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people, and is the hero of high society stories. English society followed the development of his relationship with his girlfriend with agitation, then they pored over his wedding photographs, the one-year anniversary of their daughter Poppy was an 'event' and now they are all waiting with anticipation for the next addition to the family.

The reasons for Jamie Oliver‘s success, apart from good advertising, are that he was in the right place at the right time. First of all, he is frightfully ―English‖.

He was born in 1975 and has been constantly on television screens for the last few years. Not handsome but sweet, he looks like a collective portrait of English youth. He grew up in the provinces (in Essex) and worked in his parents‘ pub from childhood.

At first he used many techniques from Italian cuisine, in particular olive oil and vegetables, since the English have a great respect for Italian cooking. But gradually English items started to creep to the top of the list. Increasingly often he has made patriotic appeals to use traditional English products, to recall traditional English recipes, and to remember that the English have always been able to cook: nothing fancy, of course, but tasty.

Now he is in other programmes as well, for example, 'Oliver Twist'. Even the title itself contains a clever pun. On the one hand, Oliver Twist is the title of the well-known book by Charles Dickens, and on the other hand you could read it as Oliver's dodges. The idea was simple and close to the hearts of the English (and not just theirs). After a heavy night, a group of young, energetic people taken from different types of restaurant, pub and bar go home to Jamie Oliver's for breakfast. They laugh and joke lightly and in an unconstrained way while he prepares some explosive hangover cure involving tomato juice, pepper and whatever else he can find.

After this he starts to prepare breakfast, which is naturally English and traditional. In a lively way he cleans mushrooms, fries sausages and bacon, beats eggs and makes toast. All this uncomplicated process is accompanied by a commentary about how to cook bacon without burning it, how best to buy sausages, which sauce to serve. Surprisingly, this simple process is rather captivating and instructive as well: here are living English traditions, not being advertised by some crumbly old grandmother but by a jolly young Englishman with his friends who eat the lot at the end with enthusiastic cries. Jamie Oliver's work has been highly acclaimed by the country too.

In the autumn of 2003 at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II personally awarded him a MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) which is awarded to people in recognition of outstanding service to the nation. Jamie Oliver, in turn, felt it his duty to show again his patriotic feelings and support the monarchy. In an interview, he told journalists that he was so choked with emotion that he almost cried. "I work abroad a lot and I am proud to sing our praises for what we are good at here. Rolls -Royce, Aston Martin, they're all gone and this is all we've got left, really," he said with a glance around the Palace courtyard".

4.1.21. Прочитайте данный текст. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.In the summer of 2003 at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II personally awarded Jamie Oliver a MBE.

2.The idea to give young people good English breakfast in Oliver‘s home was simple and close to the hearts of the English.

3.From the point of view of contemporary English culture, the story of one young English star, Jamie Oliver, is not interesting and significant.

4.The primary distinguishing feature of English food is also its main problem: its purpose is to satisfy hunger and not to provide pleasure.

5.There is the famous joke about the international contingents in heaven and hell: in hell the chef is French.

6.National consciousness is little by little being awakened in the English even through questions of food.

7.Everybody believed the story about the origin of lasagna read on the Internet.

8.―Oliver Twist‖ is only the title of the well-known book by Charles Dickens.

9.The book about English beef was written by an economist, for the most part using statistics..

10.The English make a cult of food.

11.The English have little respect for Italian cooking.

12.English society followed the development of Jamie Oliver‘s relationship with his girlfriend with agitation.

13.Not long ago, information appeared on the internet that British historians had found a fourteenth century manuscript which was England's (and possibly the world's) oldest existing list of national recipes.

14.The English always make fun of French cuisine.

4.1.22.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.What do the neighbours from the Continent never tire of?

2.What episode do popular French comics contain?

3.Who was famous for eating a lot of food?

4.Why cannot Obelix cope with English food?

5.What is the famous joke about the international contingents in heaven and hell?

6.What do the English themselves have about their cuisine?

7.Where do English friends invite their guests to lunch?

8.What are the English reminding their countrymen nowadays?

9.Why was the book about the English beef written?

10.What was the simple idea of this book?

11.What kind of material was used in this book?

12.Why do the English allow themselves to laugh at Italian cuisine?

13.What kind of information appeared on the internet?

