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for the dough:

eggs - 5 pieces,

sugar - 2 cups of incomplete (360 g)

butter - 100 g

sour cream - 200 g

flour - 250 g

soda - 1 / 3 teaspoon baking

powder - 1 teaspoon cocoa

powder - 2 tablespoons no slides,

chopped walnuts or hazelnuts - 70 g

sour cream for the chocolate glaze - 2

tablespoons butter - 50 g

sugar - 3 tablespoons butter


Softened butter and a half pound of sugar (180 g).

In another bowl drive eggs, add remaining sugar (180 g) and a mixture of lightly beaten beater or electric mixer.

To pour the oil mixture and egg mixture and mix well.

In the cream soda and baking powder put. Mix well. Sour cream to add to the oil-egg mixture and mix well.

Enter in the sifted flour mixture and mix well again.

Divide dough into 2 equal parts.

In one piece of dough add cocoa, sifted through a fine sieve and stir.

Shape for baking grease and sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs (you can vystelit form parchment). In the center of the form put 2 tablespoons light test. In the center of the test light to pour 2 tablespoons dark test.

Thus, the alternating layers, put all the dough.

Cake bake ~ 45-60 minutes in preheated to ~ 170-180 ° C oven. If the cake heavily flushed, but not inside propeksya, cover top of cake with foil and bring to readiness. Ready pie remove from oven, cool and carefully remove from the mold. The cooled cake covered with chocolate icing (or grease with condensed milk) and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

* Upon request, the cake can be impregnated with sour cream. For the cream: 250 ml thick cream whipped with 0.5 cups of sugar. Cut cooled cake into 2 cakes. Coat the cake with a cream, cover with second crust, and pour over chocolate.

To prepare the chocolate glaze: put a pot on a small fire, put the sour cream, add the butter, sugar and cocoa. All stir well, that did not form lumps, and cook until sugar is dissolved (boil). Glazetocoolandputoncake.

* You can make frosting with milk or dark chocolate. Chocolate (70-80 g), break into pieces, put in a saucepan and melt in a water bath to a liquid state. If the chocolate is bitter, for him to add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar. In the melted chocolate to add milk (3-4 tablespoons) and stir well.

At the end put a piece of (7-10 g) of butter, and stir again until the butter has melted and the chocolate will not homogenous.

Сафиуллина Лилия (Bramley Crunch)


Serves: 4

450 Gram Bramley apples, peeled, cored & sliced (1 lb)

2 Tablespoon Water

Sugar, to taste

1-2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

75 Gram Butter (3 oz)

75 Gram Fresh white breadcrumbs (3 oz)

25 Gram Rolled oats (1 oz)

50 Gram Demerara sugar (2 oz)

50 Gram Hazelnuts, chopped (2 oz)

Greek style yogurt


Place the apples and water in a heavy-based pan and cook over a moderate heat for 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Cool and mash or blend to a smooth puree. Sweeten to taste.

Mix the apple puree with half the cinnamon. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the breadcrumbs, oats, demerara sugar and remaining cinnamon. Cook for 5 minutes stirring frequently until golden brown, Cool and add hazelnuts.

Reserve 1 tablespoon of the crumb mixture, then layer the apple puree with the breadcrumbs into individual glasses, finishing with apple topped with yogurt and reserved crumbs.

Ильина (Pie a rainbow)

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