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Рис. 2. Большой квадратный Уртуйский городок, фрагменты керамических сосудов. 1–4–раскоп № 1; 5–10–траншея № 1

По верхнему позвонку получена радиоуглеродная дата 807 ± 31 л.н. (Ua 54503). Калибровка даты осуществлялась в программе Calib Rev 7.0.2. Возраст образца по One Sigma соответствует временному диапазону в пределах 1216–1261 гг. По нижнему позвонку получена дата 1008 ± 31 л.н. (Ua 54504), калиброванный возраст которой по One Sigma составил временной диапазон 991–1034 гг. Обе даты подтверждают возраст находок, установленный способом археологических аналогий. Дата, полученная по образцу со дна рва, указывает, что городище было сооружено в конце X–начале XI в. – в период господства империи Ляо над значительной частью центральноазиатских степей. С этим же временем соотноситсяибольшаячастьнаходок,обнаруженныхнагородище,ипреждевсегокерамика,украшенная гребенчатыми оттисками роликового штампа.

В начале XII в. северная пограничная система киданей прекратила свое существование. Свидетельств использования после этого времени фортов, являвшихся ее составной частью, нет. Исключение составляет Большой квадратный Уртуйский городок, где к настоящему времени обнаружено два фрагмента керамики, покрытых зеленой глазурью. По кости барана, расположенной рядом с одним из фрагментов, получена радиоуглеродная дата. Она свидетельствует о том, что городище посещалось ивXIIIв.Нобылоэтопосещениелишькратковременнойостановкойпутниковилигородищепродолжало использоваться как укрепленный контрольный пункт, на нынешнем этапе исследований однозначно утверждать невозможно.




Киданьский город Чинтолгой-балгас. 2011. М.: Вост. лит.

Кириллов, И.И., Ковычев, Е.В. 2002. Киданьские древности Приаргунья. Археология и культурная антропология дальнего Востока и Центральной Азии. Владивосток: 245–252.

Киселев, С.В. 1957. Древние города Монголии. Советская археология. № 2: 107–119.

Луньков, А.В., Харинский, А.В., Крадин, Н.Н., Ковычев, Е.В. 2009. Пограничные сооружения киданей в Забайкалье. Известия Лаборатории древних технологий. Отв. ред. А.В. Харинский. Иркутск: 155–172.

Очир, А., Энхтур, А. 2004. Хэрмэн дэнжийн балгас. Монгол-Солонгосын Эрдэм Шинжилгээнийн II Симпозиумын илтгэлийн эмхтгэл. Солонгосын Ундэсний музей: 15–38. (на монг. яз.)

Очир, А., Энхтур, А., Эрдэнэболд, Л. 2005. Хаар бух балгас ба туул голын сам дахь Хятаны Нуийн хот, суурингууд. Улаанбаатар. (на монг. яз.)

Энхтур, А., Усуки, И., Сэнда, Е., Сагава, М., Батболд, Б., Буянхишиг, Ц., Отгон, Д. 2011. Чинтолгойн балгасны ваар сав шатаах зуухны малтлага судалгааны урьдчисан ур дун Studia archaeological. Т. XXX, f. 10. Уланбаатар: 186–198. (на монг. яз.)

Харинский, А.В. 2015. Северное пограничье империи Ляо. Вестник ИрГТУ. № 10 (105): 323–331.

Харинский, А.В., Крадин, Н.Н., Ковычев, Е.В., Номоконов, А.А., Ухинов, З.Ч. 2014. Приаргунский участок пограничной системы империи Ляо. Древние культуры Монголии и Байкальской Сибири: в 2 ч. Отв. ред. Е.А. Айыжы, Р.Ш. Харунов. Кызыл: 284–289.

Худяков, Ю.С. 1989. К истории гончарной керамики в Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии. Керамика как исторический источник. Новосибирск: Наука: 134–152.

