or a glass) and then drink it.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Find which of the sentences are false or true.

1. It is normally for an Englishman to eat second course dishes with the fork in his right hand.

2. The Americans use the fork and the knife while eating the food.

3. The Englishmen prefer coffee with milk.

4. Americans are famous for their tea-making.

5. English tradition is to drink coffee after the dinner.