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Английский, урок 4 (Unit 4).doc
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Причастия – The Participles

Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая имеет признаки как прилагательного, так и глагола.

Простые формы причастий (Participle I и Participle II) образуются от глаголов с помощью окончаний. В предложении могут выполнять функции определения и обстоятельства.

The Participles (Причастия)


P. I



-ed (III ф. гл.)

to design

to form





to read

to write





В функции определения переводятся причастиями оканчивающимися на:


-нный (-мый; -тый)

Причастие с относящимися к нему словами образуют причастный оборот.

В функции обстоятельства (0 и IV место в предложении) Participle I переводится деепричастиями на –ая; -яя (напр.: readingчитая), а причастный оборот с Participle II можно переводить придаточным предложением.


Например: (We) (can create) (a local network) (interconnecting some computers with cables).

Мы можем создать локальную сеть, соединяя несколько компьютеров кабелями.


(When connected with cables) (some computers) (will create) (a local network).

Если соединить несколько компьютеров кабелем, они создадут локальную сеть.

XII. Образуйте Participle I и Participle II от следующих глаголов:

а) to accelerate; to allow; to become; to contain; to control; to decrease; to exchange; to find; to build into; to form; to include; to interconnect; to jump; to reach; to receive; to serve; to store; to talk; to tell.

б) to accomplish; to begin; to carry; to connect; to determine; to develop; to employ; to install; to make; to mention; to move; to perform; to pick; to place; to play; to provide; to resemble; to send; to solve; to create; to understand; to use; to write.

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на правильный перевод причастий в функции определения:

а) 1. The word “science” developed from the Latin word “scientia” meaning "knowledge". 2. Digital circuits are electric circuits based on a number of discrete voltage levels. 3. Supercomputers are fast because they're really many computers working together. 4. The built-in computers found in many devices from MP3 players to aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are however the most numerous.

б) 1. Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions of times more powerful than the first machines. 2. Modern technological developments, including the telephone, and the Internet allowed people to interact on a global scale. 3. In its more general sense, science is a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method. 4. Existing tools and knowledge are necessary for different investigations and experiments. 5. The structure of a robot is usually mostly mechanical with a kinematic chain resembling the human arm.

XIV. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия, определите их функцию. Предложения переведите:

1. Today's electronics engineers have the ability to design devices using integrated circuits. 2. Currently, there are about 1 million industrial robots working in manufacturing industry. 3. Today industrial robots are in widespread use performing jobs more accurately and reliably than humans. 4. Programmed routines specify the robot’s movement, acceleration, speed of coordinated motions. 5. Internet "chat" allows colleagues to be in contact working at their computers during the day. 6. Using controlled methods scientists collect examples of natural or social phenomena, write down received data referring to the study, and analyze this information.