Худяков, Ю.С. 2012. Материалы культуры киданей на памятнике Рашаан-хад в Хэнтэе. Древние культуры Монголии и Байкальской Сибири. Улан-Батор: Изд-во Монг. гос. ун-та. Вып. 3. Т. 1: 473–477.

A.V. Kharinsky, N.N. Kradin, E.V. Kovychev


At the end of the 10th century on northern border of the Liao Empire the boundary system has been built, it included a shaft more than 730 km long, along the shaft there were forts – border outposts. Forts -outposts blocked the sites of the area convenient for advance of the opponent and constrained his movement deep into of the territory of the empire. On one of the fort –the Big square Urtuysky town located in 3,6 km to the North from theArgun River archeological excavations have been undertaken.It has become clear that before construction in internal part of the fort the topsoil was stripped. In the formed ditch the layer of white silt sandy loam was filled up than it was blocked by a layer of black clay loam with small stones. After that was constructed a shaft more than 1 m high. At the final stage of construction the ditch 4,2 m wide and more than 2 m in depth was dug out.

Key words: Transbaikal, the wall of Chingis Khan, Liao empire, Qidan, fortification, fort.


Hayashi Toshio

Soka University, Japan, Tokyo

In the 7th century, similar shape of fire-steels appeared in Eastern Europe and Far East. However, in Central Asia and Siberia located between both regions there have never been found similar fire-steels of such early period before the 8th century. And it seems so strange that any kinds of fire-steels have not yet been in China and Korea except modern Mongolian fire-steels.At the present time I cannot say whether there were any relations between the earliest fire-steels of Eastern Europe and Japan. There are too many missing links.

Key words. Fire-steel, Maritime Province, Japan, Mohe, Jurchen.

1. Introduction

In Russian Far East the first fire-steels appeared during the 7th–8th centuries. One of them has a shape of a low triangular bulge in the center and two small horns at both ends: Type I (Fig. 1). The second one has a shape ofahightriangularbulgeinthecenterandtwobighornsatbothends:Type II(Fig.2).Thesetwofire-steelswere found from Troitskii cemetery of Ivanovka district on the Middle Amur 1.Mostofthemwerefoundfrommalehip (Деревянко, 1975: 175). E.I. Derevyanko considers that these fire-steels were used by the people Mohe .

1 Fig. 1: about 9 × 3 × 0.6 cm; Fig. 2: about 7.6 × 3.6 × 0.5 cm (Деревянко, 1975).



Fig. 1. Type I (Troitskii)

Fig. 2. Type II (Troitskii)

Duringjustthesameperiod,the7th–8th centuries,fire-steelswithflintsappearedinJapanalso.Mostpopular type has a shape of a low triangular bulge in the center and two small horns at both ends. In some cases a bulge is big but horns are very small or non-existence: Type I (Fig. 3). In other cases a bulge is high and horns are big and curled up: Type II (Fig. 4) 1. Most of fire-steels of Japan have a small hole on top of the bulge.

Fig. 3. Type I (Chiba)

Fig. 4. Type II (Chiba)

Is this just a coincidence or not? In this paper I will investigate the origins of various types of fire-steels and their distributions in Eastern Eurasia.

2. First Mention of Fire-steels in Japanese Historical Sources

There are several opinions concerning the opening time of fire-steels in Japan. Some scholars think that a fire-steel appeared in the 5th century AD (Ogawa, 1979), while others date it to the 6th–7th centuries (Takashima, 1985;Tsurumi,1999)orthesecondhalfofthe7th–8th centuries(Yamada,1989;Seki,2002).Theearliestmention of a fire-steel is seen in the Kojiki, Records of Ancient Matters of Japan. During the campaign to Eastern Japan, Prince Yamato Takeru was attacked by setting fire in Sagamu Province (Kanagawa Prefecture at present).

