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II группа Legal English 2.doc
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Comparative Law n компаративное (сравнительное) право

Conflict of Laws n коллизия (противоречие) правовых норм

conveyance n составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества

Conveyancing Law право передачи правового титула (в основном на


consider рассматривать

Contract Law n договорное право

Criminal Evidence n доказательства преступления

Criminal Procedure n уголовный процесс

dissertation n диссертация

EEC Law abbr. from European Economic Community Law право

Европейского Экономического Сообщества

emphasis on упор на

encourage v поощрять, одобрять

Equity n право справедливости

grounding n подготовка

honors course n курс, дающий право на диплом с отличием

judgement n решение, мнение, приговор

jurisprudence n юриспруденция

Labour Law n трудовое право

Land Law n земельное право

Law of Tort n деликтное право

Master n магистр; Master of Laws (LL.M) магистр права

on offer v предлагается

paper n работа (экзаменационная)

postgraduate n аспирант

Property Law n право собственности

reasoning n аргументация

submit v представлять

technique n технический прием, метод(ы), учение, методика

thorough adj доскональный, фундаментальный

tort n правонарушение, деликт

Tripos a final honors examination at Cambridge university (originally in

mathematics) экзамен для получения отличия (в Кембридже)

undergraduate n студент

vocational adj профессиональный

Reading tasks

Answer these questions.

  1. Does the course give an academic legal education or teach students to become lawyers?

  2. What intellectual abilities does the course develop?

  3. How many years does a first degree course last?

  4. How many subjects do undergraduates study?

  5. Does the course only include strict (pure) law?

  6. Do most Cambridge Law graduates become lawyers?

  7. Should people who want to read Law study (1) science subjects or (2) humanities (history, languages, etc.) at school?

  8. Can students choose the subjects they study in the first and second years of the law course?

  9. Do students have the same options in the second year and in the third year?

  10. What is the relationship between the four groups of subjects (I, II, III and IV) in the list and each year of study on a first-degree course?

  11. Must students take an exam in all the subjects they study?

  12. How many exams do postgraduates take?

  13. If you were a student at Cambridge University, which subjects would you choose to study?

Vocabulary tasks

A Match the following expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1 civil law a представить диссертацию

2 social control b этика права

3 to read law c навыки (умение) толкования

4 range of subjects d общественный надзор

5 submit a dissertation e изучать право

6 skills of interpretation f гражданское право

7 ethical judgement g спектр предметов

C Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

    1. Legal Studies are not really popular at Cambridge.

    2. The Law course at Cambridge is superficial.

    3. Experienced lawyers who work as teachers develop in their students skills of interpretation and logical reasoning.

    4. The Law course lasts for five years.

    5. All the students should take the so-called Tripos, an exam which consists of four parts.

    6. Part IA is usually taken at the end of the first year.

    7. The range of subjects on offer in part IB of Tripos is not wide.

    8. In the third year students may develop their interest in Property Law, Commercial Law etc.

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