14.What is Jamie Oliver?

15.Why is he a success?

16.How did English items start to creep to the top of the list?

17.What Oliver‘s idea was close to the hearts of the English?

18.What kind of breakfast does Oliver prefer to prepare?

19.What happened in the autumn of 2003?

20.What did he tell journalists in his interview?

4.1.23. Переведите данные словосочетания на английский язык.

Кулинарное искусство, никогда не устают подшучивать, политая соусом, отличительная черта, любое количество вариантов, комплекс неполноценности, мало помалу, не так давно, специальное исследование, частично в ответ, в отличие от, появилась в Интернете, список национальных рецептов, действительная родина, в ответ на претензию, официальные представители, в любом случае, вооружѐнный конфликт, огромная аудитория всех возрастов, бронировать за месяцы вперѐд, кроме хорошей рекламы, большое уважение к итальянской кухне, сопровождаемый комментарием, в нужном месте в нужное время.

4.1.24. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активную лексику текста.

1.Английская кухня очень точно отражает национальный характер англичан.

2.Существует очень много шуток, касающихся английской кухни.

3.Повара справились с заказом этого джентльмена.

4.Данная пища низкого качества.

5.Мы очень любим салаты под соусом.

6.В их семье не делают культа из еды.

7.Подтвердите своѐ согласие быть на этом приѐме.

8.В провинции всегда меньше выбора блюд из рыбы, чем из мяса.

9.Итальянская кухня имеет свои особенности приготовления в Англии.

10.Исторические документы не проливают свет на особенности английской кухни.

11.Получить приз из рук королевы – большое счастье.

12.От вашей фантазии горчит во рту.

13.Провинциальные журналы в последнее время много пишут о пикниках знаменитых личностей.

14.В древней Англии предпочтение отдавали жареному мясу.

15.В последнее время в Интернете появляется информация о конкурсе поваров в странах Европы.

4.1.25. Сократите данный текст, опустив несущественные детали.

4.1.26. Прочитайте текст ещѐ раз. Найдите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

4.1.27.Сократите данный текст, опустив несущественные детали.

4.1.28.Составьте план, передайте содержание текста по ключевым словам

иобъясните Ваше отношение к данной информации.

Distinguishing feature, cult, pleasure, beef, mainstay, manuscript, recipes, lasagna, a chef, audience, to book, a collective portrait, top of the list, breakfast, living English traditions, awarded.

4.1.29.Расскажите о русской кухне, о еѐ традициях, об отношении россиян

кнациональным кухням других народов.

Раздел 4.2.

4.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

hot-buttered toast-house

дом, в котором готовятся на продажу





подрумяненные ломтики хлеба с маслом




вдохновлять, воодушевлять





твѐрдый, жѐсткий

inflexible a


негибкий, непреклонный

enforce (the) laws


насаждать законность, проводить законы





в жизнь

chop n



отбивная котлета






ham n



ветчина, окорок

compel v


заставлять, принуждать

ale n




эль, пиво





крепкий портер








бдительный, неусыпный

conceive v


понимать, представлять себе

grumble v


ворчать, жаловаться




медлить, затягивать, тянуть

wares n


продукты производства

to the top of one‘s bent w.c.

вволю, вдоволь




отвращение, омерзение




переходить границы, превышать

bid (bid, bidden)


приказывать, просить




преуспевать, процветать

clap on





вежливость, корректность

4.2.2. Просмотрите данный текст и дайте ответ на вопрос: What was Tyson‘s restaurant famous for?


The most famous hot-buttered toast-house' in the world was "Tyson's Restaurant" in Rook Street, Manchester, which still flourishes, but is no longer animated by the crisp individuality of its founder, old Tom Tyson, as he was known. So he established a restaurant wherein he, an inflexible tyrant, might enforce laws of his own making and win riches by this very enforcement.

He provided only chops, steaks, and Cumberland ham, and served with them, instead of vegetables, hot-buttered toast or bread. Most of his customers took toast. People who asked for potatoes were unceremoniously told that they should have brought their own. Everyone who ate at Tyson's was compelled also to drink. Ale, stout", coffee, and tea were the only liquids. A customer asking for water was referred to the "teetotal shop next door!"

