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комплексна контрольна робота

з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за П С)»

для студентів спеціальності 5.02010501 «Діловодство»

Галузь знань 0201 Культура

Варіант № 9

1. Fill in the missing words (cargo, forwarding, shipping, services, destination, documents, Excise, manifest, consignments, cleared)

The (1) cargo.... carried by a ship is listed in the (2) , which is a list of the bills of lading covering all the (3) on that vessel for that voyage.

It is just one of the (4) that are involved in the shipping of goods; the insurance policy and commercial invoice are among the others. The Customs and (5)… authorities will examine all these.

Clearing and (6) agents are often used to handle the transportation of goods. They will arrange for the loading and unloading of the goods and arrange all the dock (7) ..that are needed.

The (8) marks, which are stencilled on the cases, provide an easy way of identifying the items in a consignment when they are unloaded. The marks are described in the manifest, which is again inspected when the goods are (9)… through Customs on reaching their (10)

2. Write the numbers in words.

678,001 1/4

3. What are these numbers in figures? Write them

one million four hundred (and) twelve thousand six hundred (and) five

4. Choose the correct forms or open the brackets. Translate the sentences.

There are two tickets for (we, us). I don't know where ( my, mine) berth is.

The desk clerk (to give) you a key. It (to take) me ten minutes to get to their office yesterday.

We (to have) our lunch in the cafe now. We (to order) just the drinks.

5. Translate the sentences.

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