Then the Ruler of the land set fire to the moor. So, knowing that he (Yamato Takeru) had been deceived, he opened the mouth of the bag which his aunt, Her Augustness Yamato-hime had bestowed on him, and saw that inside of it there was a fire-striker. Hereupon he first mowed away the herbage with his august sword, took the fire-striker and struck out fire, and, kindling a counter-fire, burnt [the herbage] and drove back [the other fire], and returned forth, and killed and destroyed all the Rulers of that Land, and forthwith set fire to and burnt them (Chamberlain, 1883: 261–262) [Source 1].

Yamato Takeru was a mythical prince of the Yamato dynasty. So we cannot decide the date of his birth and death. The Kojiki was completed in 712 AD. Therefore, we can confirm that a fire-steel was used at the beginning of the 8th century.

According to the Okura-sho shiki of the Engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national ritesandprayersofJapan)compiledin905,JapaneseenvoyswenttoChinaandpresentedtheTangEmperorwith 500 taels of silver, 200 rolls of thick silk fabric called Mizuori no ashiginu, another 200 rolls of thick silk fabric called Mino no ashiginu, (…. other various kinds of silk and cotton), 10 pieces of ignition crystal, 10 pieces of agate, 10 tools of ignition iron, (…. and others) [Source 2].

“Ignition crystal” and “agate” must have been used as a flint and “ignition iron” must be a fire-steel 2. This historical source, Engishiki, does not mention the date of the Japanese envoys. Japanese envoys had been dispatched to Tang China about 15 times from 630 until 838. Concerning the date of Japanese envoys, Chinese encyclopaedic source book, Cefu yuangui (Prime Tortoise of the Record Bureau), compiled at the beginning of the 11th century in China, gives us an interesting information.

1These two were found in Chiba Prefecture, Eastern Japan. The left one (6.8 × 1.7 × 0.3 cm) is dated to the second quarter of the 8th century and the right one (7.6 × 2.6 × 0.58 cm) to the 7th–8th centuries (Shiratori, 2005: 345, 348, 349).

2Agate pieces had been often used as flints in Japan (Tsurumi, 1999: 48; Shiratori, 2005: 351).



According to the Prime Tortoise of the Record Bureau, “in the fourth month of the 22nd year of Kaiyuan era (734), the envoys came from Japan 1 and presented the Emperor with 200 rolls of thick silk fabric called

Mino no ashiginu and another 200 rolls of thick silk fabric called Mizuori no ashiginu” [Source 3]. This list of presents must show a selection and therefore does not include sets of flints and fire-steels probably. A set of flint and fire-steel must have been an article like thick silk fabric in Japan and must have been unknown in China.

These historical sources show that a set of flint and fire-steel was rare and precious at the beginning of the 8th century in Japan.

3. Fire-steels Found in Archaeological Sites of Japan

Some archaeologists have dated the early fire-steels to the 6th–7th centuries. But the excavated state of them areproblematical.Iwillgiveanexample.DwellingNo.63ofMoritasiteof IbarakiPrefecturewhereatriangular “fire-steel” was found from was dated to the 6th century. But this “fire-steel” might have been flowed from later dwelling. And this “fire-steel” has simple triangular shape and has neither horns nor small hole. Therefore this unearthed article may not be a fire-steel and will be dated to later period (Seki, 2002: 130).

Barrow No.060 of Matsumukaisaku in Chiba Prefecture where Type II fire-steel (Fig. 4) was found from was dated to the middle of the 7th century. However, the findspot of this fire-steel was uncertain, maybe dromos or ditch in front of stone chamber, but not from chamber itself (Tsurumi, 1999: 49). Consequently, it is unclear whether the fire-steel was contemporary of burial chamber (Seki, 2002: 131).

