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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

Российская академия






Задание для 1 курса

Дисциплина: Английский язык (1 курс)

Специальность: 40.02.01

«Право и организация социального обеспечения»

Преподаватель: Христич В.Л.

Калининград, 2015


на заседании ПЦК «Гуманитарных наук»

Протокол № __1________________

«_28августа__» _______________ 2015 г.

Председатель ПЦК ______Е.Б.Борина

1 Вариант

Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There (are, is, am) some oil in the bottle.

2. (Is, are, were) there a department store in the town center?

3. There (were, is, are) a glass and some plates in the sideboard.

4. There (is, will be, was) an interesting art exhibition next week.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы:

1. They (can, must, must not) do this work. They need help.

2. You (should, must, need) serve customers quickly.

3. I do not to get up early but I (must, shall, have to). I live far from my work.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени:

  1. He usually (stay) at the Hilton when he is in London.

  2. We (visit) our friends tomorrow.

  3. Do not forget an umbrella. It (rain) all the day.

  4. I (go) to the sea last summer.

Ответьте на вопрос.

- What time is it now?

- It is 6.30 (3.25; 4.45).

Choose the correct item:

1. She ……to college yesterday (is going, goes, went)

2. I’ve got …….money. I can buy an ice-cream (few, little, much)

3. There isn’t ……. in the kitchen (anybody, somebody, and nobody)

4. Look at ……. She‘s a singer (hers, she, her).

5. The children …… in the garden (is, are, am)

2 Вариант

Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be:

  1. (Is, are, was) there any cigarettes on the dressing table?

  2. There (were, was, is) a terrible accident in Western Road yesterday.

  3. There (is, are, were) some milk in the bottle.

  4. There (are, is, were) a plate and some knives on the table.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы:

  1. When Robert was younger he (can, could, must) run fast.

  2. In our group only some students (be able to, can, should) translate English text without a dictionary.

  3. I am sorry, but I would not (can, be able to, must) come to the party on Saturday.

  4. Look! You (could, can, should) see the mountains from the window.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени:

1. She (look for) her glasses. She can not read without them.

2. My aunt usually (make) cakes on Sunday.

3. What (do) you do yesterday?

4. I (read) this book now.

Ответьте на вопрос:

-What time is it now?

-It is 14.35. (12.35; 19.20)

Choose the correct item:

1. Have you got ……. friends? (many much a lot of)

2. This book …….to me. (belongs belong is belonging)

3. She ……. tennis very well. (play don’t play doesn’t play)

4.Have you got …… milk? (some any many)

5. Ann ……coffee now (drank drink is drinking)