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Усні повідомлення-презентації по темі «Computers of future. Computer technologies of future». Grammar Exercises The Infinitive

Ex. I. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention

a) to be infinitive

1. Well-read people are interesting to talk to. 2. To err is human. 3. I am lucky to have seen this actor in the part of Hamlet. 4. He pretends not to understand my words. 5. I need to have your opinion. 6. They were the last to leave. 7. The incident was too unpleasant to talk about. 8. He is easy to deal with. 9. Not to miss the morning train he had to get up very early. 10. The only thing that worries me is to find the right solution of the problem.

b) to the infinitive constructions

1. Don’t let children read in bed. 2. A Nobel is known to have invented dynamite. 3. The book is unlikely to be sold, it is too boring. 4. The problem turned out to be easier than we expected. 5. Do you expect the weather to change soon? 6. The sportsmen were expected to arrive just in time. 7. They are said to be of the same opinion on the subject. 8. She seems to know much about literature.

Ex. 2. Translate into English following the models.

a) Model: - I hate to be laughed at. – Не люблю, коли наді мною насміхаються.

1. Вона не хотіла, щоб на неї дивилися. 2. Актриса любила, щоб їй аплодували. 3. Діти хотіли, щоб їм читали перед сном. 4. Він не любить, коли його переривають.

b) Model: - This is a man to rely on. – На цю людину можна покластися.

- She is too proud to show her feelings. – Вона занадто горда, щоб виявляти свої почуття.

1) Це цікава книга, яку можна обговорювати. 2) Це – та проблема, яку треба розв’язувати. 3) Вона занадто егоїстична для того, щоб зрозуміти вас. 4) Він з’явився занадто пізно для того, щоб змінити ситуацію. 5) Вірш занадто великий для того, щоб вивчити його напам’ять.

Ex. 3. Translate into English using the Complex Object.

1. Я хочу, щоб ви повторили вірш ще раз. 2. Ми не очікували, що він так швидко згодиться з нашою пропозицією. 3. Мені б хотілося, щоб ви надали нам допомогу у вирішенні цієї проблеми. 4. Ми не гадали, що вистава буде такою надзвичайною.

The Participle

Ex. 4. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to:

a) Participle I.

1. Being unemployed, he hasn’t got any money. 2. Jack hurt his leg playing football. 3. She smiled remembering his letter. 4. Closing the door, she tried not to make any noise. 5. Having known the truth, he couldn’t forgive her. 6. Having spend all the money, they had to send a telegram to their parents asking for help. 7. Being asked at the examination, the student didn’t know what to say to the teacher. 8. I couldn’t get in touch with him not knowing his address. 9. Having been examined by the doctor, the sock man was offered to take some medicine. 10. When crossing the road in England, look first to the right.

b) Participle II.

1. The meeting cancelled yesterday will take place tomorrow. 2. The news received last week impressed everybody very much. 3. The answer expected came at last. 4. A latter mailed today will be received by your relatives in a few days. 5. When asked students stand up. 6. The wounded leg was examined by the doctor. 7. Her worn hat didn’t match her elegant blouse. 8. It must be done at once.

Ex. 5. Translate the words and expressions in brackets using:

a) Participle I

1. They are now at a congress (який проходить) in Saint Petersburg. 2. (Коли він захворів) he postponed his journey. 3. (Після того як вона приїхала додому) she found a letter from her friend there. 4. The policeman (який стоїть) on the corner can show you the way if you got lost. 5. (Розповідаючи про це) we couldn’t help smiling. 6. (Коли йому показали) the right direction, he drove away (не подякувавши нас). 7. The students (які чекали) the teacher spoke loudly.

b) Participle II.

1. At the conference the delegates discussed new materials (які застосовуються) in engineering. 2. Here are some letters (які були надіслані) last week. 3. The tests (написані) by the students had a lot of mistakes. 4. (Розбите) window should be replaced. 5. The attempts (які були розпочаті) turned out to be fruitless.

Ex. 6. Translate into English using Participle I or Participle II, where possible.

  1. Оскільки стаття була написана португальською мовою, ніхто не міг перекласти її і ми були змушені запросити перекладача.

  2. Коли делегати прибули на конференцію, їх ознайомили з розкладом заходів.

  3. Студент стояв у дошки, не знаючи, що сказати.

  4. Увійшовши в кімнату, вона включила світло.

  5. Ми обговорювали статтю, написану нашим колегою.

  6. Склавши успішно іспити, студенти почали обговорювати літні канікули.

