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Topic Careers.docx
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How ambitious are you?

1 In ten years do you hope to

A be married with a family?

B have an interesting but not well-paid job?

C have a well-paid job that isn’t very interesting?

2 In twenty years’ time do you hope to

A have enough money to pay your bills?

B have quite a lot of money?

C have a lot of money?

3 Here is a list of ten jobs. Which would you like to do? Put 1 next to your favorite, 2 next to your next favorite, etc.

nurse builder accountant journalist teacher artist politician engineer policeman/woman actor/actress

4 Is improving your standard of living important to you?

5 Do you think people who have money should help people who don’t have money?

6 How old do you want to be when you have children?

A 18-22 B 23-26 C 27-30 D over 30

7 When you are playing a game, do you always want to win?

8 Can you tell a white lie (ложь во спасение)?

9 Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people?

10 Do you work hard because you want to be successful?

11 If you have a job to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment?

12 Would you like to have more money than your parents?

13 Do you agree with the philosophy ‘Every man for himself’?

14 Do you like hard work?

15 Which of the following is most important to you?

love happiness money health

Add up your score. (Your teacher will help you!)

0 -50 You aren’t very ambitious! You’re happy with a quiet life.

50 -100 You’re quite ambitious, but you don’t want to work too hard!

Over 100 You’re very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people…

Do you agree with the interpretations? Use the phrases for expressing your opinion.

I think ... Я думаю ...

It seems to me ... Мне кажется ...

(Personally,) I believe ... Лично я думаю ...

From my point of view / viewpoint... С моей точки зрения …

As far as I'm concerned, ... Насколько я знаю,…

In my view/opinion ... С моей точки зрения….

I guess ... Я считаю ...

Exercise 23 Match the qualities people need, in your opinion.

Example: electrician – logical

Jobs: computer programmer, teacher, hotel receptionist, journalist, lawyer, politician, shop assistant, doctor, travel agent, vet, miner

Qualities: careful, creative, confident, emotional, flexible, generous, helpful, motivated, logical, organized, patient, reliable, tolerant

Exercise 24 Match the personal qualities with abilities. Make sentences with can.

Example: If you are outgoing, you can easily mix with people socially.

1 outgoing

a) speak two languages fluently

2 independent

b) work for a long time without a break

3 bilingual

c) express your thoughts and feelings clearly

4 creative

d) easily mix with people socially

5 articulate

e) work well without the help or advice of other people

6 energetic

f) find new solutions to problems

Exercise 25 Discuss if you would like to apply for one of the jobs from Exercise 22. What qualities would you need? Give reasons for your answers.

Exercise 26 Who said these things, the Job Interviewer (I) or the Job Candidate (C)?

1. Good morning! Take a seat. _____

2. Are you Oliver Smith? ____

3. I hope to go to University to study business. ____

4. So, why do you want to work with us? ___

5. I’d like to get some work experience. ___

6. What qualities do you think are important for this kind of job? ___

7. Your company has a good reputation. ____

8. Thank you Oliver. I’ll getting in touch with people next week. ___

Exercise 27 Read the job interview. Pay attention to the words in italics, give their Russian equivalents.

Interviewer: Good morning, take a seat.

Jack: Good morning. Thank you.

Interviewer: My name is Jane Harris. I'm the personnel manager for Camp Elizabeth Holidays. And you are Jack Blackstone?

Jack: That's right.

Interviewer: I see that you're in your last year at school.

Jack: Yes, I'm doing my A' levels this summer. I hope to go to university to study information technology.

Interviewer: So why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?

Jack::Well, your company has a good reputation. I know some people who have been to your camps and they say everything was well-organised, you know, very efficient. I enjoy working with children, you know, organising activities for young people, and, I'd like to get some more work experience.

Interviewer: What experience do you have?

Jack: Well. I help with the youth club at school. I've organised sports events and trips to various places, you know, to concerts, the theatre, things like that.

Interviewer: Mm, good. What qualities do you think are important for this kind of job?

Jack: I'm sorry, what do you mean exactly?

Interviewer: I mean, the qualities and skills you need to work with children and organise sports and other activities.

