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Тексты 2 полугод для программистов.docx
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  1. Are the statements below true or false?

1. Kate uses her PC for typing and keeping information.

2. Kate uses her computer to get information from the Internet.

3. Kate's sister thinks it's not clever to believe all facts stored on the Internet.

4. Kate's sister considers electronic devices not reliable.

  1. John doesn't like his car but he needs it.

  2. John's wife most probably goes to work by bus than by car.

7. John doesn't like the situation when he can't use his car for going shopping.

8. John's wife spends less time to get to her work when she walks than when she goes by car.

9. Ann doesn't agree to have one phone.

11. Ann's and her mum's opinions about the phone are different.

10. Ann's mum thinks that telephones are more trouble than profit.

12. There are some problems with computers, cars and telephones.

Lesson 19

  1. Everything will be better in the future. In small groups think about the future technological progress. Write what you are thinking about it (10 sentences). Choose 5 main ideas about the future and read them out to the class.

Model: Cars will run on batteries. We won't need I petrol or diesel fuel.

Lesson 20 - 21 choice of profession

What profession to choose? This question is the most important and difficult for everybody. Every job is both interesting and difficult. I think that all profes­sions are very important in our life. But to choose the right occupation is very difficult, because we must consider many factors. We must consider our personal tastes and at the same time we must satisfy the re­quirements of our society.

Some people keep family traditions and choose the profession of their parents. Very often young people themselves make the choice of profession. Some may prefer to work in factories or at big plants, others want to go into construction: to take part in building power stations and new towns. Many opportunities are offered in the sphere of services, transport, communi­cations and many others. Young men can work and satisfy at the same time the requirements of society and their own personal interests.

The end of school is the beginning of an independ­ent life, the beginning of more serious examinations. Some boys and girls try to enter Institutes and Uni­versities where they can use the knowledge and educa­tion received at school. Some are trying to find a good job.

I have decided to become a …. I like this profession because it is very interesting.

Key vocabulary

Nouns (существительные)

  1. character traits – черты характера

  2. ability – способность

  3. attitude – отношение

Verbs (глаголы)

  1. choose a job – выбирать работу

  2. give satisfaction – приносить удовлетворение

  3. earn – зарабатывать

  4. deal with – иметь дело с

  5. to be interested in – интересоваться

  6. to be inclined to – иметь склонность к

  7. to be good at – хорошо разбираться в

  8. to have a talent for – иметь талант, склонность к

  9. to have an appeal to/calling for – иметь призвание

Adjectives (прилагательные)

  1. well paid – хорошо оплачиваемая

  2. fulfilling – приносящая удовлетворение

Useful words and Expressions (необходимые слова и словосочетания)

  1. to have the right personality to be… – черты характера и способности соответствуют (данной работе)

  2. can do well as… – может успешно работать в качестве

  3. can work in the field of… – может работать в области

  4. can work as (teacher)… – может работать (учителем)

  5. can make a good (doctor) …–может стать хорошим (врачом)

Character Traits (черты характера)

careful – заботливый; аккуратный, точный

clever – умный

communicative – общительный

creative – творческий

dependable – заслуживающий доверия

friendly – дружелюбный

good eye memory – хорошая зрительная память

hard-working – трудолюбивый

intelligent – разумный, смышлёный

logical – логичный, последовательный

neat – опрятный

observant – наблюдательный

organized – организованный

patient – терпеливый

polite – вежливый

punctual – пунктуальный

responsible – ответственный

sympathetic –сочувствующий

tactful – тактичный

talented – талантливый

Job Titles (названия профессий)

Professions (профессии)

(Occupations, requiring advanced education and special training)

accountant – бухгалтер

computer programmer – программист

dentist – зубной врач

doctor – врач

engineer – инженер

interpreter – переводчик

lawyer – юрист

nurse – медсестра

pharmacist – фармацевт

pilot – летчик

teacher – учитель

vet (veterinary) – ветеринар

actor/actress – актер/актриса

Trades (занятия, ремёсла)

(Occupations, way of making a living, especially handicraft)

baker –пекарь

hair stylist – мужской парикмахер

hair dresser – женский парикмахер

builder – строитель

carpenter – плотник

cashier – кассир

cook – повар

electrician – электрик

farmer – фермер

gardener – садовник

housepainter – маляр

mechanic – механик

plumber – водопроводчик

printer – печатник, наборщик

salesperson – продавец

security guard – охранник

tailor – портной

waiter – официант

Exercise 1. Подберите название профессии или занятия согласно данным чертам характера, как в образце.

Образец: Steve loves animals, he is patient so he…

Steve loves animals, he is patient so he can work as a vet.

  1. Ann is good at languages so she…

  2. Mark is very interested in repairing cars so he…

  3. John has a talent for drawing and painting so he…

  4. Bill is communicative and writes articles for newspaper so he…

  5. Pam is patient and has a calling for taking care of the sick so she…

  6. Alice loves nature and grows flowers so she…

  7. Jerry likes working with a computer so he…

  8. Lucy reads a lot and has a talent for writing novels so she…

  9. Nora is creative and likes to decorate houses so she…

  10. Michael always repairs water-pipes so he…

  11. Nancy is very talented and likes to take part in performances so she…

  12. Laura makes clothes herself so she…

  13. Maggie is polite and knows everything about fashionable clothes so she…

  14. Judy reads a lot about pedagogy and likes children so she…

  15. Ted enjoys driving automobiles so he …

Exercise 2.

В психологической классификации различают 5 типов профессий. Рассмотри таблицу и дополни её профессиями, приведёнными ниже.

К какому типу принадлежит твоя профессия?

P rofession type

Personal qualities

Deals with



technical thinking, good memory, clever, logical, organized, hard-working

machines, devices, meters, instruments, machine-tools

turner, driver, cosmonaut, …


good eye memory, neat, patient, observant, rational

plants, animals, their natural environment

gardener, farmer, forester, …


communicative, sympathetic, tactful,

well-wishing, dependable, friendly


doctor, policeman, waiter, …


artistic, creative, talented, observant, good eye memory, imaginative

work of arts, their elements

artist, painter, architect, …

man-sign system”

good at Maths, intelligent, logical, careful, organized, punctual

figures, words, formulas, diagrams, symbols, drawings

interpreter, cashier, printer, …

Builder, economist, writer, salesman, programmer, veterinary, agronomist, clothes designer, teacher, hair stylist, pilot, accountant, geologist, manager, mechanic.

Ex. 7. Do the crossword puzzle: "Find the word for a person who..."