  7. Лежачи на дивані, він читав книгу.

  8. Переходячи вулицю, подивіться спочатку наліво, а потім направо.

Ex. 7. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the forms of the Gerund.

1. I have no objection to your smoking, but please refrain from doing so in the office. 2. Any noise prevents me from working. 3. He doesn’t like being praised, he is too modest. 4. A lot depends on your making the right choice. 5. On seeing the expression on Tom’s face, Linda burst out laughing. 6. I remember having been informed of the accident. 7. Little children like being read fairy tales. 8. I would appreciate your calling me back. 9. When she heart the news, she couldn’t help crying. 10. He complained of having been unfairly treated. 11. We didn’t mind her helping us. 12. I don’t fell like going out tonight. 13. It was no use even trying to publish the story in that magazine. 14. Without saying a word, he took his coat and left the room. 15 She couldn’t leave the town all summer because of her mother being ill. 16. Reading aloud can help you to improve your pronunciation.

Ex. 8. Open the brackets using the proper form of the Gerund

1. We must remember (to buy) the tickets in advance. 2. Your bag is so old, it is not worth (to keep). 3. I decided to do everything myself instead of (to ask) for help. 4. He gave up (to smoke) and his health became much more better. 5. What about (to go) for a swim? 6. My hair wants (to cut) but I don’t have time to go to the hairdresser. 7. She succeeded in (to speak) English fluently. 8. Where have you been? My parent are looking forward to (meet) you. 9. Children aren’t tired of (to ask) question but the grown-ups are often tired of (to answer) them. 10. We were afraid of (to be) late for the performance and we insisted on (to rake) a taxi. 11. It’s no use (to cry) over spilt milk. 12. Stop (to talk)! Go on (to read) the text. 13. She was pleased at (to choose) to play this part.

Ex. 9. Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets using the Gerund. Insert prepositions or other words where necessary.

1. Why do you deny … (що зустрічалася з ним раніше). 2. He will succeed … (вступити до університету). 3. He couldn’t get used … (щоб над ним сміялися). 4. I don’t feel .. (дзвонити їй). 5. She gave … (грати в теніс) and started … (бігати вранці). 6. Do you mind …(я відкрию вікно)? 7. We couldn’t … (не сміятися) looking at her clumsy movements. 8. They prided themselves … (що перші сконструювали цей прилад). 9. Don’t avoid … (відвідувати захворівших знайомих). 10. Excuse me … (що я пройшов, не подзвонивши).

Ex. 10. Complete the following sentences, using Gerund.

    1. Do you prefer …? 2. Your clothes need … 3. Thank you for … 4. Do you mind … 5. He looks forward to … 6. We are tired of … 7. I don’t object to … 8. What is your idea of …? 9. She is fond of … 10. He is not guilty of … 11. They accused him of … 12. Who is responsible for … ? 13. We denied … 14. The teacher continued … 15. The audience burst out …

Ex. 11. Translate into English using the Gerund.

  1. Де мої ключі? Я пам’ятаю, що поклав їх вранці в кишеню.

  2. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я скористуюся вашим телефоном?

  3. Перш ніж писати нову книгу, він вирішив відпочити трохи та здійснити подорож до Австралії.

  4. Вибачте, що знову турбую вас.

  5. Вона пішла, не залишивши повідомлення для нас.

  6. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо в це відрядження пошлють мене замість вас?

  7. Ваш автомобіль потребує ремонту.

  8. Перш, ніж зробити що небудь, ретельно обміркуйте всі наслідки.

  9. Я завжди насолоджуюсь приготуванням різдвяного обіду і з нетерпінням чекаю Різдва.

  10. Не заходь в клас без дозволу.

Ex. 12. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, the Gerund or the Infinitive.

1. I would love … (see) you soon but it isn’t possible now. 2. Ann enjoys … (play) the guitar very mach. 3. I can’t stand people … (interrupt) a speaker at any moment. 4. Do you mind … (jog) under the rain? 5. My brother hates … (watch) serials, he prefers sports programs. 6. Please remember … (give) my regards to your wife. 7. He tried … (borrow) some money from his friends but nobody could help him. 8. Your TV-set needs … (repair) but you don’t need … (do) it now. 9. We can’t help … (smile) when we see this man. He looks so sky and awkward. 10. I remember … (tell) him about it before. 11. Tom was afraid … (not get) his driving license in time. 12. Lucy was afraid of … (drive) because she had been in a car wreck in her childhood.


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