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Упражнение 36

1. Would you please illustrate this thesis?

2. In response to cries for help Dr. Richter and his staff depth-probed the situation.

3. The US Navy's Light Attack Squadron was tasked with providing close air support to Navy units and ground forces.

4. The Senate concentrated on the question of whether "Safeguard" should be expanded.

5. We have witnessed many breakthroughs in natural sciences.

6. One after another three Western states have been pilloried within a short span of time because of human right violations.

7. Nearly half of the women described the housewife who drew up the list including instant coffee as lazy and a poor planner.

8. Tanks roared into the city.


9. The old jalopy clanked up the hill.

10. She followed a column of soldiers into the Winter Palace.

11. Vormegut's play, "Happy birthday, Wanda June", is a study of popu­lar concepts of heroism.

Упражнение 37

1. Moldavia is a key supplier of essential oils.

2. Germany is a key exporter of optical instruments.

3. According to WHO statistics, heart diseases are # / killer.

4. The trade union movement will never forgive those who defy an overwhelming Labour Party conference decision.

5. Under the present administration there appears to be more interest in the Persian Gulf. But there is no evidence of an intention thus far to increase the US naval presence.

6. The White House is taking urgent steps to salvage the foreign aid program defeated in the Senate last Friday.

7. The government relies on this force in its market-oriented develop­ment policies.

8. Kurt Vormegut's next novel, "Slaughter House 5", was both a critical success and a runaway bestseller.

9. The culmination of 20 years of naval hydrofoil technology, Tukuncuri is one of the most advanced surface craft.

10. It was the period of the broad Western hemisphere and world pre-war united people's front struggle against fascism.

Упражнение 38

1. Now liberal critics have grown courageous enough tc deride it frequently.

2. These writers strive towards goals that lie outside of literature.

3. To be really cost effective, we must have a good footing in the inter­national video market.

4. Again we return to the economic model.

5. But now, with freedom at home, the boldest works of literature age with amazing speed.

6. Whenever Official Literature monopolized this theme, the mass reader devoured new works with genuine enthusiasm.

Упражнение 39

1. Lack of culture is the result of the lack of skills. Small wonder many try to make up for these short-comings with vanity and arrogance.


2. We cannot put up with it, because all these intrigues are against reform.

3. It is not difficult to think of many other areas where video could be used.

4. Why is this social desease getting worse?

5. Oil prices will be pegged to current world rates.

6. We set out to curb the powers of the economic bureaucracy.

7. The ideas of economic reforms were not thrashed out until 1987, and the first practical steps were taken at the beginning of 1988.

8. Nefteexport, naturally, tried to sell it for as high a price as it could get, just like any other exporter.