Twomorefire-steelswerefoundfromthebarrowsofTochigiandSaitamaPrefectures,datedtothe7th century (Fig. 5) (8.1 × 2.0 × 0.4 cm) and the second half of the 7th century (Fig. 6) (7.8 × 2.7 × 0.5 cm) (Tsurumi 1999: 61–62) 2. The two barrows were destroyed by robbers and it is unclear that the fire-steels were contemporary of burials (Seki, 2002: 131). Type II fire-steel was found from the dwelling No.027B of Hibiri-nishi site, Abiko City, Chiba Prefecture, dated to the first half of 7th century (Fig. 7) (5.1 × 1.6 × 0.3 cm) (Tsurumi, 1999: 48). But this was also flowed into the dwelling in later time (Seki, 2002: 131).

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

In the 8th–9th centuries we can establish the existence of fire-steels, especially in Kanto Region: Chiba, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Kanagawa Prefectures (See Figs. 3, 8–15).

Fig. 8 3

Fig. 9 4

Fig. 10 5

1According to the Japanese record, the envoys left Japan in 733.

2Fig. 5: Barrow No. 3 of Iizuka, Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture. Fig. 6: Barrow No. 1 of Kashima, Kawamoto Town, Saitama Prefecture. 3 Dwelling No. 2 of Tokyo-dou Minami site, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, 5.4 × 3.5 cm, the second quarter of the 8th century (Seki, 2002). Quartz as flint was found from the cover soil of this dwelling.

4 Dwelling No. 4 of Kurokaito site, Fujimi City, Saitama Prefecture, 8.9×2.5 cm, the second quarter of the 8th century (Seki, 2002).

5 Dwelling No. 97 of Furuido-Shougenzuka site, Kodama Town, Saitama Prefecture, 5.9 × 2.0 cm, the second quarter of the 8th century

(Seki, 2002).



Fig. 11 1

Fig. 12 2

Fig. 13 3

Fig. 14 4

Fig. 15 5

Fig. 16 6

Most of the earliest fire-steels in Japan have been found from dwelling sites, while some of them have been found from burials. And all of them have been found in Kanto Region.

Since around the 10th century, fire-steels have been found from dwellings as well as worship sites of the whole Japan except Hokkaido. Picture scrolls of the 12th–14th centuries show a various states of person hanged a bag for fire-steel and flint from belt (Fig. 17) or sword on left side (Fig. 18) (Seki, 2002: 139).

Fig. 17 7

Fig. 18 8

1Dwelling No. 93 ofArakawazuke site, Hasuda City, Saitama Prefecture, 5.2 × 3.0 cm, the second quarter of the 8th century (Seki, 2002).

2Dwelling No. 5 of Azumanoue site, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, 8.1 × 2.6 cm, the middle of the 8th – the middle of the 9th century (Seki, 2002).

3 Dwelling No. 181B of Takedanisihanawa site, Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 7.0 × 2.5 × 0.5 cm, the second half of the 8th –early

9th century (Tsurumi, 1999).

4 Dwelling No. 3 of Akabane-nizu site, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, 6.8 × 2.4 × 0.25–0.45 cm, the end of the 8th – early 9th century (Oomura, 2005).

5 Dwelling No. 61 of Kamata site, Tsukuba-mirai City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 8.1 × 3.0 × 0.5 cm, the second half of the 8th century (Tsurumi, 2005).

6 Dwelling No. 193 of Kumanoyama site, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 7.9 × 3.3 × 0.4 cm, the middle of the 9th century (Tsurumi, 2005). 7 The man who holds an umbrella for police official hangs a bag for fire-making set (No. 7) from a belt on his left side (From: Ban Dainagon Ekotoba) (Shibusawa, 1984).

8 The man who plays an ear-pulling game hangs a bag for fire-making set (No. 9) from a sword on his left side (From: Choujuu Giga) (Shibusawa, 1984).



4. Fire-steels Found in Eastern Siberia and Mongolia

In the Middle Amur and Maritime Province there have been unearthed comparatively many fire-steels but mostofthemaredatedafterthe9th century.Theearliestonesdatedtothe7th–8th centurywerefoundfromTroitskii cemetery of Ivanovka district on the Middle Amur (Figs. 1 & 2). The fire-steels dated to the 8th–9th century have been found from Korsakovo cemetery near Khabarovsk City (Figs. 19, 20).

