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After this lecture I have learned about body language , body movement, body gestures. Person transmits information not only through words (verbal), but also through gestures, facial expressions, posture, gaze, appearance , distance when talking, jewelry - that is , using non-verbal cues. We believe formally consent spoken words, while people negatively nods his head, trying to warn us - I don’t agree. We don’t pay attention that when people meeting us with a smile, but crossed his hands - a sign of a defensive position - "I was not comfortable and cozy"

I found out that we can use gestures while speaking deliberately. We should be very careful to use gestures in our speech because the same gestures in different cultures are perceived differently. For example In the United States, to say Hello you wave with your whole hand moving from side to side, but in a large part of Europe that same signal means No.

I read abs of body language. For example the thumbs up sign in American and most of Europe means that something is good, or that you approve. This sign is considered rude in many Asian and Islamic countries.

I know that men and women think differently, but after this lecture I realized several common body language signals that women use when trying to attract a man’s attention, for example Tossing her hair to one side or moving it away from her face and shoulders is a sign that she is open to being approached.

I would like to learn more values ​​gestures to learn to read body language, facial expressions, postures because it helps me to learn more about my interlocutor.

Statistics – 256 words

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