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Федеральное агентство по образованию

ФГАОУ ВПО «Сибирский федеральный университет»

Лесосибирский педагогический институт – филиал

ФГАОУ ВПО «Сибирский федеральный университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков


Семинарские занятия

Методические разработки

Специальность 050303 «Иностранный язык»

(квалификация «учитель иностранного языка»)


Немчинова Н.В.,

к.ф.н., старший преподаватель

Лесосибирск, 2012


Семинары являются неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса в вузе.

Подготовка к семинарским занятиям обеспечит закрепление и углубление теоретических знаний, развитие умений применять знания по лексикологии при анализе лингвистических явлений, а также делать самостоятельные обобщения и выводы из наблюдений за конкретным языковым материалом и т.д.

Предложенные для выполнения задания и упражнения являются разной степени сложности, созданы на материале примеров из художественных произведений современных англоязычных авторов и писателей-классиков, а также разнообразных словарей английского языка, периодической печати и электронных баз данных.

Подготовка к теоретическим вопросам семинара предполагает знакомство с рекомендуемой литературой и составление планов – конспектов устного ответа.

Практические задания выполняются в письменной форме в отдельной тетради, которая сдается на проверку после завершения семинара.

Seminar 1

Properties of the Linguistic Sign”


1. Semiotics. Semantic, pragmatic, syntactic treatment of the sign.

2. Properties of the linguistic sign:

a) arbitrariness;

b) asymmetric duality of the linguistic sign as the linguistic cause and condition for its dynamics;

c) motivation, iconicity.

3. Types of motivation:

a) phonetic motivation;

b) morphological motivation;

c) semantic motivation.


Practicum – Tasks 11, 12, pp.205-209.


1. Современный английский зык (слово и предложение). – Иркутск, 1997. – С. 6-11, 16-21.

2. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – М.: Высш. шк., 1986. – Р.33-36.

3. Ginzburg R.S., Khidekel S.S. Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – M.: Higher School Publishing House, 1966. – P.38-41.

Practice: Task 11

Find the phonetically motivated (onomatopoetic, sound-symbolic) word in the following sentences. Identify the source of the sound for the onomatopoetic words and point out the meaning of the phonetically motivated word in each case.


She stepped in deeper, avoiding the rocks that were all around, and splashed the water over herself, feeling the rushing river tugging hard at her legs (S. Sheldon).

Here the phonetically motivated (onomatopoetic) word is the verb splash. It imitates the sounds produced by liquids (in this context – water). The word means “to cause a liquid to fall in drops”. In the word splash , the clusters sp- and –ash are sound-symbolic: sp- is thought to be associated with water or other liquids; -ash suggests an association with swift, strong movement. In the sound-symbolic word rushing (“going with great speed”), -sh conveys the idea of swift movement.

1. For a moment Penelope felt a strong desire to giggle (L. Kennedy).

2. A University tramcar rumbled past (I. Levin).

3. Bees hummed in the shrubbery that flanked the wrought-iron fence (M. Daheim).

4. There was a crash of falling glass (A. Christie).

5. Outside the city the corn rustles and ripens in the sun (W.P. Kinsella).

6. There were little bells attached to his collar, that tinkled musically when he moved (Longman Language Activator).

7. …and they packed the pies at the bottom, and put heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in (J.K. Jerome).

8. I was surprised to hear the clatter of typewriter keys when I reached his door (J. Smith).

9. He had found the corkscrew and was drawing the corks from the bottles, each making a small plop as it came out (R. Dahl).

10. Crickets chirping all night and crows all day – how was a person supposed to get any sleep? (J. Smith).

11. He was not surprised at the silence; the wind was rattling a good deal (J.K. Jerome).

12. I could hear the shouts of children at play and the clip-clop of a trotting horse (A. Marshall).

13. Then Harris packed the strawberry jam on top of a tomato and squashed it, and they had to pick out the tomato with a teaspoon (J.K. Jerome).

14. She felt embarrassed at her own loquacity and was angry at herself for becoming so flustered at seeing him that she babbled to hide her feelings (S. Fraser).

15. The bacon sizzled in the frying pan (Longman Language Activator).

16. She waited for the clap of thunder, the bright flash of lightning that would destroy them all (S. Sheldon).

17. Dr. Joseph Pearson’s fingers drummed a nervous tattoo upon his office desk (A. Hailey).

18. The gates creaked at the first blow, cracked at the second, and shivered at the third (C.S. Lewis).

19. I muttered to myself as I banged down the receiver (J. Smith).

20. And still the computer clicked busily and its lights flashed (I. Asimov).

21. From the other side of the river they heard the beating of gongs and the clatter of fire-crackers (W.S .Maugham).

22. … for now the goblins took out whips and whipped them with a swish, smack!, and set them running as fast as they could in front of them… (J.R.R. Tolkien)

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