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2 курс ФК, ЕП, УП Денне / ІІ курс денне Англійська мова / Англійська мова Вивчаємо граматику -підручник.doc
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Сulture quiz

              1. If I were doing business in China and was asked about Taiwan, I would say ‘It’s a country I have never visited’.

              2. If I were having a meal with some Malay business colleagues in Kuala Lumpur, I would only pick up food with my right hand.

              3. If I asked a Japanese businessman to do something and he said ‘Chotto muzukashi’ (It’s a little difficult), I would continue trying to persuade him to agree.

              4. If I were invited to a British person’s home at 8 p.m. for dinner, I would try and arrive 15 minutes late.

              5. If I were doing business in Saudi Arabia, I would not speak Arabic unless I could speak it properly.

              6. If I were in Oman, I would not start talking about business until after the second cup of coffee.

*Вправа 6. Прочитайте, що написала жінка на одному з веб-сайтів. Потім виберіть і виправте твердження, які не відповідають змісту прочитаного.

I wish that work wasn't so stressful. I am almost, almost stressed out enough to wish that I worked for someone else. Being responsible for a business is hard.

I wish Dorian would stop coughing. He's had a cough for about two weeks now, but since he's not coughing constantly and he hasn't had a fever or any other symptom of illness, I haven't bothered to take him to the doctor. (You know that if you take your kid to the doctor during sick-visit hours, even if the doctor says your kid is fine, he's going to be sick with something in a day or two.) But he's still coughing, and now his nose is running, and he's alternately saying he feels sick and saying he feels well and happy. And I am starting to wonder if I'm being neglectful because I haven't called the doctor yet.

I wish there was something good to eat for lunch here.

I wish I had a beautiful new dress to wear to this gala I'm attending on Sunday. I wish I'd bought myself those beautiful shoes I saw when I was shopping for boots. I wish I had a new everyday coat for winter, one with all of its buttons. I wish I had time to go shopping.

I wish my bathroom sink wasn't blocked up. It's been blocked for at least two weeks now. I am getting tired of brushing my teeth and washing my face while leaning over the bathtub.

I wish Vince hadn't left my Dyson vacuum on the porch last night. I'd taken it to my mom's house - she thought her vacuum was broken - and I asked Vince to pick it up yesterday. He did, but didn't bring it into the house, and I assumed he'd left it in the car. In truth, it was on the porch. It is not smart to leave a $400 vacuum on the porch in our neighborhood. I was in too big of a hurry to see if it works this morning, and also I am slightly too smart to plug a wet appliance into the wall, so I won't know if it's been damaged until it has had time to dry out. If it's damaged I am going to be furious. That vacuum is my buddy. It is worth the $400, but only if you don't have an idiot husband who will leave it outside on a rainy November night.

I wish I could focus on the good things. Instead all I seem capable of doing is fanatically refreshing my eBay "Things I'm Selling" page. That's going well, at least. 13 items are ending today, ten are currently selling, and the other three all have a lot of watchers.

So what are you wishing for today? That I'll stop whining, maybe?

Based on I am wishing a lot of things right now


to cough – кашляти; fever – жар; to bother – клопотатися; sick-visit hours – час прийому хворих; nose is running – нежить; neglectful – неуважний; gala – свято; blocked up – засмічений; porch – ґанок; smart – розумний; to plug into – устромляти в розетку; to dry out – висохнути; buddy – приятель; to refresh (an Internet document) – знаходити оновлену інформацію (в Інтернеті); eBay – всесвітній ринок у режимі он-лайн; watcher - спостерігач; to whine - пхикати, плакатися.

  1. The woman is stressed out because she is working for a large company.

  2. She is worried about her husband Dorian’s health.

  3. She hasn't called the doctor yet because she is an uncaring person.

  4. She is displeased with the meals she has had.

  5. She would like to buy the shoes she saw when she was shopping for boots.

  6. She doesn’t have enough time for shopping.

  7. Her bathtub has been blocked up for two weeks now.

  8. She is very angry with her husband because her vacuum that he left on the porch last night has been damaged.

  9. She is pleased that she has been able to concentrate on the good things at last.

  10. In conclusion she gives readers her best wishes for the happy day.

Вправа 7. 1) Прочитайте текст і дайте відповіді на запитання.