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ЭУП МУ 2 Ерошкина.doc
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Assignments (tasks)

1. Retell the story.

Yesterday I visited Brown's Company. I wanted to see the President. I had an appointment with him. But I was unlucky. When I came, they told me that he was sway on a mission, and would be back in a week's time. Then I decided to speak with the Vice-President, but they told me he was unwell. I wanted to talk to the Commercial Director, but they told me he was out for business lunch. Mr Brown's secretary was kind enough to offer me his phone number, and last night I gave him a call. We arranged the meeting, and this morning he received me. I must tell you the Commercial Director gave me much valuable advice, and I'm very thankful to him. I appreciate his assistance.

2. Translate the following sentences.

1. Вы можете описать мне организационную структуру вашей компании? Сколько в ней отделов? Кто возглавляет Совет директоров? Кто Генеральный директор? Кому подчиняются директора отделов?2. Кто отвечает за финансовую деятельность предприятия? 3. Кто заведует отделом экспорта и сбыта? 4. Каковы основные функции (what are the main functions)технического отдела? 5. Какой отдел занимается разработкой новых видов (kinds) продукции? 6. Кто отвечает за кадры, их обучение и подготовку? 7. На котором этаже живет ваш начальник? 8. Насколько мне известно, ему всегда везет. 9. Это очень срочное дело. Последуйте моему совету: сегодня же уезжайте в командировку. 10. Вот моя визитная карточка.


Making Plans

I. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

a) increase I. say something important

b) announce 2. begin/establish/build

c) set up 3. two companies working together

d) a joint venture 4. get bigger

II. Complete the sentences by using one of the following words; (increase, set up, produce, start, sell).

1. US Motors want to ... their sales in the US.

2. They are going to ... a joint venture with Toyama Motors.

3. They are going to ... a new sedan.

4. They plan to ... production in two years.

5. They plan to ... 300,000 cars in the first year.

III. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

  • Preston Inc.(corporate) want to increase their sales in Europe.

  • How are they going to do it?

  • They are going to open в lot of new offices. They plan to have an office in every major European city by the year 2000.

  • To tell the truth, I have strong doubts whether they will succeed in doing this.

  • What makes you think so? (заставляет вас)

  • The point is that in view of their shaky financial position they won’t be able to increase production and consequently their sales.

  • You seem to be right. In this respect the opening of many new offices in Europe look to me both risky and artificial.

IV. With a partner, talk about the objectives of these companies.





Increase their profits

Reduce their costs

Box Brothers

Increase their turnover

Cut their staff by 5%

Graver Inc.

Increase their market share

Introduce two new product next year

Hire more sales

Reduce their prices

Increase advertising

V. Making Plans. Look at the list of objectives (a-f.) Match them with the plan.



a. Recruit a new Chief Accountant

1. Increase salaries by only 2% this year.

b. Increase the number of staff who speak English

2. Collect money for a gift.

c. Export to more countries

3. Introduce language training courses employees.

d.. Reduce costs

4. Arrange visits to local tourist attractions.

e. Thank the sales manager(he is retiring)

5. Set up five overseas offices.

f. Welcome the visitors from the US

6. Advertise in the newspaper.