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indefinite pronouns.doc
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1. Some is used to denote an indefinite quantity or number with plural countable nouns in the plural form and uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences.

e.g. I've got some lovely roses.

Do you mind if I put some music on?

Some can also be used with a singular countable noun to denote an unknown

person or thing

e.g. Some idiot left the door open.

She lives in some village in Yorkshire.

Some can be used in questions when the expected answer is 'yes, in requests.

e.g. Why don't you ask for some more sweets? Have you bought some paper and a pen?

2. Any is used to denote an indefinite quantity or number with plural countable

nouns and uncountable nouns in interrogative and negative sentences.

e.g. Have you got any razor blades?

You never give me any help.

It doesn't make any difference.

Any is common after 'if, especially to suggest “if there is/are any”. Some is possible after “if”

e.g. If you want some/any help, let me know.

Any fog will clear by noon. (If there is any fog… )

Any is used in affirmative sentences to mean 'it doesn't matter which/who

what, etc'.

e.g. Any child can learn to swim. Take any book you like.

3.No is used before a noun without an article. It is close in meaning to “not any”: but is more emphatic.

'Not any' cannot begin a sentence, no is used instead .

e.g. I have no wish to go there. No cigarette is harmless.

4. None is used to mean 'not a single one, not at all.'

e.g. There isn't any water, none at all.

Have you got any relatives? - None.

5. Before another determiner (article, pronoun) an of-phrase should be used."

e.g. Some of the pictures are not bad. None of us wanted to leave.

Compare: Some people are very hard-working.

Some of the people in this group are very hard-working.

6. Compound pronouns with some, any, no are used in the same way as simple pronouns. Anyone, as well as everyone, can be followed by an of-phrase only when it means 'any single one' (every single one). No one cannot be followed by .

an of-phrase.

e.g. You can borrow any of these videos at a time.


Exercise 1.

Put in 'some', 'any' or '-'.

a. This car hardly uses___petrol.

b. This car doesn't use_ _petrol - it's battery-powered.

c. Would you like____beer?

d. In Belgium they make a stew with___beef and___beer .

e. In ancient times they didn't use_ _ paper at all.

f. The letter was written on___yellow paper that smelled of dust.

g. Children do not like___milk.

h. Do you ever read___novels?

i. I read___wonderful novels by O'Brian when I was on holiday.

j. I'm fond of growing___flowers in my garden.

k. I've brought you___flowers.

1.I don't like____tea at this time of the day.

m. I'd love ___tea now.

n. Are your sisters _ doctors too?

o. We met _ doctors at the party.

p. Could you lend me __ money?

q. Is _ money something you worry about?

r. Do you like ____ mushrooms?

s. Are there ____ mushrooms left?

t. We need __ more milk.

u. __ Cheese is made from milk.

v. _ Life is short.

w. Here are _____ presents for the children.

x. Are there _ presents for the children?

y. _ Beans are good for you.

z. Here's _ dog at the gate.

Exercise 2

Supply 'some' or 'any'.

1 . I haven't seen Tom for years.

2. I haven't idea at all.

3. Are there more potatoes? - Yes, there are in the dish.

4. People just don't know how to mind their own business.

5. I didn't get any shoes at the sales, they were too expensive.

6. There are never taxis when you want one.

7. It took minutes to see what had gone wrong.

8. There were 500 people at the meeting.

9. Monica's really actress. .

10. There must be person who knows the answer.

11 .You're help, I must say!

12. Albert isn't just hairdresser, you know - lie is an artist!

13. Coat will do. It needn't be a raincoat.

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