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Английский язык (учебное пособие)

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The next step in starting a business is to estimate carefully the expenses of running it and then weigh the expenses against the revenue of income, you think the business can make to do this, you must develop a financial plan.

A financial plan is a way for you to figure out whether your business idea can be profitable. In addition, a good financial plan would be required by a bank before it would loan money to you to start your business.

The expense side of a financial plan is the business’s budget for the year. The budget estimates expenses for such items as rent, utilities, salaries, and supplies. The revenue side of a financial plan predicts the amount of money coming in from the sale of goods and services when you can demonstrate that revenue will be greater than expenses, you are showing that the business will make a profit.


1.to estimate – оценивать приблизительно

2.to run a business – управлять делом

3.income – доход

4.to loan money – давать ссуду

5.expense side – расходная сторона (часть)

6.rent – арендная плата

7.utilities – коммунальные услуги

8.salary – оклад

9.supply – поставки, снабжение, запасы

10.revenue side – доходная часть

Дайте определение на английском языке следующих терминов:

1.financial plan

2.business’s budget


When you buy something these days, you have many ways of paying for it. Just think of them! However, you may be surprised to learn that there have always been lots of methods of payment. Long ago, people used to exchange one thing for another – an ox or a cow for rice or grain, for example. This system of exchange was called barter, but there were lots of problems. Well, how many bags of rice would you give for a cow? And how would you carry the bags? People manage to solve these problems. In the 7th century B.C. they introduced coins made of fixed amount of gold and silver. Business became much easier, because people could now exchange the money for things they required. Coins lasted for a long time, but they were heavy, and so eventually,


governments solved the problem by introducing banknotes, so cash became easier and lighter to carry.

Nowadays, of course, more and more people are paying for things with cheques or credit cards instead of cash. Some goods can be purchased on credit. Sometimes you get a discount. You are often offered a discount if you buy wholesale. In some places, for example, in the market you can haggle, but in the shops, supermarkets and malls prices are fixed. If you buy a good thing at a reasonable price, you say it’s a bargain.

The money you pay for your school or lawyer is called fee or fees, and the money paid for a journey is called a fare.

If you deposit your money in a bank, you get a current account. This type of keeping money is not very popular in Russia now, as after the August 1998 crisis many banks collapsed and people lost their savings.


1.to exchange – обменивать

2.ox – бык

3.barter – бартер

4.to solve – решать

5.fixed – фиксированный

6.eventually – в конце концов

7.cash – наличные деньги

8.purchase, v. – покупать; n. – покупка

9.on credit – в кредит

10.discount – скидка

11.wholesale – оптом

12.haggle – торговаться

13.bargain – удачная покупка, сделка

14.fee – плата за обучение, гонорар адвоката и т.д.

15.fare – плата за проезд

16.current account – текущий счет

17.to collapse – рушиться, разваливаться

18.savings – сбережения


Jane Jones is eighteen years old. She lives in Denver with her family: her mother, father and elder brother. Denver is a big and modern city. It is also a center for business. There are many banks in Denver. The Young Americans Bank is one of them.

The Young Americans Bank of Denver is a very special bank. It is a bank for the young, but it offers all the services of a big commercial bank. The Young


Americans Bank gives young people an idea of how a bank works. This prepares them for the future.

The Young Americans Bank as any other bank offers customers three basic services: checking accounts, loans and money deposits or savings. The bank has the same rules as any other bank in the USA. The bank does not give out loans at a low interest and it does not make exceptions. This is a wise strategy: if a bank gives out loans at a low interest or makes exceptions, young people will not learn anything. They will not be prepared for the future.

Jane comes up to the bank. She knows that it is a bank for the young.

Jane is going to put her 200 dollars into this bank. It is the first deposit that she makes. The teller sees the girl and smiles. She always smiles to greet a customer.

Jane is leaving her school this year so her parents encourage her to start saving money for college. She must also learn how to deal with money. She earns a little working at the local McDonald’s. Often she trims garden shrubs. From now on Jane will deposit small sums to set money aside for college.

The teller greets the girl:

-Hi. How are you?