Fig. 19 1

Fig. 20 2

From Shaiga fortified settelment, north of Nakhodka City, there have been found many fire-steels dated to the 12th–13th centuries (Figs. 21, 22). According to E.V. Shavkunov, Shaiga settlement was constructed by the people Jurchen (Шавкунов, 1990).

Fig. 21 3

Fig. 22 4

It is very interesting that similar shape of fire-steels appeared in Kanto Region of Japan and Khabarovsk Region of Far East, although there is a small difference: the fire-steels of Maritime province have no hole on top of bulge. It is possible that there was a relation between them. But I have no definite evidence.

In the second half of the 13th century, Yuan military force attacked Kyushu, West Japan twice but did not succeed. Since 1980 Japanese archaeological team surveyed the sunken warships of the Yuan navy under water

Fig. 23

Fig. 24

1Burial No. 143 of Корсаково, остров Уссурийский, near Khabarovsk, about 9.6 × 3.2 × 0.6 cm, the second half of the 8th –the beginning of the 9th century (Медведев, 1982).

2Burial No. 274 of Корсаково, остров Уссурийский, near Khabarovsk, about 7.2 × 3.4 × 0.6 cm, the 8th –the beginning of the 9th century (Медведев, 1991).

3 Шайгинское городище, east of Vladivostok, north of Nakhodka, about 7.4 × 2.4 cm, the 12th– 13th centuries (Шавкунов, 1990). 4 Шайгинское городище, 6.4 × 3.1cm, the 12th–13th century (Шавкунов, 1990).



near Takashima, Nagasaki Prefecture and discovered armors and weapon more than 4000. In 2013 one of iron articles was judged as a fire-steel by the CT-scan analysis (Figs. 23, 24) 1. This fire-steel is quite similar to the Jurchen’s fire-steel (Fig. 21). Yuan army included many Korean soldiers. Some of them probably might have been the Jurchens.

In 2012 cave burials were discovered at Ikh Nart site in Dalanjargalan sum, Dornogovi aimak, Central Mongolia. A fire-steel (Fig. 25; 6 × 3 cm) was unearthed with wooden saddle, iron stirrups, arrowheads and so on (Tserendagva et al. 2014: 335–336). The burials are dated to the 13th –14th centuries by the authors.

In the valley of river Onon, Chita provinde, the Upper Amur, two fire-steels were discovered. One of them from Grave 4 of Chindant I Cemetery (Fig. 26) was found near thee foot of the buried person but not in istu because of the disturbed situation (Aseev et al. 1984: 52). The burial can be dated to the 12th –the 13th centuries byt the autors. This is very small: about 4.2 × 2.2 cm.

Fig. 25

Fig. 26

5. Fire-steels Found in Central and Western Eurasia

It is very interesting that similar types of fire-steels can be seen in Mediaeval Central and Western Eurasia (Hayashi, 1994; Hayashi, 2016). A small triangular fire-steel with longer horns had been widely spread from the Rhein basin (Fig. 27) to Eastern and Northern Europe (Figs. 28–29) and furthermore Russia (Fig. 30). B.A. Kolchinconsideredthatthistypeoffire-steel,“kalach”-shapedfire-steel 2,wastheearliestinNovgorodand thatitwasmadeuntilthebeginningofthe12th century 3 buthedidnotmentionthebirthdate(Колчин1959:103).

We know several examples of similar type of fire-steels in Kazakhstan (Fig. 31). However, there are very few findings of fire-steels in Central Asia. One of them was unearthed from late Mediaeval (in the 13th–the 14th centuries) nomad warrior’s tomb, Dal’verzin site, Aim Village, Andizhan Province, eastern part of Ferghana, the Upper Syr-Darya (Fig. 32) (Заднепровский, 1975: 276–277).

