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The major actors in a itselt.doc
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The major actors in a itselt, suppliers,



company's micro-environment are the market intermediaries, customers and

c ompetitors. D

The company ££*^к »$Г.~*

All of the departments within a company (e.g. finance, production, human resources) have an impact ob the marketing department's plans and actions.

The suppliers о^л* -ч*^ ^



\h/>cu ^ ^jigzuppliers rds and word-combinations: wholesale fo^Mm^fS^n the supplier environment, such as prices and

  1. The market intermediaries

    Translate the following wo ^ ^ ^ smth., competitor а^іШ№у of raw materials, have a substantial impact on a company's and retailer, to treat badly, the es y , (un)fortunately. marketing operations. market intermediaries, ^^^^^d^ during * The market in

  2. Has the commercial worm l^w Middlemen such as agents, wholesalers and retailers are powerful past twenty years? If so, why? nroducts what other type and important actors. In some cases they can dictate terms and even, if

3 Besides companies which sell simua p > , treated badly, bar the manufacture from certain markets.

of competitors does an organization face. Customers


asy to identify the decision-maker. Men normally choose their own hoes and women choose their own make-up. However, other products and especially new ones may well involve a decision-making unit of more than one person. Competitors A company's marketing system is surrounded by a host of competitors, The best way for a company to grasp the full range of its competition is to take the viewpoint of a buyer for whom there exist esire competitors (what I want to do), generic competitors (what to uy) and brand competitors (what brand to choose).

Unfortunately company executives tend to focus primarily on the rand competitors and on the task of building brand preference. In fact, companies are myopic if they focus only on their brand competitors. The real challenge is to expand their primary market rather than simply

to have impact on - мати вплив на

to grasp ~ усвідомити, зрозуміти

to take a viewpoint - прийняти точку зору

to pop into smb's mind - приходити на думку

soft drink - безалкогольний напій

preference - перевага

host - тут: величезна кількість

rather than - а не, швидше за все

generic - спільний, характерний для певного виду, класу

outside-in view - погляд зі сторони

to bar - заважати, чинити перешкоду, забороняти

myopic - короткозорий

The marketer needs to know what people are involved in the buying lecision and what role each person plays. For many products, it is fairly

The Market Environment ^

, • • -р+ь^г business Th;iSht for a larger share in a fixed-size market. Excellent companies take an outs.de« ^

monitor the ^^-^^"ІьГЖ -iron» Assignments

businesses to their Desl °Pp d forces that affect. I. Answer the questions.

comprises the «поп-соппоііашс — 1. What effect could a cost -conscious finance department have on a

company' s markets and marKeting. aarketing plan?


of a particular risk. Objective of risk management is to reduce different risks to the level accepted by society. It may refer to numerous types of threats caused by environment, technology, humans, organizations and


to integrate - об'єднувати, містити

risk assessment - оцінювання ризику olitics

opportunity costs - витрати в результаті прийнятого альтерщР Intangible risk management iden'tiriesa new type of risk-a risk that

тивного курсу; втрата прибутку через невикористання альтср^ & т% probabmty of occurring ш is { d by the organization

нативного курсу due t0 a lack Qf identification ability, Art^exafeiple, when deficient

mitigation of risk- пом'якшення наслідків ризику knowledge is applied to a situation, a knowledge risk materializes.

intangible risk-нематеріальний ризик Relationship risk appears when ineffective collaboration occurs.

knowledge risk - ризик необізнаності Process-engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational

relationship risk-ризик відносин procedures are applied. These risks directly reduce productivity of

knowledge worker-працівник розумової пращ knowledge workers, decrease cost effectiveness probability, service

cost effectiveness - ефективність витрат reputation, brand value, and earnings quality.

brand value - цінність торгової марки < ЛРШТІЙН0, Risk management also faces difficulties of allocating resources. This

is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources spent on risk management

ould have been spent on more profitable activities. Ideal risk

anagement minimizes spending while maximizing the reduction of the

egative effects of risks.

After establishing the context, the next step in the process of

fanaging risk is to identify potential risk. Risk identification can start ith the source of problem, or with the problem itself. Risk sources may >e internal or external to the system that is the target of risk 305OB'jj3afianagement. Examples of risk sources are: stakeholders of a project,

abuse of privacy information - зловживання конфіденційної * &


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