Jack: Well, I think you certainly must have patience. A lot of patience! And, another important thing is enthusiasm. And, well, I suppose you also have to be very careful and aware of danger. Accidents can happen very easily, so you need to be prepared for them.

Interviewer: Okay, are there any questions you would like to ask me?

Jack: Yes, just one thing. Could you tell me what kind of accommodation there is for people working at the camp?

Interviewer: Yes, of course, most monitors have their own room but some will have to share.

Jack: Right, I see.

Interviewer: Well, thank you Jack. I’ll getting in touch with people next week.

Jack: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Exercise 28 Answer the questions.

1. What job is Jack applying for? 2. What is his education? 3. Why does he want to work at Camp Elizabeth? 4. What work experience does he have? 5. What qualities and skills do people need to work with children and organise sports and other activities? 6. Do you think Jack is the right person for this job? Why?

Exercise 29 David is having an interview for a job as a webmaster. Choose the correct words to complete this interview.

promoted charge career responsible experience degree position challenge responsibilities successful

Interviewer: So why have you applied for this (1)______?

David: Well, for the last three years I‘ve been working in an interesting, but very small, company, and I now feel ready to move on to a bigger (2)___. I’d welcome the opportunity to continue my (3)___ at a company such as yours.

Interviewer: Right. And can you describe what your (4)____ are at your current company called Intertech?

David: Of course. Well, I started working there three years ago, as I said, and until July 2012 I was (5)___ for one aspect of the company’s online presence – specifically, the online catalogue. However, I was then (6)___ and put in charge of the design and maintenance of the entire website. In January 2013, I helped to implement a new e-commerce system, which allows people to buy directly from the catalogue using ‘one-click’ ordering. It has been very (7)____ so far.

Interviewer: That’s very impressive. What about foreign languages? Your English is obviously very good, but do you speak any other languages?

David: Well, French – my mother tongue – obviously. I also spent some time in Spain five years ago as part of my (8) ___, so I’d say I have intermediate Spanish. I haven’t been practising it much recently, though.

Interviewer: Well, it is hard to find the time, isn’t it? OK, just one more thing. Have you ever had (9)___ of people management?

David: Yes, absolutely. At Intertech I’m in (10)___ of one member of staff – a web editor. I’ve never had any problems with the management side of my role; in fact, I really enjoy it.

Interview: OK, well that’s good news. Well, we need to have a think about it, but we’ll let you know as soon as possible.

David: Thank you for seeing me today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Exercise 30 Work in pairs. Choose some job. One of you is the interviewer and the other is the candidate for this job. Use the notes to prepare for the interviews.

Interviewer: Decide on the pay, hours worked and what kind of person you want to employ. Think of questions to ask about: education, languages, work experience, relevant personal qualities, hobbies/interests

Candidate: Think of information about yourself or invent information about: education - your school, your best subjects, languages you speak, work experience, personal qualities, hobbies and interests. Think of a question to ask the interviewer, e.g. about pay and hours

Exercise 31 Look through Unit 1 and find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Prepare for the vocabulary dictation.

Карьера, выпускник, карьерная область, подготовка/обучение, оканчивать университет, компания, делать перерыв в карьере, предлагать карьерные возможности, преуспеть в карьере, принять решение по поводу карьерного плана, зарабатывать на жизнь, работать в компании, получить повышение в должности, заработать премию, зарабатывать деньги, заниматься исследованием, брать краткосрочный отпуск, иметь карьерные возможности, работать в неудобное время, работать сверхурочно, работать по скользящему графику, амбиция, амбициозный, заработная плата, быть уволенным, уйти в отставку, квалификация (навык), степень, диплом, интервьюер (человек, который проводит собеседование), интервьюируемый (дающий интервью; человек, которого опрашивают), искать работу, собеседование при приеме на работу, устраиваться на работу, должность, нести ответственность за что-л., отвечать за что-л., иметь дело с кем-л. (работать с кем-л.), подходить для работы, начальник (руководитель), работодатель, работник, штат, повышать квалификацию, качество, опыт работы, навык (умение), проблема (испытание), обязанность, анкета (заявка).


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