A host of good stories are told of Tyson. He dominated the place in his shirtsleeves, and nothing escaped his vigilant eye. His duty to a customer, as he conceived it, was done when good food had been laid promptly before him; after that the customer's duty to the master of the restaurant began.

Reading was not permitted, at least in the middle of the day, nor grumbling, nor a protracted sitting, nor smoking. Tyson's strength was the excellence of his wares, his cheapness, and his business-like dispatch, and knowing this he played the Kaiser to the top of his bent. A young man once calling, "Waiter, bring me a steak at once," was amazed to find a raw steak clapped on the table before him. To his expression of disgust came the reply, "You can't expect meat to be cooked if you want it at once" A customer daring so much as to glance at a letter from his pocket was curtly informed that this is not a library". A customer who had exceeded his welcome was bidden to go. To the few who complained of incivility, Tyson's reply was that he served his civility with his chops and steaks.

4.2.3.Прочитайте текст ещѐ раз и найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.Who was the founder of the restaurant?

2.Why did the author consider old Tom Tyson as a tyrant?

3.What did he provide in his restaurant?

4.What was told to people who asked for potatoes?

5.What was everyone compelled to do?

6.What were the only liquids at Tyson‘s?

7.Was the customer given water if he asked for?

8.How many good stories are told of Tyson?

9.Why did he dominate the place?

10.What was his duty to a customer?

11.What was not permitted in his restaurant?

12.What was Tyson‘s strength?

13.What did the waiter bring to a customer asking to bring a steak at once?

14.Why was a customer bidden to go?

15.What did Tyson served with his chops and steaks?

4.2.4.На сколько логических частей можно разделить данный текст? Озаглавьте каждую часть.

4.2.5.Составьте план текста на русском языке.

4.2.6. Переведите составленный план на английский язык.

4.2.7. Напишите краткое изложение текста на английском языке.

4.2.8. Прочитайте данный диалог. Выучите его и разыграйте по ролям.

Russell: Aren‘t you hungry?

Clarke: Oh, yes, I am. And I‘m awfully thirsty.

R. Would you like a glass of orange juice?

C. Thanks. I‘d love one. I like orange juice very much.

R. What shall we have? What does your diet allow you?

C. Well, a little meat or fish, eggs, perhaps some cheese or milk, a lot of vegetables: lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, very few potatoes, a lot of fruit. R. I bet your chief manager likes slim employees.

C. He does indeed. I have to be on a diet. I don‘ live to eat but I eat to live.

R. I must confess I like good food, an occasional beer, cheerful people, theatres and lively music.

C. Have you ever tasted Mexican dishes?

R. No, I haven‘t. I‗ve never been to Mexico. C. What do you think of spicy food?

R. I avoid it. I prefer plain food, nothing fancy. C. A cigarette?

R. No, thanks.

C. A drop of brandy?

R. I‘m off alcohol.

C. Isn‘t it boring sometimes to follow these strict rules?

R. They are not strict. If you‘re in perfectly good health, you can enjoy life more and work better.

C. I agree with you. Health is the greatest wealth.


1.to bet –биться об заклад; 2. spicy food – острая пища; 3. plain food – простая пища; 4. strict rules – строгие правила; 5. to enjoy life more –

получить больше удовольствия от жизни.

Раздел 4.3

4.3.1. Прочитайте данный текст. Определите его основную идею.

One of the provincial magazines recently printed an interesting article about different types of picnic. Picnics are one of those purely English inventions which have conquered the world, a fact that the author is not shy in pointing out right at the beginning of the article. There is, in truth, much that is very English at the heart of a picnic: fresh open air, a rural setting, difficult conditions, economy, simple but filling food, all of this is close to the English soul. The main point about it is the combination of the necessary (food) and the pleasant (a walk), making it something of a rarity in English cuisine. The article contains the recollections of various people (for the most part country dwellers with titles) about their childhood when picnics always included beautiful scenery, a rough woolen blanket, simple sandwiches with cheese and ham. Many of them agreed that these were some of the happiest and brightest memories of food from their childhood, although that may be because they were surrounded by their now deceased parents and grandparents, and at the time the heroes were young and fresh.