-Fine, thank you, - answers Jane. - I’d like to open an account and

deposit $150 in it.

Jane takes out two hundred-dollar bills and places them on the counter. She looks at the teller expectantly. She is a shy girl, and not very talkative. The bank intimidates her a little, but she knows she has to learn how to earn and save money.

- You’d like to deposit 150 dollars. Right? – asks the teller approvingly. The teller is a woman in her fifties. She looks at Jane with kind

attentiveness. She does not rush her clients. The clients of this bank are very young and they have to learn. If they learn, they will become good customers. And tellers have jobs if the bank has customers. If there are no clients, there is no work for tellers to do.

Jane looks at the teller and nods her head. She likes this lady. She feels comfortable and her confidence grows.

-Yes, please, - says Jane

-You are opening your first savings account, right?

-Yes, - says Jane.

-Fine, - says the teller. She hands Jane her new credit card and the change.

A few minutes later Jane walks out of the bank. She takes another look at her credit card and puts it away into her purse.

Now, Jane is a customer of the Young Americans Bank of Denver. And as a customer she can use all the basic bank services: checking accounts, loans and money deposits or savings.



1.account, n - счёт

1)bank account – банковский счёт

2)checking account –счёт (вклад) до востребования

3)current account – текущий счёт

4)savings account – сберегательный счёт

2.attentiveness – внимание, внимательность

3.a bank – банк

4.a bill – банкнота, казначейский билет

5.a center – центр

6.a client – клиент

7.confidence, n – уверенность, доверие

8.credit card – кредитная карточка

9.a customer – клиент, потребитель, покупатель

10.commercial bank – коммерческий банк

11.a deposit – вклад в банке, взнос

12.encourage, v – поощрять, поддерживать

13.earn, v - зарабатывать

14.service, n – обслуживание, услуга

15.a loan – заём, ссуда

16.give out – раздавать

17.interest – процент, ссудный процент

18.at a low interest – под низкий процент

19.savings – сбережения

20.a teenager – подросток, юноша или девушка в возрасте от 13 до 19

21.a teller – кассир (в банке)

22.trim, v – приводить в порядок, подравнивать, подстригать

23.a shrub – кустарник

24.set aside – откладывать

25.rush, v – торопить

26.a purse – кошелёк

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is Jane?

2.What kind of city is Denver?

3.Why is the Young Americans Bank a very special bank?

4.What are the basic services of the YAB?

5.Why doesn’t the bank give out loans at a low interest?

6.How much money is Jane going to put into the bank as the first deposit?

7.For what purpose does she open her deposit?

8.How does she earn her money for college?

9.Describe the teller’s work. What are the specialities of teller’s work?

10.What services of the bank can Jane use as the customer?



By definition, banks are institutions, which accept money from people for safe keeping, lending it out to others, but particularly creating money by lending their credit, i. e. by making loans and advances to customers. Banks make money work at all levels in industry and commerce.

Thus, commercial (or in the UK clearing) banks are providers of payment services such as deposit and current accounts tailored to fit particular savers’ preferences and they lend the funds they receive on a variety of terms which satisfy the needs of a range of borrowers.

Banks are able to achieve margins through economies of scale. But the margin is always under pressure from the basic costs of the business and from competition. They make their profit by paying a lower rate of interest for the money they lend.

Other activities were added to the original function of the banks. A modern joint-stock bank is expected to provide the following services: to accept deposits; to provide cheque facilities; to collect and pay cheques, bills and dividends; to grant loans to customers and arrange for overdraft facilities; to discount bills; to open letters of credit; to issue travellers’ cheques; to transact foreign exchange business; to provide safe-deposit strong-room facilities for clients’ valuables; to transact stock and share business on behalf of their clients and hold securities in safe custody.

Banks write “insurance” type contracts with depositors and borrowers. Thus, personal, corporate and bank depositors are assured that their deposits can be redeemed at full value.

Retail banking involves business with individuals and small businesses. The more recent development in banking is the merging of investment and commercial banking. Investment banking involves information intermediation and underwriting roles.

Offshore banking, which is part of a country’s banking business, is developing too.