Fig. 27 4

Fig. 28 5

Fig. 29 6

1Nishinippon Shimbun (West Japan Newspaper), 3 January 2014.

2Kolchin named this type “kalach”-shaped fire-steel. Kalach is a twisted ring bread. I don’t think that the shape of this type is similar to “kalach.”

3 According to the newer studies, “kalach”-shaped fire-steels survived much longer until the 14th century (Евглевский, Потемкина, 2000:

203) or nearly modern time (Крыласова, 2007: 159).

4 Grab 99, Dittigheim, Tauberbischofsheim, the 6th century, Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart. I suppose this dating is maybe too early. The 7th century is convincing.

5 Grave 137, Homokmégy-Halom, County BácsüKiskun, Hungary, 6.4 × 2.5cm, the end of the 7th –8th century, found by the head of male (Garam et al., 1975).

6 Male and female grave, Grinningdalskampen, Vågå k., Oppland, Central Norway, the 9th century, Oslo Historical Museum.



Fig. 30 1

Fig. 31 2

Fig. 32

6. Concluding Remarks

Just at the same time, in the 7th century, similar shape of fire-steels appeared in Eastern Europe and Far East. However, in Central Asia and Siberia located between both regions there have never been found similar fire-steels of such early period before the 8th century. And it seems so strange that such kinds of fire-steels have notyetbeeninChinaandKoreaexceptmodernMongolianfire-steels.Iknowonlyoneexampleofsimilarshape of fire-steel in China. It was used by the Miao people in Guizhou Province, South China (Fig. 33).

Fig. 33 3

I am afraid that fire-steels have been discarded as unimportant rusty bits of iron. Otherwise, it is possible that similar fire-steels appeared in several areas of Eurasia independently.

At the present time I cannot say whether there were any relations between the earliest fire-steels of Eastern Europe and Japan. There are too many missing links. We hope further careful surveys in every region interested.


Chamberlain, B.H. 1883 (1982) “Ko-ji-ki” or “Records of ancient Matters”, translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain, Lane, Crawford. (The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, v. 10, suppl.) = The Kojiki: Records of Ancient Matters,

Tôkyô: Charles E. Tuttle, 1982.

Garam, E., Kovrig, I., Szabó, Gy., Török, Gy. 1975. Avar Finds in the Hungarian National Museum. Vol. 1. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.

Hayashi, T. 1994. Fire-steels of Northern Eurasia, East of the Ural Mountains (in Japanese). Archaeology of Japan and the World. Tokyo: 352–369.

Hayashi, T. 2016. Fire-steels in Eastern and Western Eurasia. International Journal of Eurasian Studies. N. S. 4: 1–14.

Nishinippon Shimbun. 2014. 3 January, 1.

1Городище Шудья-Кар, Афанасьевский район, Кировская область, Upper Kama, the 10th–11th century (Кананин, 1980).

2Provenance unknown. The 10th –beginning of the 12th centuries, Народный Музей Старый Уральск.

3 Fire-steel with rope and stone. Museum of the Insisitue of History and Philology,Academia Sinica, Taipei.




Eurasia ×: Findspots of the earliest fire-steels







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Шавкунов, Э.В. 1990. Культура чжурчжэней-удигэ XII–XIII вв. и проблема происхождения тунгусских народов Дальнего Востока. М.: Наука.


В VII в. н.э. огнива похожей формы появились в Восточной Европе и на Дальнем Востоке. Тем не менее в Центральной Азии и Сибири, расположенной между двумя регионами, никогда не были найдены аналогичные огнива



в таком раннем периоде–до VIII в. н.э. И это кажется настолько странным, что любые виды огнива до сих пор не были в Китае и Корее, за исключением современных монгольских огнив в настоящее время. Я пока не могу сказать, есть ли какая-либо связь между ранними огнивами Восточной Европы и Японии. Еще есть слишком много недостающих звеньев.

