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Задания по стилистике на январь.docx
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Задания к семинарам по стилистике (на январь)

1. Подготовить доклад на выбранную тему.

Занятие 1.

1. Теоретические вопросы.

  1. Расскажите о специфическом использовании грамматических форм. Обсудите стилистическую значимость грамматически неправильных форм, грамматическую синонимию, локализации форм, персонификации имен нарицательных, стилистическом опущении артикля.

  2. Обсудите стилистические возможности словообразования.

  3. Расскажите о стилистическом использовании графонов и ономатопей. Обсудите функции ассонанса, аллитерации, рифмы и ритма.

2. Практическое задание.

Прочтите следующие предложения и определите в них стилистические приёмы или экспрессивные средства языка. Какую функцию они выполняют?

    1. The man was killed last July after being mistaken for suicide bomber on the London Underground.

    2. Dorothy, at my statement, had clapped her hand over mouth to hold down laughter and chewing gum.

    3. A bulldog two years old for sale. Will eat anything. Very fond of children.

    4. Welcome to Reno- the biggest little town in the world.

    5. He got an inheritance and got into troubles.

    6. My business went bankrupt that’s why now I spend more time with my family.

    7. Huck Finn is a good bad boy of the American literature.

    8. She set eyes on him and the letter on fire.

    9. What is the difference between a school master and an engine driver? One trains the mind, and the other minds a train.

    10. After that he looked at the two cops, who became very interested in the hands in their laps.

    11. He saved her life and three dollars in her pocket.

    12. Now- one good turn deserves another- come to my house for dinner.

    13. Mr President, I don’t know who’s providing your information, but he has a vivid imagination.

    14. The brain activity of a substance abuser is identical to that of a compulsive shopper.


1. Арнольд, И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык: Учебник для вузов / И.В. Арнольд .— 7-е изд. — М.: Флинта: Наука, 2005 .- С. 275-292.

2. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник (на английском языке). Изд. 4-е, М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2012.- C. 123-136.

Занятие 2.

1. Теоретические вопросы.

  1. Расскажите об инверсии, обособлении, параллельных конструкциях, перечислении и их функциях. Приведите примеры.

  2. Расскажите о повторах, градации, антиградации, умолчании и антитезе. Проанализируйте их стилистические функции. Приведите примеры.

  3. Определите бессоюзие, многосоюзие, эллипсис. Определите их стилистические функции. Приведите примеры.

  4. Расскажите о литоте и риторических вопросах. Проанализируйте их стилистические функции. Приведите примеры.

2. Практическое задание.

Прочтите следующие предложения и определите в них стилистические приёмы или экспрессивные средства языка. Какую функцию они выполняют?

  1. ‘Don't know... Might be anything... Couldn't come any sooner. Been on my feet since six o'clock this morning.’

  2. ‘Then Mamma, I hardly like to let words cross my lips, but they have wicked, wicked attractions out there- like dancing girls that- that charm snakes and dance without…’- Miss Moire with downcast eyes, broke off significantly and blushed...

  3. ‘What was the evidence of her offence? Tom Robinson, a Negro.’

  4. His eyes were no warmer than an iceberg.

  5. “You heard what the guy said: get out or else…”

  6. A silence. The bar changed. Another silence. The sound of a distant bell.

  7. And Captain Trevelyan was not overpleased about it.

  8. And only one thing really troubled him, sitting there- the melancholy craving in his heart- because the sun was like enchantment on his face and on the clouds and the golden birch leaves, and the wind's rustle was so gentle, and the yew-tree green so dark, and the sickle of the moon pale in the sky.

  9. ‘Certainly not’.

  10. Fleur felt the first shock of reality. Was Wilfrid going to be unmanageable? A taxicab ground up; Michael beckoned; Fleur stepped in.

  11. Have I not had to wrestle with my lot? Have I not suffered things to be forgiven?

  12. He certainly has no gift for scholarship…

  13. He was no gentle lamb.

  14. I stood in the position of one without a resource, without a friend, without a coin. I must do something. What? I must apply somewhere. Where?

  15. 'I’ always been a good girl; and I never offered to say a word to him; and I don't owe him nothing; and I don't care; and I won't be put down; and I have my feelings the same as anyone else.'

  16. It was not Capetown, where people only frowned when they saw a black boy and a white girl. But here... And he loved her.

17. Party Pig people called him and not entirely with affection either.

18. Scrooge knew he was dead? Of course he did. How could it be otherwise? Scrooge and he were partners for I don’t know how many years.

19. She had endured the warm understanding looks and the little attentions as though everything was what they thought it was. Had smiled and talked and turned to Lanny cheerfully as they expected her to do. Miserable and unhappy. Weighed down with pain and longing and fear.

20. ‘You come home late and I’ll…’
