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Практичне заняття №7

Тема: Види крамниць та відділів

І. Граматичний матеріал. Тема: Сполучник.

Сполучники вживаються для звязку членів речення іцілих речень у складному реченні.Вони виражають відношення між членами речення і між реченнями, але самі не є членами реченя.За структурою сполучники поіляються на:

1.Прості (складаються з одного кореня):

andі, а, but – але, or–чи,

if –якщо, though – хоча та ін.

2.Похідні (мають у своєму складі суфікси та префікси):

Unless –якщо не, becauseтому щота ін.

3.Складні (складаються з двох або трьох коренів) :

therefore -тому , however т– хоча та ін.

4.Складені (складаються з кількох слів):

as soon as – як тільки,

In order to – для того, щоб.

Деякі сполучники називаються парними – складаються с двох частн, розділених між собою іншими словами:

not only…but alsoне тількиале й, both …and – як…., так і


Залежно від функції сполучники поділяються на :

Сполучники сурядності-

( зєднують одноріднічлени речення та окремі речення)

Сполучники підрядності

(прєднують підрядне речення до головного)

1.Єднальні (copulative):

not only…but alsoне тількиале й,

both …and – як…., так і


as well….as – як… так і

Сполучники місця, часупричини та ін.:

when – коли, while – у тойчас як,if – якщо, якби, unless – якщо не, as if, as though наче, ніби.

Усі вищезазначені сполучники вживаються також у простих реченнях для введення обставин часу, умови, способу дії, тощо

2.Роздлові (disjunctive)

or–чи, або,

either ... or – або… або

3.Протиставні (adversative)but – але, yet – проте, still - однак

Як і в українській мові, для зв’язку підрядних речень з головними використовуються не тільки сполучники, але й сполучні слова:- займенники who (whom) - хто, кого,whose – чий, what –що, який, which, that – який, що і прислівники where- де, how - як, why – чому.

1. Choose correct conjunctions to fill in the blanks .Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. ________ it was raining, I didn't get wet.

    1.   Because

    2.   Although

  2. Jun couldn't buy any Christmas presents ________ he didn't have any money.

    1.   because

    2.   even though

  3. Jerry passed the exam first time ________ I had to retake it three times.

    1.   while

    2.   as

  4. Paula got the job ________ she had no experience.

    1.   even though

    2.   as

  5. I don't drink coffee ________ it makes me nervous.

    1.   although

    2.   as

  6. I will be late today ________ my car has broken down.

    1.   though

    2.   because

  7. ________ Mei Li doesn't speak English, she can't go to university in Canada.

    1.   Whereas

    2.   Since

  8. ________ my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at home for my vacations.

    1.   Since

    2.   Whereas

2. Insert conjunctions and, but, or, so.Translate the sentences into Ukrainian..

1. Jaewon was cold, ... he put on a coat. 2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ... it was too difficult. 3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, ... you can ride the ferry. 4. I bought a bottle of wine, ... we drank it together. 5. The waiter was not very nice, ... the food was delicious. 6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ... the shop didn't have it. 7. Anna needed some money, ... she took a part-time job. 8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino, ... maybe it's just coincidence. 9. Julie has a guitar, ... she plays it really well. 10. The concert was cancelled, ... we went to a nightclub instead.

ІІ. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Translate the names ofshops and departments into Ukrainian. Make a table and give 7-10 examples of goods which are sold in each of these shops/departments.

2. Learn the words by heart.

chemist’s -butcher’s

  • ladies’ clothing shop or boutique -fishmonger’s

  • men’s clothing shop or tailor’s

  • shoe shop or cobbler’s -greengrocer’s

  • jeweller’s -baker’s

  • electrical store -delicatessen

  • toy store -grocer’s

  • record shop -off license

  • book shop -florist’s

  • newsagent’s -post office

  • ironmonger’s

- haberdasher’s

  • optician’s

IV.Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

  1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.

  2. Translate the words in bold, write them out into your dictionaries and learn them by heart/


Great minds of Greece such as Thales, Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimede, Appolonius, Eudoxus, etc. produced an amazing amount of first class mathematics. The fame of these mathematicians spread to all corners of the Mediterranean world and attracted numerous pupils. Masters and pupils gathered in schools which though they had few, buildings and no campus were truly centres of learning. The teaching of these schools dominated the entire life of the Greeks.Despite the unquestioned influence of Egypt and Babylonia on Greek mathematicians, the mathematics produced by the Greeks differed fundamentally from that which preceded it. It were the Greeks who founded mathematics as a scientific discipline. The Pythagorean school was the most influential in determining both the nature and content of Greek mathematics. Its leader Pythagoras founded a community which embraced both mystical and rational doctrines.

The original Pythagorean brotherhood (c. 550—300 B. C.) was a secret aristocratic society whose members preferred to operate from behind the scenes and, from there, to rule social and intellectual affairs with an iron hand. Their noble born initiates were taught entirely by word of mouth. Written documentation was not permitted, since anything written might give away the secrets largely responsible for their power. Among these early Pythagoreans were men who knew more about mathematics then available than most other people of their time. They recognized that vastly superior in design and manageability Babylonian base-ten positional numeration system might make computational skills available to people in all walks of life and rapidly democratize mathematics and diminish their power over the masses. They used their own non positional numeration system (standard Greek alphabet supplemented by special symbols). Although there was no difficulty in determining when the symbols represented a number instead of a word, for computation the people of the lower classes had to consult an exclusive group of experts or to use complicated tables and both of these sources of help were controlled by the brotherhood.

3. Choose the title to the text above in accordance with its content.

a. Great minds of Greece

b. Numeration system

c. The Pythagorean school

4. Match the equivalents.

1. diminish

2. number

3. numeration system

4. symbol

5. content

6. property

7. doctrine

a) содержание

b) учение

c) уменьшать

d) свойство

e) число

f) числовая система

g) символ

5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the text.

1. Pythagoras founded a community which embraced both mystical and rational.

a) members b) axioms

c) doctrines d) theorems

2. They used their own non-positional … system.

a) coordinate b) arithmetic

c) numeration d) geometric

3. Standard Greek alphabet was supplemented by special … .

a) quantities b) theorems

c) symbols d) words

4. The Pythagorean school was the most influential in determining both the nature and … of Greak mathematics.

a) content b) system

c) power d) diminish

5. The symbols represented a … instead of a word.

a) property b) number

c) axiom d) theorem

6. Choose correct answers to the questions.

1. Who produced an amazing amount of first-class mathematicians?

a) Great minds of Greece.

b) Great minds of Mediterranian world.

c) Great minds of Babylonia.

2. Who influenced Greek mathematics?

a) Egypt and Fromce b) Egypt

c) Egypt and Babylonia d) Babylonia

3. What did the Pythagoreans represent instead of a word?

a) number b) hieroglyph

c) symbol d) figure

4. What did Pythagoras community embrace?

a) property b) numeration system

c) mystical and rational doctrines d) real number

7. Choose the right variant of translation of the underlined words

1. They were taught entirely by word of mouth.

a) обучаются b) обучили бы

c) обучались

2. The sources of help were controlled by the brotherhood.

a) контролируются b) контролировали бы

c) контролировались

3. The symbols represented a number instead of a word.

а) представляли b) представили бы

с) были представлены

4. Written documentation was not permitted.

a) не разрешала бы b) не была разрешена

c) не будет разрешена