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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Східноукраїнський національний університет

імені Володимира Даля



Навчальний посібник з дисципліни

«Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»

для студентів денного відділення спеціальностей:

5.05010301 «Розробка програмного забезпечення»

5.05010201 «Обслуговування комп’ютерних систем і мереж»


Войченко В.А, Гутаревич Л М.

Посібник розглянуто та затверджено

на засіданні циклової комісії

гуманітарних дисциплін

„___” ________ 2010 р.

Протокол № ________

Голова ЦК ______________ Закорчевна Т.Л.

Луганськ 2010

Pc world


Texts: Microsoft Corporation

Google Inc

Adobe Photoshop




Texts: Basic Computer System Organization (part 1)

Basic Computer System Organization (part 2)

Hardware (part 1)

Hardware (part 2)

Types of personal computers


Operating systems

Malware and computer crimes

Antivirus software


Software piracy and copyright infringement


Texts: Programmer

System administrator

Cyber crime investigator

Unit 1 brands and names in information technology world Microsoft Corporation

M icrosoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, its most profitable products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite.

The company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975. Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by the Windows line of operating systems. Its products have all achieved near-ubiquity in the desktop computer market. The company also markets both computer hardware products such as the Microsoft mouse as well as home entertainment products (the Xbox, Zune and MSN TV).

Throughout its history the company has been the target of criticism, including monopolistic business practices and anti-competitive strategies.

DOS (Disk Operating System) was the operating system that brought the company its first real success. On August 12, 1981, IBM awarded a contract to Microsoft to provide an operating system for the upcoming IBM PC. The company rose from a small player to one of the major software vendors in the home computer industry.

In 1989, Microsoft introduced its flagship office suite, Microsoft Office. The software bundled separate office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. In 1990 Microsoft launched Windows 3.0 that soon became the favored PC platform. Microsoft Office also became the dominant business suite, with a market share far exceeding that of its competitors.

In 1995 Microsoft released Windows 95, a new version of the company's operating system which featured a completely new user interface, including a start button. The company also released its web browser, Internet Explorer.

In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, the first version that encompassed the features of both its business and home product lines. XP introduced a new graphical user interface, the first such change since Windows 95. In late 2001, with the release of the Xbox, Microsoft entered the multi-billion-dollar game console market dominated by Sony and Nintendo.

On June 27, 2008, Bill Gates retired from day-to day activities in the company but remained the company's chairman, head of the Board of Directors and would act as an adviser on key projects. In January 2007 Microsoft released Windows Vista and Office 2007 and sold 300 million copies by December 2008.

In 2008 Microsoft announced that it will share information about its products and technology to make it easier for developers to create software.

Words and word combinations:

1) headquarters [ ] – штаб-квартира 2) to achieve [ ] – достигать/досягати 3) ubiquity [ ] – распространенность/росповсюдженність 4) hardware [ ] – аппаратные средства/апаратні засоби 5) entertainment [ ] – развлечение/розваги 6) anti-competitive strategies – стратегия на подавление свободной конкуренции/стратегія на придушення свободної конкуренції 7) vendor [ ] - продавец/продавець 8) suite [ ] – пакет программ/пакет программ 9) application [ ] – приложение/прикладна программа 10) to bundle [ ] – собрать вместе/зібрати разом 11) to launch [ ] (release) – выпустить/випустити

12) market [ ] share [ ] – доля рынка/доля ринку 13) to share information–делиться информацией/ділитися інформацією 14) Xbox – игровая приставка(консоль)/ігрова приставка Zune портативный медиапроигрыватель/портативний медіаплеер MSN TV – адаптер для доступа в интернет через телевизионную сеть/адаптер для доступу до інтернету за допомогою телебачення.

I State tense forms of the predicate. Make questions to the sentences:

1) Microsoft Corporation is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA. (Where...?) 2) The company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975. (Who/Whom...?) 3) DOS (Disk Operating System) brought the company its first real success. (What...?) 4) Microsoft Office suite bundled separate office applications such as MS Word and Excel. (What kind of...?) 5) Microsoft will share information about its products and technology. (What...about?)

II Correct the factual mistakes in the sentences and give the right information:

1) The company’s most profitable products are the Xbox360 game console and Zune media player. 2) The Microsoft mouse brought the company its first real success. 3) In 1989 Microsoft introduced its office suite and web browser, Internet Explorer. 4) In 1981 the company could get a contract to provide an operating system for a new model of the Apple computer. 5) In 2008 Microsoft promised to release Windows 7 operating system as a freeware.

III Fill the gaps and translate the sentences::

Microsoft corporation is a multinational _______ corporation that develops and supports software products. Its most _______ products are the MS Windows operating system and MS Office suite. The company was founded by _______ in 1975. Its products have all achieved near ubiquity in the _______ computer market. Throughout its history the company has been the _______ of critisism for monopolistic business practises. OS Windows XP is the favoured _______. Microsoft Office is also the dominant business _______. In 2008 Bill Gates retired from day-to-day _______ in the company. He acts as an _______ on key projects now. Microsoft promised to share ______ about its products and technology to make it easier for ______ to create software.

1) information 2) activities 3) computer technology 4) PC platfofm 5) target 6) desktop 7) advisor 8) profitable 9) suite 10) Bill Gates 11) developers.

IV Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning:


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