Ключевые слова: кресало, Дальний Восток, Япония, мохэ, чжурчжэни.


Ф.Ш. Хузин1, З.Г. Шакиров2

1Институт археологии им. А.Х. Халикова Академии наук Республики Татарстан, Казань; 2Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Казань

Авторы рассматривают проблему контактов волжских булгар с южными кочевниками. Контакты населения Волго-Камья с номадами начинаются еще в раннем железном веке (скифские племена и ананьинцы). В раннем Средневековье отмечено проникновение небольших групп гуннов на Среднюю Волгу (характерные гуннские котлы, Тураевский могильник на Нижней Каме). После распада Великой Болгарии хана Кубрата ив период существования Хазарского каганата (конец VII – первая половина X в.) происходили неоднократные миграции болгар на Среднюю Волгу, где образовалось государство Волжская Булгария. Волжские булгары тесно контактировали с печенегами и кыпчаками-половцами, сыгравшими существенную роль вформировании этноса, языка и культуры современных татар Поволжья и Урала.

Ключевые слова: археология, Волжская Булгария, кочевники, гунны, печенеги, половцы, седентаризация, раннебулгарский этап, домонгольский период.

Местные племена Среднего Поволжья и Прикамья – территории, где в конце IX–начале X в. возникло государство волжских булгар, вошли в контакт с северопричерноморскими кочевниками еще в начале эпохи раннего железа. Это были киммерийцы и сменившие их скифы, достаточно активные связи которых с населением ананьинской культуры четко прослеживаются на материалах археологии (Халиков, 2011: 39, 75, 137). Судя по новейшим данным, в добулгарское время на средневолжские земли проникали также поздние сарматы, покинувшие южноуральские и приазовские степи под давлением гуннов (Вихляев, 2000: 38–52; Гришаков, Зубов, 2009: 74 и сл.; Сташенков, 2005; Казаков, 2016: 22),

исами гунны, открывшие в Европе бурную эпоху Великого переселения народов и ставшие причиной коренных изменений в этнической карте региона. Небольшие группы гуннских воинов поднимались до пределов Волги и Камы, о чем свидетельствуют широко известный в археологии раннего Средневековья Тураевский могильник, оставленный, скорее всего, гуннами, вернувшимися из западноевропейских походов после распада т.н. державы Аттилы, и отдельные находки характерных для гуннской культуры бронзовых котлов (Генинг, 1976; Хузин, 2012: 105).

Всоставе гуннских орд в восточноевропейских степях появились, очевидно, и болгары, раннюю историю которых связывают обычно с огурскими племенами теле, занимавшими первоначально территориюотЦентральнойМонголиидоСеверногоКазахстана(Плетнева,1997:31;Кляшторный,Султанов, 2009:170).НачинаясконцаVв.мынаходимсоюзпраболгар,сложившийсявединуюнародностьизоногуров, утигуров и кутригуров, на обширных просторах причерноморско-прикаспийских степей, а также на Северном Кавказе, в Подунавье и на Балканах. Приазовские и прикубанские болгары, оказавшиеся во второй половине VI в. в составе Западнотюркского каганата, к 630-м годам обрели самостоятельность

исоздали собственное государство – Великую Болгарию, возглавляемую ханом Кубратом.

Распад государственного объединения Кубрата в конце 60-х годов VII в. ознаменовал начало болгарских миграций на Дунай и Среднюю Волгу (большая часть населения оказалась все же в составе Хазарского каганата). В историографии последних лет установилась точка зрения, основанная на археологических и письменных источниках, о нескольких волнах переселений болгар с приазовских степей в лесостепные районы Волго-Камья. Болгарами Кубрата (его сына Котрага?) связывают курганно-грун- товые могильники новинковского типа конца VII–первой половины VIII в., изученные в Самарской

* Исследование выполнено в рамках гранта Президента РФ (Проект № НШ-7170.2016.6).

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