1.by definition – по определению

2.accept – принимать

3.safe keeping – (со)хранение

4.lend – давать взаймы, ссужать

5.create – создавать

6.loan – ссуда

7.advance – аванс, ссуда

8.financial intermediary – финансовый посредник

9.borrower – заёмщик

10.mediate – посредничать, служить связью

11.margin – разница

12.a modern joint stock bank is expected to – считается, что современный акционерный банк должен …


13.check facilities – услуги по обработке чеков

14.bill – вексель

15.overdraft facilities – услуги по овердрафту

16.discount – учитывать (векселя)

17.transact – вести, провести

18.strong room facilities – сейфовые помещения, хранилища

19.to transact stock and share business – осуществлять сделки с ценными бумагами

20.valuables – ценности

21.safe custody ( of securities) – хранение (ценных бумаг) в сейфе

22.banks write “insurance” type contracts – банки берут на себя обязательство по “страховым контрактам”

23.merging – слияние, объединение

24.intermediation – посредничество

25.underwriting – поручительство

26.to involve – включать

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.What services do banks offer?

2.What is the nature of banking?

3.How do banks earn a living?

4.Do commercial banks play a very important role in an economy?

5.What are the more recent developments in banking?


Finance is the provision of money at the time when it is needed. It is a system of monetary relations leading to formation, distribution and use of money in the process of its turnover between economic entities.

The financial system is the network of institutions through which firms, households and units of government get the funds they need and put surplus funds to work.

Savers and borrowers are connected by financial intermediaries including banks.

Finance is an economic system comprises two parts: public finance and finance of economic entities.

Public finance is the provision of money. It is a collective term for the financial flows and also the financial institutions of the public sector.

Public finance has the following four functions: a) the provision of essential services; b) the encouragement or control of particular sector of the economy; c) the implementation of social policy in respect of social services, and d) the encouragement of the growth of economy as a whole.

The major instrument of any financial system is the budget. In a marketoriented economy, the budget is the most important tool for achieving national priorities and goals.


The budget is an estimate of national revenue and expenditure for the ensuing fiscal year.

Revenue and expenditure forecasting is the most fundamental step in the process of budget preparation.

In Russia, public finance is a sum of budgets of all levels of subject of the Federation, extrabudgetary and reserve funds.

Budget preparation at the federal level involves a number of institutions. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is the central coordinating institution in charge of compiling and presenting the budget. It has major inputs from ministries in various sectors of the economy and the state tax bodies.


1.provision – снабжение, обеспечение

2.monetary relations – денежные отношения

3.turnover – отношения

4.economic entity – экономический субъект

5.network of institutions – сеть учреждений

6.household – семейное хозяйство

7.unit of government – государственная организация

8.funds – фонды, средства, деньги, капитал

9.surplus – излишек, избыток

10.saver – вкладчик

11.borrower – заёмщик

12.thrift institutions – сберегательные учреждения

13.insurance company – страховая компания

14.mutual funds – взаимные фонды

15.pension funds – пенсионные фонды

16.comprise – охватывать, содержать, вмещать

17.financial flows – финансовые потоки

18.encouragement – поддержка, стимулирование, поощрение

19.implementation – выполнение, осуществление

20.goal – цель, задача

21.estimate – оценка, смета

22.revenue – государственные доходы

23.expenditure – расходы, затраты

24.fiscal year – финансовый год

25.forecasting – прогнозирование

26.budget preparation – подготовка бюджета

27.extrabudgetary and reserve funds – внебюджетные и резервные фонды

28.involve (in) – включать (в себя)

29.it has major inputs from – оно получает информацию от …

30.to compile and present the budget – составить и представить бюджет

31.ensuing – последующий



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Международный университет бизнеса и новых технологий /Институт/.

Формат А5. Уч.-изд.л. – 2,06. Усл.-изд.л. – 2,85. Тираж 500 экз. Оригинал-макет, печать - Центр малой полиграфии МУБиНТ.

г. Ярославль, ул. Советская, 80.

Ответственный за выпуск Т.Е. Овсянникова Компьютерная верстка Р.Д. Румянцева Корректор, технический редакторЛ.В. Штамагина