But as we know, England does not just live in the past; it also brings the past into the present, although in a slightly different form. The same people talked about modern picnics which, it appears, exist in all sorts of forms. On the one hand there are simple picnics, organized the old-fashioned way, simple but with good taste. The traditional sandwiches are now always accompanied by fresh fruit and berries, greens and vegetables. But there are apparently other types of picnic today, more complicated and more expensive, all the way up to high society occasions. At such events there are the obligatory champagne, expensive delicacies such as fore grasp, exclusive cheeses, and caviar with blennies. Moreover you can either order the products separately or order the picnic readymade (the menu and price-list are startling and impressive). Nevertheless, most people agree that the simple, old-style picnics are much more interesting and pleasant than the expensive, luxury ones.

One of those whose thoughts on this good old tradition are quoted in the article is the Earl of Sandwich, the descendent of the man who thought up sandwiches, which are another example of the English contribution to the international treasure chest.

4.3.2.Письменно переведите данный текст, используя словарь.

4.3.3.Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста:

1.English Picnic.

2.English Traditions

3.Types Of Picnic In England

4.Old-Style Picnic

4.3.4Ролевая игра

Ситуация. Группа студентов из России и студенты, приехавшие изучать русский язык из Великобритании, договорились отметить последний день занятий на природе. Они обсуждают, как проходят пикники в России и в Великобритании.

Участники - русские и английские студенты.

Студенты из России обсуждают, что необходимо купить для пикника: шашлык из баранины,, чтобы пожарить на костре, овощи (помидоры, лук, сладкий перец, баклажаны, зелени побольше, специи и соусы), фрукты (яблоки, апельсины, бананы, груши, виноград, киви). В меню также вошли сухие вина, напитки, соки, кондитерские изделия.

Гости из Англии решили купить бутербродов в ресторане Макдоналдс. Обсуждают виды бутербродов и напитков. Русские друзья отговаривают их делать это. Решают купить хлеба, картошки, сосисок и колбасок с сыром, чтобы поджарить на костре.

Студенты договариваются, кто возьмѐт магнитофон, фотоаппарат, мячи и ракетки для бадминтона.


*Грамматика: Participle 1, Participle 2


*Текст: Family

Раздел 5.1.

5.1.1. Образуйте форму Participle 1 от данных глаголов. Переведите на русский язык.


to take – taking берущий, беря, взяв, взявший

1.to read

2.to write

3.to watch

4.to meet

5.to drink

6.to buy

7.to sell

8.to work

9.to speak

10.to study

5.1.2. Переведите данные слова на английский язык. Образец:

Строящий, строя – building











5.1.3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте данные глаголы в форму Participle 1. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.


The ______ man (to laugh) – The laughing man

The people______ at the clown (to laugh) – The people laughing at the clown.

1.The _______girl (to read)

2.The _______boy (to sleep)

3.The _______student (to translate)

4.The _______man (to sell)

5.The _______woman (to work)

6.The waiter ________us (to serve)

7.The children _______in the garden (to play)

8.The students _______in the hall (to sit)

9.The managers ______the engineers (to receive) 10.The professor ______the students (to examine)

5.1.4. Переведите данные предложения, содержащие Participle 1, на русский язык.

1.At that moment everybody was watching the dancing girl.

2.Taking his seat the teacher looked at us.

3.He addressed the woman standing at the counter buying some things for the children.

4.Look at the children laughing at the clown in green.

5.There was a boy sleeping in the room.

6.The man meeting us at the station was the representative of the firm.

7.We opened the door leading to the library and saw our teacher.

8.I came home hoping my family was there.

9.He opened the bag then closing it smiled.

10.Suddenly he saw us, stood up and approached us smiling.

5.1.5. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя форму

Participle 1.

1.Посмотрите на людей, энергично обсуждающих что-то.

2.Мне нравятся люди, работающие упорно для достижения своей цели.

3.Услышав ее голос, он повернул голову в ее сторону.

4.Менеджер, проверяющий наши планы, был доволен результатами.

5.Прибыв на станцию, она сразу увидела, что его там нет.

6.Читая доклад, он смотрел на нас.

7.Том стоял, глядя вверх и вниз.

8.Думая о своей работе в новом офисе, он остановился перед лестницей, ведущей вверх

9.Приехав в отель, он прошел в гостиную и попросил чаю.

10.Кивнув нам, преподаватель зашел в зал.

5.1.6. Образуйте форму Participle 2 от данных глаголов. Переведите на русский язык.
