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25 Easy ways to knock years off your body

By Madeleine Bailey 

DO you look and feel older than you are? We've asked antiageing expert Dr Lynette Yong to estimate how many years these lifestyle changes could take off you...

LUNGS: 1 Give your lungs a workout. Knock off 10 to 20 years

A US study found that lung capacity declines by up to six per cent per decade until 70, then by 20 per cent per decade. But regular aerobic exercise can increase lung capacity by up to 25 per cent.

2 Be a smoke-free zone. Knock off up to 20 years

HALF of all smokers will die from their habit. Among the main causes are 11 types of cancer, including 80 per cent of lung cancers, plus bronchitis and emphysema. But nine months after quitting, lung efficiency increases by 10 per cent, and after 10 years the risk of lung cancer is halved. Smoking also causes heart disease, gum disease, doubles the risk of age-related blindness and causes wrinkles.

3 Breathe easy. Knock off 2 to 3 years

QUICK, shallow breathing restricts the amount of oxygen that reaches the body's cells, leading to headaches, dizziness, anxiety and panic attacks. It can also exacerbate asthma. The ideal rate is 12-14 breaths per minute from the ribcage.

BONES: 4 Watch your weight. Knock off up to 20 years

CARRYING too much weight puts a strain on the joints, worsening wear and tear. If your body mass index (BMI) is 25 or over, you need to shed a few pounds. To calculate your BMI, visit ᄉwww.weightwatchers.co.ukᄃ.

5 Build muscle. Knock off up to 20 years

THIS improves shock absorption around the joints. In one study, men aged 60-72 doubled their muscle strength with regular workouts over 12 weeks, giving them similar fitness levels to men 20 years younger!

6 Improve your posture. Knock off up to 10 years

BAD posture can lead to aches and pains, affecting mobility and flexibility as well as leading to a "dowager's hump". Reduce your risk by doing exercise that involves whole body such as yoga or Pilates.

7 Oil your joints. Knock off up to 8 years

OMEGA-3 fatty acids found in oily fish, flaxseeds and walnuts have an anti-inflammatory effect on cartilage.

8 Dump bad diets. Knock off 3 to 5 years

AFTER 50, one in three women and one in 12 men get osteoporosis. Dairy products and oily fish contain bone-building calcium, magnesium and zinc.

9 Get some sun. Knock off 2 to 5 years

SUNSHINE helps the body make vitamin D, vital for building bone. Ten minutes a day in summer without sunscreen will boost stores - but never do this between 11am and 3pm.

10 Limit the baddies. Knock off 15 to 20 years

FAGS, booze, coffee, salt and sugar have all been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis because they interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

11 Walk to work. Knock off up to 20 years

EXERCISE that uses your own body weight increases bone density.

A study found women who walked three times a week had a 30 per cent lower risk of hip fractures.

HEART: 12 Lower your H factor. Knock off 5 to 10 years

H STANDS for homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that's a bigger risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol.

To lower it, eat foods containing B vitamins, magnesium and zinc such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, green leafy veg and seeds.

13 Watch your blood pressure. Knock off 7 years

HAVING normal rather than high blood pressure staves off cardiovascular disease by 7.2 years. So get yours tested now and if it's too high take steps to lower it.

14 Beat stress. Knock off 5 to 7 years

PEOPLE who manage stress badly are three times more likely to develop premature heart disease, says a US study. Stress sends your blood pressure rocketing. Sex, meditation and exercise are all proven to combat it.

15 Get a heart assessment. Knock off 12 to 15 years

YOUR GP can prescribe statins - drugs that lower cholesterol and reduce build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries.

SKIN: 16 Get five-star protection. Knock off 5 to 10 years

LOOK for five stars on your bottle of suncream, not just a high protection factor. Five stars indicate the best protection from ageing UVA rays.

17 Scrimp on sugar. Knock off 10 to 15 years

SUGAR has a stiffening effect on collagen - a substance that keeps skin supple and youthful.

18 Get your beauty sleep. Knock off 5 to 7 yrs

DURING sleep your body repairs cells. Lack of sleep also affects immunity, brain function and mood. Get six to seven hours.

19 Nourish your skin. Knock off 7 to 10 years

USE moisturisers containing anti-ageing vitamins A, C and E. Experts also believe we should eat seven to nine portions of fruit and veg a day rather than five.

EYES: 20 Eat your greens. Knock off 2 years

GREEN fruit and veg (kiwi, spinach and lettuce) contain carotenoids, which help protect eyes from the sun.

21 Protect your peepers. Knock off 5 years

WEAR wraparound sunglasses for maximum protection from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts. Also check the label to make sure all UVA and UVB rays are blocked.


22 Floss daily. Knock off 3 years

IT reduces the risk of gum disease which causes teeth to loosen.

23 Keep them white. Knock off 5 years

TO keep looking young brush twice a day but never within an hour of eating - food acids soften enamel.

24 Stay active. Knock off 5 years

REGULAR exercise reduces the risk of dementia by up to 40 per cent. Walking for 15 minutes three times a week is enough because it boosts blood flow to the brain.

25 Use it or lose it. Knock off 5 to 10 years

STAYING mentally active can halve your risk of Alzheimer's. Do crosswords, or puzzles like Sudoku.

Questions and tasks:

  1. People who follow these rules live shorter than those who don’t care. Do you agree?

  2. Can you give other pieces of advice how to live longer?

  3. Statistics claims that married men live longer than single ones. Why do think it happens?

  4. Do you believe someday doctors can make elixir to prolong people’s life?

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